AGE: 119 (LOOKS 19)




Every vampire belongs to a Clan or Covenant that they would treat as their own family and each vampire possess a power or an affinity for one of the five elements. Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Spirit. Having an affinity for the elements isn't always what it seem like Water could lead to Ice, Fire could lead to Lightening, and so on.

As for her, she was gifted with the affinity for Spirit. Which is a really rare gift. Her power is Resurrection which to give life and her clan was grateful for this power but, as she became the age of thirteen she discovered that her power came with a down side. As she can give life, she can take it away as well. But, discovering this part of her power, ended one of her comrades life during a training exercise.

Well, that's what she was told anyway. She doesn't have any memory of it. Because of that event her Clan began to fear her, so the leader of the Clan banished her from the Clan.

But, a year passed since she left and one of the Guardians from her Ex-Clan thought she should know the truth behind her banishment. He told her that there was Evil lurking deep inside her and that she didn't kill just a comrade... She slaughtered hundreds of her kind. And that she was to dangerous and uncontrollable, once she's gotten into that killing state.

After learning the truth about herself, she's been looking for ways to control her darker self and to keep it contain. But, the solution she came up with wasn't so pleasant but, after a few years she has managed to live with it.

Also, because of her powers and not belonging to a Clan she has become The Haunted. She is being haunted down by various other Vampire Clans who wish to obtain her power, and not for the greater good of mankind.

She was given the Nickname: The Black Rose because of the meaning of a Black Rose. A Black rose may seem beautiful but, you have to watch out for the thorns. Also, a Black Rose could resemble Life, Love, or Death. So, Roselina may seem beautiful, but, deadly. Also, her power of Resurrection, to give life or to take it away. And she loves Roses especially Black Roses.

Roselina Atray went through and seen alot of hardships. But, she always manages to stay cheerful. She may seem mature and serious at times but, has a playful side underneath. Well, most of the time she is playful but, when it comes to being serious, she's serious. There's a really strange or weird thing to most people that may or may not trigger their playfulness but, for Roselina the one thing that triggers her playful self is sweets. Yes, sweets. She loves sweets. Just the scent of sweets triggers her playfulness. She also has a big appetite for sweets. She could consume a mountain of sweets.

Also, even though she's a vampire, she doesn't drink blood because of certain reasons. So, she substitute it with sweets which leads to her big appetite.

Despite how innocent she may seem Roselina likes weapons alot as much as sweets and because of her like for weapons she can manage to turn or use almost anything at her disposal as a weapon. She owns various times of weapons from, Swords to Bazooka's but, the weapons she uses the most are her semi-automatic pistols. Of which she keeps on her at all times. She's also good with hand to hand combat but, she prefers using her pistols.

Even though of her rough past and of friends coming and going, she always manages to have a smile on her face.

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