Name: Suggs Smash
Gender: Male
Assumed Age: 18
Theme Song: Baggy Trousers by Madness
Genre: Ska
Lyrics: "All I learnt at school, was how to bend not break the rules." "Lots of girls and lots of boys, Lots of smells and lots of noise." "
"Teacher comes to break it up, Back of the 'ead with a plastic cup"
"Oh what fun we had, But at the time it seemed so bad"
Personality: Suggs is a happy go lucky guy who can be a bit reckless at times. He likes to "bend not break the rules." He enjoys doing things he's not supposed to be doing and likes the ladies. He is quite the flirt. He is a typical rebel teenager.
Weapon: Saxaphone - Axe
Abilities He can bend the rules of physics. This allows him to change the density of matter and fly, Although it is more like he is jumping very high and far as he has changed his density.

Tempo: 12
Volume: 10
Pitch: 8
(These 3 mumbers must add up to be 30)
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