(I really hope it's okay for me to make one, I just joined the guild today. XD)

It happens-

You go to sleep one night, and when you wake up in the morning, your whole entire world has gone completely haywire. You've either woken up in a whole different dimension, or you've woken up to find that your world is overrun with things that you thought were fictional!

Something has happened, and everyone needs to get together to fix it. Characters from video games, books, tv shows, movies, mangas and animes have been pulled from their worlds. Good guys, bad guys, you name it! That's not the only change. There's also three new moons circling Earth, each are about the same size as Earth's Original moon.

Whatever is going on, there are clearly sides forming. There are some people who want to go back to their home world as soon as possible, as they've left it unprotected. There are people who might want to stay on earth, not having an reason to go back, or maybe having a reason to stay. And then there are some people who want to stay and exploit the people of Earth. So many people have so many different agendas. No matter what, the main question is this;

"What the hell happened, and what are you going to do?"