Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:08 am
John Egbert Thor Im going to trade the imperial dramon to a person on a future contest so I dunno what to say. Just say you are donating it to that person and then in the future they can donate to you, just be sure to quote them and Ulti so they know what's going on and to make sure it's ok.
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:09 pm
Forget it, I claim Imperialdramon in the name of the great empire of Avent. Do dat art that you do Ult. Sorry for delaying people. But come on. A couple of days, compare that to yearrrrs. Be crazy sauce.
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:17 am
;∆; Wheeeere's miiiiiine? ...are we having trouble finding pictures of a rainbow horn? x3
EDIT: well, I found this that has all the DW1 evo items, maybe it will work. *shrug* I'll keep looking.
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:18 pm
ultimatemk Sorry for the crapiness. I chose this without realizing that there wasn't an art for it at all. I tried my best and here is the results. SORRY crying Not that anyone will likely be getting one of these again ever, (seeing as this is apparently the first to be given away), but if you like, I could attempt to make a Rainbow Horn sprite for the guild to use for future reference. xD And it's all right, I understand that there wasn't much out there, I looked too.