Fox on Stilts
I just have a question if I may post it.
I'm an atheist but I married into a catholic family. My husband is atheist as well though. During the holidays we went to his brothers and before I could eat they wanted to join hands and say a prayer. I really dislike having to be involved in stuff like that but I didn't know how to excuse myself from that situation without coming off rude. I mentioned to his younger cousin that I really didn't want to be apart of it since I'm atheist and she made a snarky comment about it.
What is a good way to go about stating to them when a situation like that arises again that I don't want to partake in their prayers? I could just suck it up and do it but it makes me feel really uncomfortable to do so.
I know this feeling all too well. However, I usually stay quiet because it's not worth any of the hassle that can come from dismissing someone else's rituals.
I'll just usually bow my head along with them and stare at the table. If I'm asked to say a blessing, I'll say something like "I'll pass, but thanks," and smile a bit. As uncomfortable as I am when I'm forced to join in a blessing, I don't want to offend anyone. It shouldn't offend them, but it can.
Since it's your husband's family, consider how your standing with them is now. If they like you already, maybe they'll try to respect you (although snarky comments seems to be against that), but if you're on a neutral to iffy standing with them, just go with it. It could create some hostility or tension if not.