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Epic Irony's Collection of Meatpuppets

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Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:20 am
Here's where I'll be storing the various husks of imagination I create. You can look, but you'd do well to not touch them. They don't take kindly to being copied, and in fact go out of their way to murder anyone who so much as alludes to them where they haven't agreed to exist yet.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:47 am
Character Name
User Image
Designated Role Play(s): Superhero RPs, generally
Name: Marko Balkic
Nick Names: Lite-Brite, Sparky, other various things correlating with electricity
Alias: Gigavolt

❧Physical Characteristics
Age: 18
Hair: Short & spiky, blonde
Eyes: Light blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: A dragon tattoo on his side
Height: 6ft
Weight: 157 lbs
Marital Status Single
Orientation: Straight

❧Personal Info
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Current Occupation: Mercenary / Assassin
Family: Unknown; assumed dead
Lovers, Friends, and Others: N/A

Personality: When he has to deal with people, he's sarcastic, rude, and generally an a**. He has his friendly moments, but they're few and far between, and generally too little too late for whoever they're aimed at. Beneath the cold, hostile exterior, however... Is an emotional train-wreck, near-psychotic totally broken psyche that is on the verge of total breakdown. He's yet to reach his actual breaking point, but when he does... It won't be pretty. He's surprisingly smart, for someone with such an... Unorthodox education.
Fears: He's cynical and narcissistic. He's afraid to find out that there are actually people out there who aren't as twisted and messed up as he is; he wants everyone to feel like he does, to understand.
Favorites: Spaghetti, Rock and Roll, Metal, Classic Rock, napping, cool cars, cool weapons, typical guy stuff.

❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers
Skills: He's quite efficient at CQC; taught by an AWOL Serbian Militiaman, he's also become something of a marksman. When he does indeed choose to use a firearm, he's incredibly accurate.
Abilities: He's a fantastic climber and has successfully tried his hand at parkour a few times.
Powers: Gigavolt has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity. This simple power branches out and affects him in various ways, such as the following;

The great amount of electricity flowing through his body creates a constantly generated magnetic field. This field serves two purposes; it allows him to turn himself into a simple but incredibly powerful electromagnet, giving him the power to grab hold of anything metal or magnetic, or to rip away any metal in his general vicinity. It also naturally deflects incoming metallic threats; bullets, thrown knives, or other threats of a metallic nature are automatically deflected when they get within range of the field.

The amount of electricity being generated in his body is distributed in various ways; his brain and muscles are given an extra boost. While his physical strength remains at a relatively human level, albeit near-Olympic competition level, his speed is superhuman. He's been clocked at over ninety miles per hour, and claimed that was a 'simple jog'. That's for longer distances; he's capable of near-instantaneous short-distance sprints, moving up to 30 feet so quickly it resembles something akin to teleportation.

The actual manipulation of electricity is very simple, but powerful. Raw bursts of electrical energy, resembling lightning bolts, are launched from any pointing extremity on his body in any direction he so desires. The most common is from his hands and fingertips. He's capable of opening up a constant electrical flow between him and the target, but if this is kept up the air grows hot enough to begin reverting to a state of plasma, and he's drained quite quickly. He's also capable of manipulating outside electrical forces and absorbing them, adding the extra electricity to his own stockpiled energy.

The nature of his powers also render him all but invisible to most forms of detection; radar and sonar are disrupted, visual processors become faulty; in fact, one of the only ways to reliably detect him (other than actually seeing him with your own eyes) is heat-sensors.

Weaknesses: He's severely traumatized. Getting him angry is a good way to bring up the painful past, but it's not always a good idea; in fact, it's a good way to get killed. However, when he's angry he gets careless and reckless. That's a good way to get killed, too.

Also, due to the constantly generated electricity in his system, he needs to discharge at regular intervals. If he fails to do so, he becomes 'overcharged', will begin to glow, twitch, and eventually discharge all at once. Such a thing has only happened once, and if it ever happened again it would almost definitely be fatal.
Technology/Weapons/Pharpenilia: Marko's flair for man-jewelry such as various rings and necklaces provides him with plenty of unconventional weaponry. Using electricity, he can propel these objects at bullet-like velocities... And kill people with untraceable projectiles. He also generally keeps a knife on him at all times, but rarely uses it; and in some rare cases he's been known to use a gun effectively. He generally doesn't hold onto technology for very long, as his constant need to discharge generally brings it to an untimely end.

Theme Song:
Marko was born to a Bosnian farming family during the Bosnia-Serbia wars. A group of Serbian militiamen broke into his house one night, killed his father in front of him, raped and mutilated his mother and younger sister (who was three at the time), and took Marko to a nearby Serbian military camp where he was involuntarily trained to be a child soldier. When it was revealed he was a mutant, and of such a magnitude as he was, he was put in the closest thing to a makeshift prison they had. While there, he refused to discharge, and for a month he was tortured and starved. When the explosion finally came, it was terrible; the sole survivor of the ordeal, other than Marko, was a field surgeon who had been considering deserting. Well, he did. And healed Marko, bringing the boy back from the brink of death. When he'd made a full recovery, the man trained Marko extensively in CQC, how to shoot a gun, and basic survival and medical skills. After teaching him how to survive, the man left. He specifically told Marko not to follow him... But of course, he did. Right into another Serbian military camp.

He watched in horror as the man who'd saved him, who'd given him another shot at life, slaughtered dozens before being shot down by a distant sniper. Marko went blind with fury and finished off the rest of the camp, his first victim being the sniper who took his mentor's life. After wiping out everyone posted at the camp, he was forced to flee because of the remainder of the company returning from a raid. He fled to Russia, where he quickly fell right in line with the shadier characters around. Once he'd made a name for himself as an assassin, he went international; spent a few years in Italy, where he framed the Cardinal for murder; England, where he planted the Crown Jewels in the Prime Minister's wife's bedroom; and the northern border of Mexico, where he stopped a cannibalistic family of inbreds from moving in on Mexican lands and causing an international incident. Most of these things, he was actually hired to do. Now he basically wanders around and looks for stuff to do. Not many people take him seriously because of his young age, but he's yet to fail an official contract.

Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:46 am
Character Name
User Image
Designated Role Play(s): Cityscape
Name: Johnathan Nash
Nick Names: His last girlfriend called him Wonder Boy, if that counts...
Alias: The Mechanic

❧Physical Characteristics
Age: 17
Hair: Black, mid-length
Eyes: The color of his eyes vary depending on the visual mode being used.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: N/A
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185 lbs
Marital Status Single
Orientation: Straight

❧Personal Info
Alignment: His only loyalty is to himself, and whoever's paying the most.
Current Occupation: Inventor, tinkerer, overall genius
Family: His only remaining family member is his older brother Josh, who he hasn't seen in years.
Lovers, Friends, and Others: N/A

Personality: He's more of a solitary person, but when you confront him about talking and stuff he's a bit awkward and eccentric. He's very business-minded, and if you're trying to hire him and just fool around, he's likely to refuse your offer. He does have standards, after all. And his sometimes strange requests and smart-a** remarks might get to you, but if you're looking for someone to improve a design, fix anything faulty, or come up with something new entirely, you won't want to go anywhere else. He's smarter than half the scholars in the country, put together. And can get more done than all of them. He's just... Slightly odd, is all.
Fears: His biggest fear is things like leeches or parasites that crawl underneath your skin and eat their way out. It's pretty gross and freaks him out beyond words.
Favorites: He likes really loud music. Doesn't even matter what kind, as long as he gets to blast music while he works. Aside from that, he doesn't really have a whole lot of favorite anythings.

❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers
Skills: Hacking, mechanical engineering, tinkering.
Abilities: He's a prodigy, a genius. Probably among one of the smartest people alive.
Powers: Due to a car accident, John lost not only his parents, but his eyes as well. They were replaced with cybernetic implants, earlier designs he'd made for a particular client. With a few improvements, of course; enhanced visual receptors that can pick up the tiniest details, facial recognition scans and a HUD displaying information, wireless connection to the internet wherever he is, and several other forms of 'seeing' such as radar and infrared.
Weaknesses: He's definitely not the most social person, and his quirks might come off as incompetence sometimes. He's also just a regular kid, despite the awesome robot eyes.
Technology/Weapons/Pharpenilia: Aside from his eyes and a .9mm He'd never be caught without, John will be found from time to time with the various things he creates and works on.

Theme Song:
From a young age, it was apparent he was a genius. By the age of three he'd taken apart a grandfather clock and put it back together; by nine he'd done it to his father's car. By thirteen he'd had several government contracts in designing various forms of weaponry, and after being cheated by taxes and such he decided his talents would be more profitable elsewhere. He moved his business to the shadier side of the law, and began selling his talents on the black market; now he's one of the most notorious weapons dealers in the country, with a not-so-small fortune to his name and more than one friend and friend-for-hire backing him. He's certainly not a guy you want to mess with... But at the same time, if you can get on his good side he might cut you a pretty nice deal. No freebies, though. A guy's gotta live, after all.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:13 am
Character Name
User Image
Designated Role Play(s):
Fantasy RPs, OC

Name: Unknown
Nick Names: N/A
Alias: The Hunter

❧Physical Characteristics
Age: Records of him stretch back nearly fourteen hundred years.
Hair: White, slightly longer than mid-length
Eyes: Yellow
Ethnicity: Dark Elf
Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: He has various symbols 'tattooed' on him at all times; these are actually the marks of his imprisonment in mortal flesh.
Height: 7'
Weight: 193 lbs
Marital Status Single
Orientation: Straight

❧Personal Info
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Current Occupation: N/A
Family: Unknown
Lovers, Friends, and Others: N/A

Personality: Very calm, cool, and collected. He rarely shows any emotion, and when he does it's generally a disgust for any of the 'lesser beings' around him. He's not a huge fan of anyone in particular, but those who prove themselves powerful earn his utmost respect... And contempt. Despite his shortcomings as a nice man, he is indeed an honorable man; if he says he's going to do something, you can bet your last damn dollar that he's going to do it.
Fears: The light, whatever powers bound him to this body.
Favorites: He favors the idea of freeing himself and returning to the Ethereal Void.

❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers
Skills: Upon entering his current body, he found himself able to pick nearly any lock through physical means. Not that he'd need to do it through physical means, of course. His former body's occupant was also apparently an accomplished marksman; he has impeccable aim.
Abilities: Compared to others of the same species, his physical strength is also superior.
Powers: Due to the nature of his current imprisonment, most of The Hunter's powers are gone. He retains the ability to change his shape for short periods of time, his affinity for the arcane- he's a very powerful sorcerer- and his ability to Shadow-Travel, using darkness as a method of getting from point A to point B. These few blissful seconds are the only times he gets to revisit the Ethereal Void. If he stays too long, his presence will be noted and he will be destroyed; as such, he cannot travel too far through this method. He doesn't require physical sustenance, like most physical beings; instead, he's something of an empathic vampire. He feeds on the emotions of those around him. His favorites are fear and sadism, and as such he sows as much discord and chaos as he can, wherever he goes.
Weaknesses: Being a creature of darkness, natural light weakens him. While in the light, he loses most of his physical strength and the ability to feed. Also, sources of these natural lights- such as fire- are much more detrimental to his health than to a normal person.
Technology/Weapons/Pharpenilia: While he does carry a dagger on him at all times, he rarely finds the need to use such a barbaric weapon. In fact, he despises it; it's the very dagger that carved the symbols keeping him in this wretched body. But because of this, the dagger is sort of 'enchanted,' as it will return to him if it is ever removed from his person.

Theme Song:
The Hunter was created at the same time as the Ethereal Void; at the beginning of time and creation. However, at this time he was formless; he was simply the connection between the Ethereal Void and the Physical Realm. When the very first necromancer brought back a body from the dead, trying to bring back a lover, a rift was created in the connection. This simple rift, a ripple really, was a primarily innocent idea. Life. It ran the length of the connection and into the Ethereal Void, ferrying the first soul back into the world and putting it into the man's body. However, it also caused the connection as a whole to develop a consciousness; and thus The Hunter was born in actuality, as an entity. He was alive. However, as more and more necromantic rituals were performed, emptying out the Ethereal Void and causing The Hunter untold pain as souls were torn from him, he put an end to it. Most of the souls were reclaimed as The Hunter entered the physical realm, and none were allowed out from the Ethereal Void ever again.

This wasn't enough for The Hunter, who'd become greedy and bloodthirsty; he ravaged the physical realm in plagues and massacres of terror for the longest time, bringing more and more souls back with him each time. Finally, a group of mortals in the physical realm had enough. They tricked a wicked human into summoning The Hunter in order to obtain some of his power- in return, the human was to use this power to send as many souls to the Void as possible- but, instead of the deal being struck, The Hunter was bound to the wicked man's body by a blood sacrifice to the Old Gods. The wicked man's blood served as the sacrifice, and The Hunter replaced the man's soul, leaving him in control of the body. While it lessened his powers greatly, he still was able to use magic in the ways mortals did. Natural sorcery was still rare at this time, as most mortals needed rituals or complex incantations to tap into magic; this made The Hunter even more of a recognized threat, forcing him to retreat into hiding and grow his powers. While he dreams of returning to the Ethereal Void, he has yet to discover a way for it to be possible, as death will simply end The Hunter altogether.  

Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:11 pm
Character Name
User Image
Designated Role Play(s): Lights Out}
Name: Christian Smith
Nick Names: Chris

❧Physical Characteristics
Age: 22
Hair: Black, Long-ish
Eyes: Green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: He's got a snake tattoo running the length of his left arm.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Marital Status Single
Orientation: Straight

❧Personal Info
Alignment: Chaotic good
Current Occupation: He's the lead guitarist for a local up-and-coming rock band.
Mother- Cynthia Smith
Father- Francis Smith
Younger Sister- Joy Smith
Lovers, Friends, and Others: His best friends are in the band with him, and he was heading out to meet them when the bus crashed.

Personality: He's actually very nice, despite how he looks. He can initially come off as a bit surly or upset, especially when irritated or scared. But when it comes down to it, and you've earned his trust and respect, he's fiercely loyal and very protective of people he cares about.
Fears: Chris is terrified of sustaining injuries to his hands. Making music is his life, and without hands he couldn't play the guitar.
Favorites: Music, metal bands, Italian food, snow, warm weather.

❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers
Skills: He's a fantastic guitar player.
Abilities: He's gifted with above-average physical strength, and he's pretty smart thanks to finishing school.
Powers: He's just a guy. No powers.
Weaknesses: For a long time he had insecurity issues, but he's pretty sure he's gotten over those. He's also just a guy. Just as susceptible to tooth and claw as he is to bullets.
Technology/Weapons/Pharpenilia: His guitar, and the switchblade he keeps on him at all times. For safe keeping.

Theme Song:
Born into a decent upstanding family, Chris was an only child until he was eight. Then his younger sister was born, and he immediately took on the role of protector until he entered high school. Then he discovered that the joy of pummeling his sister's tormenters was only outdone by the joy of a woman's company. He became something of a lady's man, going through a total of 16 girls in his junior and senior year. Then his little sister was mugged coming home one night- when he was supposed to have picked her up- and although nothing serious happened, and the perps were caught, she blamed him. And more importantly, he blamed himself. He tortured himself for a long time with thoughts of what could have happened to her, and stared carrying around a switchblade and taking on the role of protector once more. Then he went to community college for a while, starting a band with his childhood friends; they actually got a pretty decent start, playing gigs at local bars and such, even getting a regular deal at a popular rave. They eventually got a record deal, at a company based in Canada; the other members of the band went immediately by plane, but Chris took a few days to say his goodbyes. He began utilizing the country's almost-intact bus system, and made it as far as the border before crashing.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:04 pm
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Designated Role Play(s): Marvel Uprising
Name: Bruniik
Nick Names: N/A
Alias: Gargoyle

❧Physical Characteristics
Age: Technically 134, but only conscious for 29. Earth years and Tarkic years are nearly identical.
Hair: None
Eyes: Bright yellow
Ethnicity: Tarkic (Originally created alien species)
Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: He has various scars on his face and arms, from battles with his own.
Height: 8ft
Weight: 211 lbs
Marital Status Single
Orientation: Straight/uninterested

❧Personal Info
Alignment: Good
Current Occupation: Vigilante outlaw
Family: Vrillek Clan- currently still on Tark
Lovers, Friends, and Others: N/A

Personality: Despite his grotesque appearance, Bruniik is actually a very kind-hearted (if a bit blunt) soul. He fails to grasp the finer points of human interaction such as subtlety and politeness, due to his lack of human interaction; however, because of his own moral standings and learning, he has become fond of humans... Despite their misgivings about him. Because they reject him due to his looks, he instead dons the cloak of night and brings bloody vengeance to any who would do the people harm. His name means 'savage' in his tongue- and indeed, he is capable of terrible savagery. Especially to the frail human frame.
Fears: Bruniik's biggest fear is failure. Or rather, his failure bringing about the harm or death of another.
Favorites: He's yet to discover his 'favorites.'

❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers
Skills: He's taught himself quite a bit about the human anatomy as a way to study them.
Abilities: The planet of Tark is much denser than Earth, making it's gravitational pull nearly seven times as powerful; as such, the Tarkic people are 'super strong' in comparison to humans. Bruniik is relatively weak as far as his own people go, but amongst humans he can hold his own even against the mutants and superheroes in terms of raw strength. But even among the Tarkic people, Bruniik was gifted with speed; he can hit fifty mph without breaking a sweat, maxing out at almost a hundred and twenty. And, as all Tarkic people, he can fly thanks to the wings on his back. Also, members of Tark's Soldier class (which is what Bruniik is) have natural armored skin nearly as durable as industrially treated titanium.
Powers: As part of the experiment with sending Bruniik to Earth, he was genetically modified to survive based on environmental estimations read from planetary probes. The probes' data was slightly outdated, but he's still able to breathe oxygen- even dissolved oxygen, underwater.
Weaknesses: Because of the outdated information gathered by the probe before Bruniik's being sent to the planet, he may find himself short of breath if he over-exerts himself; while he still has considerable endurance, he's also sensitive to going too high. He requires a greater oxygen intake than the higher atmosphere can provide, limiting him to low-flying altitudes, and despite his ability to breathe underwater as well, if he finds himself in an algae growth or some other such oxygen depleting phenomena, he might suffocate.

He's also got the fatal flaw of all the Soldier class of Tark- pride. Once issued a challenge, his pride as a warrior dictates he must overcome it. Not to mention he's facing off against a bunch of humans- while not 'lower mortals' or anything like that, he certainly doesn't view them to be on equal footing as far as combat goes. He has a hard time backing down from even implied challenges, unless he completely misses it. Which might happen, as he can also be a bit oblivious to 'human subtleties.'

While not technically a 'flaw' so much as a personality quirk, he's very straightforward and even harshly blunt when dealing with humans. Social interaction is quite different where he comes from, so dealing with humans is tougher for him than most. Especially when they scream and run away from him, or shoot at him.
Technology/Weapons/Pharpenilia: His claws and teeth.

Theme Song:
The Tarkic people have several classes, each which are technically different variations on the same evolutionary tree of one base species. The Ferals, a group of unthinking, ferocious beasts; their nearly-overwhelming presence makes Tark a rather dangerous planet. The Soldiers- the first line of defense against the Ferals, and Bruniik's own class- these clan-based people, while primitive, are highly intelligent (as compared to the Ferals and humans) and surprisingly civilized. A spartan-like culture, valuing prowess in combat over just about everything; they'd have long ago taken control of Tark if not for the final class' overwhelming advantage. The Promethean class is the most advanced and intelligent race on Tark; these are the monarchs, ruling through the use of technology over their more 'primitive brothers.' The Promethean class often abducts children from the Soldier class, such as Bruniik himself, and perform various experiments to further their own causes; in this case, Bruniik (after preparations, of course) was sent to Earth in order to study the planet, and discover whether or not it was habitable. However, in the landing, the transceiver nanites in Bruniik's system, the way the Prometheans would have received all the information transmitted from his observations, were fried. Which left them thinking he was dead, and effectively stranding him here on Earth.

He discovered quickly that the inhabitants of this planet aren't just awkwardly squishy and reliant on technology like the ruling Promethean class he was used to, but they were outwardly hateful and biased against him, thinking he was some kind of monster. After researching this a bit, he discovered he indeed resembled the gargoyle statues often used in architecture, and thus took on this alias in his endeavors to patrol the night.

Epic Irony

Profitable Prophet

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