NAME: Xion Yamigashi


AGE: 17


SUPERNATURAL POWERS: Able to make the air he's striking with into blue flames, but cannot just summon the out of the blue his soul span has to stretch a certain length
WEAPONS: A katana which when opens turns Xion into a full blood demon.

STORY: Xion was an average teen like any other ,but this day was different. The country where Xion lived it always is dull and rainy. But this day was actually sunny everyone was enlightened, except Xion. He thought that the world has gone mad. Two days after the Enlightened days something happened. The ground crumbled fire shooting from the ground. Xion saw his friends getting killed one by one, until.....a dark foe appeared..........He tapped Xions forehead........... Xion knew everyone was dead....he teeth rised from his jaw, a tail appeard from his behind, his ears were pointy, and then every thing stopped............The ground was normal, but everyone disappeared. Xion Traveled far, but came to an academy. He thought a new beginning starts here.

PERSONALITY: He always likes to socialize, and wants to meet new people, he flirts, but when he does if something annoys him he goes blank and cant talk.

FIGHTING STYLE: Uses the sword to easily assassinate his opponents, and uses the flames at close range.

Xion human base form
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Xion demon form
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