User Image

¤ Name: Sin Nameless

¤ Nicknames: Sin

¤ Race: Demon

¤ Gender: Male

¤ Sexual Orientation: Straight

¤ Age: 17

¤ Bio: Sin had a fairly normal childhood. Deciding to come here was on a whim, to try something new.

¤ Likes:
xxxxxx¤ Darkness/Shadows
xxxxxx¤ Music
xxxxxx¤ Drawing
xxxxxx¤ Solitude
xxxxxx¤ "Borrowing" Objects that catch his eye

¤ Dislikes:
xxxxxx¤ Arrogant People
xxxxxx¤ Anything Bright
xxxxxx¤ Troublesome Situations
xxxxxx¤ Fire
xxxxxx¤ Peppy People

¤ Fear: Fearless

¤ Weakness: Bright Lights

¤ Theme(s): Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead

¤ Other: - - -