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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

Tags: homestuck, troll, breedables, mspa, alternia 

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Arseni Kiopoi - Redblood (Open-ish for crits~)

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Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:58 pm

xxxxArseni Kiopoi { Arr-sen-ee Kio-poi }
xxxxxxxxArseni - Arsenic
xxxxxxxxKiopoi - "King of Poisons" is a name associated with arsenic due to its prevalent use as a poison in murders. An alternate is "Poison of Kings."

Blood colour__
xxxxRedblood #9c100a


xxxxThe alchemical symbol for Arsenic

xxxxRough and tumble crack shot.
xxxxArseni is pretty confident in herself, despite her lowblood status. She's proud of her accomplishments--even if most of them are rather minor thus far--and has the full intention to make the most of her limited life expectancy. Even if doing so risks cutting it all the shorter. Cocky and self-assured, the young troll has a very upbeat persona. To those she meets, she speaks in light-hearted tones, regardless of blood color. Of course, that friendly tone can quickly turn into disbelieving eye-rolls and hiss-laughter if someone begins throwing their blood color around. As if that really makes them better. Arseni is not one to appreciate people trying to "pull rank" without actual proof that they are superior in some means. Of course, prove it, and she'll be biting her tongue as she eats her own words. Until then, expect no respect from this redblood if you try that crap. Even if trolls get pissed off by her cocky-light attitude, she doesn't care much and just shrugs and gives more hiss-laughter. Unless someone actually goes after her for it physically. She's not against some smaller scuffles to settle minor disputes, even if her smaller size can be a large disadvantage on her side, and in fact can even prefer them as a means of "setting the record straight." Verbal debates have a hit-and-miss tendency with her. Trolls with a strong presence and information to back themselves up--or at least the charisma to make it seem they know what they're doing--can usually get her to back down, but anyone blowing hot air or who might falter will have Arseni laughing in their face. In which case, it might be just time to show her they're better. Be this through practical shows of skill, or actual physical conflict, would depend on the troll.

xxxxTalk to me about Troll Daredevil or go sit over there and let me tinker in peace.
xxxxDon't talk to Arseni about robotics or machines. Don't talk to Arseni about robotics or machines. Don't-- ...oh damnit. Congratulations. You've now set her off on a gleeful rant that'll probably last the next hour or two. Or at the very least have guaranteeing yourself a peek at her various projects and their various stages. With an immense love for tinkering with machines of various types, Arseni has a long track record of breaking them just as often as she fixes them. Robotics fascinate her, even if aspects of their actual programming go a bit above her think pan. Due to this, any robots she does happen to construct become immobile targets for her larger love: guns. A large section of her hive is dedicated to the construction and modification of the weapons, some of which she'll even sell or barter with. Arseni has completed customizations on other types of weapons for other trolls, however a few have turned out... less than epic due to her lack of familiarity with the types of weapons themselves.
xxxxWhen she's not scavenging for more parts she can utilize, or working on a new project, Arseni can be found reading some various comics. Troll Batman, Troll Catwoman, and Troll Daredevil are easily her favorite characters, fascinated by their adventures, quirks, and of course the amount of a**-kicking they are capable of. She might secretly ship Troll Batman and Troll Catwoman as matesprits, and Troll Batman and Troll Joker as kismeses. She might also secretly be trying to replicate their weapons and gear. With minimal success. But wouldn't it be amazing if she could?!
xxxxA minor hobby, more of a continuous interest, is that of poisons. Toxicology is something that has generally mystified Arseni since she was first taken under Mambamom's coils, watching in wonder as the snake's venom devastated her prey. However, she has never quite had the means to... really play around with it. Sure she has an abundant supply from Leasp, and she's pretty sure she could get her lusus to go along with things, however outside of constructing a set of small, hollow bullets with Leasp's venom within them for an extra punch... Arseni's not sure what she'd do with the venom. The bullets currently sit in her respiteblock, hidden away in case she ever... actually finds a use for them.

xxxxSee me by my actions, not the color of my blood.
xxxxAs stated before, Arseni is no fan of the concept that the color of one's blood should dictate if they're better than someone else or not. Instead, she is a troll of action--or words!--over color. Prove you're better than her in the aspect you claim, and she'll admit defeat honorably. Tote around just your blood color, and refuse to prove why exactly you're better... and she'll laugh at you. As it is, she does at least have the self-pride to not lord it over someone if she ends up being better than them in some capacity. Usually. She might fall prey to bragging if the other pissed her off enough prior to the proving.
xxxxWhile she won't say so openly, not even she's dumb enough to do that, she does wish for the days where the hemospectrum-based caste system will be no more.

xxxxAcrobatic - Just try and catch me.
xxxxIf there's a bonus to being raised by a serpentine lusus, Arseni's speed and flexibility would be the most obvious. Of course, her small size helps in this. Moving quickly through the desert city, even if by rather... abstract means by use of the urban terrain itself, she's more than capable of scurrying and slipping around areas to find vantage points. Assuming there are any. In her daily life, she moves with a certain level of "liquid" to each action, often performing odd stretches and bends to allow her to reach things even within her own work-space. Most of this is on habit at this point, used to Mambamom's instructions during training and even Arseni's own silly attempts to replicate Leasp's movements to the best of her ability when younger. Certainly has its advantages though, and she'll often utilize her acrobatics in a fight, particularly to either get up behind her opponent, or to just flatly get away. Not that her methods are foolproof necessarily, but they've been of asset to her in the past. Why stop relying on it now?

xxxxPerceptive - Ha! Saw that!
xxxxDespite what her antics and personality might suggest, there isn't much her quick eyes miss. Personality quirks, expression ticks, other social cues, even the ticks and movements of the world around her. While most of her speculation and categorizing of what's important and what's not is all derived on personal experience, that doesn't mean the important tid-bits aren't stored away somewhere in her pan. Throw her into a green forest, and while she might not understand that the sound of snapping twigs mean something's incoming, the sounds would be noted and stored away. Once she had the proper association, she would not be making that mistake again. Of her five senses, her sense of sight and hearing are the two she most relies on, though Mambamom has attempted to teach her how to use her sense of touch to note vibrations in the ground. To little to no progress, however. She does, however, use those two senses to hunt and track, and is quite confident in her abilities. Socially, she is keen on picking up cues from others, but again, her own experiences can limit her. She might associate a micro-expression similar to a smirk to cocky behavior, but that's not to say she'll read it as the potential conniving implications it actually has. Arseni's used to the too-sweet smiles from dealers or traders trying to sneak her out of a good deal, but put on a good enough front with her and she won't necessarily be able to read your "hidden meanings" without proper first-hand experience.

xxxxResourceful - Y'know, if you combine these two things together...
xxxxCall it a gift from growing up where you had to work for your meals. Or perhaps just a side-effect from having a hobby or two where scavenging for parts, and trying to mush together pieces to see what fits, is just part of the game. Areseni's got a mind more than capable of roaming outside the box when presented with a puzzle of any variety. Sure she might require a few trials and tests to see if her ideas actually work, but hey. The ideas are there! Most of her attire and creations are the product of scraping together what she could find, and mashing them together to see what worked best with what. Even grabbing food can be a bit of an adventure when she has a lack of things to barter with, never mind limited funding. She'll just never tell Leasp that stealth can sometimes be used for... a bit more than just sneaking up on your prey. Of course, there's also been her own testing and discovering of what's even edible out in the desert. Not that this has always been met with the best results, but has on the majority proved useful for later ventures out. Now that she's relocated to Old Hemisect, this has become all the more useful in... well, just figuring out how to survive out here. Never mind scavenging for proper parts.

xxxxAccuracy - Pick a target, any target.
xxxxMuch like with her perception, Arseni's keen eye comes coupled with another key component: her steady hands. While this has required some sweeps of practice with her weapons to achieve her efficiency, something that makes her all the more reluctant to ever pick up another weapon in place of them. Long barrel or short, two-handed or one, Arseni values her long-ranged projectiles and in turn is growing into quite the sharpshooter. While she does not yet have a perfect 100% accuracy, and trying to run and shoot can still end up with less than stellar shots, her accuracy rate while standing still is definitely up there. She has no problems spending hours in her firing range practicing still and moving shots, with the full intent on becoming one of the best shots out there. Never mind... if she takes out her opponent before they get close to her, or before they even know she's there, all the better for her continued survival.

xxxxFlippant - Thoughts.
xxxxIt's not that she doesn't respect you... it's that she never really sees that she should show that respect. Assuming you even have it. Her light-hearted, airy, and even cocky attitude and comments can easily rub other trolls the wrong way. Especially if they're the kinds that expect actual respect and discipline out of lowbloods. Even if they manage to somehow put Arseni in her place concerning their superior skills--or just general superiority, if that was the argument--she will never fully be the type to bow without a hiss-laugh. Or at the very least, a roll of her eyes. Her tendency to remark and speak without taking ranks into account, even to friends, can all too easily come across as disrespectful, or down-right rude. Even if that wasn't her intent in the first place. In her own mind, she's simply treating everyone equally. What she doesn't realize, however, is even this equality treatment of hers can be a bit disrespectful to all.

xxxxBlundering - Fire first, wince about hitting the wrong target later.
xxxxPerception doesn't necessarily mean the ability to use what the troll perceives. Much to Arseni's chagrin. Just because she noticed something doesn't mean she'll respond to it in time, assuming she even registers what it is. Her mouth and body tend to move a bit faster than her brain, and she can all too easily register something important a little too late. Attacking to the left when another opponent is coming at her from the right? Sure she noticed it, and sure a part of her brain is screaming and bracing for the painful impact, but Arseni's body is still mid-movement towards her first objective and even with her speed won't be likely to switch gears in time. Even racing around can prove disastrous to her, should she notice yet not actually register the fact there's kinda a branch right in her path move move move-- frack. Arseni has yet to really master the ability to "notice first, respond accordingly after" as she tends to be usually caught up in a prior response first. Something that also applies wondrously to her social interactions. Won't matter much if she notices you're getting all the more annoyed as she keeps talking. If she's set on saying something, her mouth will keep on moving and digging her proverbial grave despite the brighter part of her brain screaming that everything around her is giving her the signs to shut the hell up. Someday she'll learn how to surpass this. Maybe. Hopefully. ...Leasp can dream....

xxxxPhysically Weak - I'mma just... shoot... from afar... and run like hell if you get too close.
xxxxShe might have some musculature on her from lugging around food for her lucus and various machine parts, but Arseni isn't built for strength in the slightest. This can usually come around to haunt her when it comes to her daily tasks if she's not careful--or have Leasp around to help her--if she's trying to drag around things a bit too much for her stature. Which it tends to do while she's scavenging. Her pockets can become a bit too full for her, add in trying to physically drag around larger pieces... it can get cumbersome. Fast. Which can quickly make for a sitting featherbeast of an Arseni if she can't quickly drop her findings to defend herself. Even if she's free of extra weight, she can quickly become swamped in a fight against a physically stronger opponent. If Arseni can't get the upper hand by sneaking around or through ranged attacks, she has no shame running the hell away to try and avoid a physical confrontation. She knows her limits, and her biggest ones just happen to be with the fact she's puny and weak.

xxxxLimited Knowledge - ....what's a frond nub..?
xxxxArseni knows two main areas of the world: the desert, and... well, somewhat the area around Old Hemisect. Her interactions have mainly been done with red, orange, and yellowbloods of Chittentown. Throw her into the company of anyone else, or the surroundings of anywhere else, and she's as wide-eyed and out of her game as a wriggler in the day time. If not even that blind in some aspects. (( Need to flesh out more OTL ))

xxxxPistolkind - Shoot first, ask questions later.
xxxxA .9 pistol, Arseni has customized it so that while the barrel is metal, the underside and trigger are _____ red. The grip and hammer of the gun are all black. From the bottom of the grip, a rather useless talisman hangs that bears her symbol. She likes the decoration!

WIP Concept
xxxxxxxxBlack choppy locks reach down to around the middle of her back, if you happen to catch her while it's down. Usually it's kept up in a messy bun, with the rest left to puff and fall down to just below her chin. Her bangs are just as choppy in the front, though kept to around chin length on the sides. She's dyed segments throughout her hair red, darker than her blood color.
xxxxxxxxArseni has three - one small one in the center of her forehead, with two more sprouting up from the sides of her skull. The two outer ones mimic her symbol, in reverse. Like the two bottom "spokes" jut down and then point inward towards the bottom tip of the triangle, her horns jut up and then point inward towards her center horn.
xxxxxxxxHer canines are elongated enough for them to poke at her bottom lip unless she deliberately closes her mouth. The teeth closest to them on either side are also a bit longer, though not as drastically.
xxxxxxxxSlender and lithe, Arseni does have some musculature to her due to lugging around machine parts and food for her lucus. Her body is one made for speed and flexibility, however.
xxxxTypical attire
xxxxxxxxIf given the choice, she'd wear considerably little. Loose clothing tends to just get her caught on things. A black scrap across her chest, well-worn pants tucked into combat boots--with metal heels and toes, and buttons with her symbol--is the average thing you'll find Arseni in. Belts to hold her gun holster, and extra pouches for ammo and minor do-dads, are also pretty common if she leaves her hive. Now and then, she'll throw on a heavy coat with a large hood. Pockets galore on the inside, much to her delight.

xxxxBeach - ...Can we go back to Chittentown, Mambamom..?
xxxxOld Hemisect is... hardly the optimum place to reside, so far as Arseni is concerned. Nor has it been for the quarter-sweep she's lived there. It was only by Leasp's insistence that she get out and experience at least some more of the world that the troll finally relented and agreed to a relocation. However, she was avidly against moving to New Hemisect City. Least Old Hemisect seemed like it wouldn't be overrun with highbloods...
xxxxThe hive has been constructed on a stretch of land a ways from the water, more elongated than tall. Narrow passages with near constant turns and nooks parallel underground burrows, with the main rooms--kitchen, respective respiteblocks--being the largest, dome-esque rooms of the hive. A few sections lead outside, giving the serpent and troll perfect moonbathing areas. There is a basement of sorts dug deep into the ground, though those serve mostly as Leasp's lair and thusly, Arseni's training grounds. She has long since converted one large area into a firing range for her personal use, much to Leasp's annoyance.
xxxxDesert - Let me create in peace.
xxxxArseni has more than a little love for her old hive in Chittentown. The presence of other lowbloods had done well for her self-esteem, even in the reality that such acceptance might not be as common outside the canyon walls. More than that, life in Chittentown had enabled the troll a relatively easy access to the world of technology, feeding her never ending desire to dissect, reform, and customize the machines she loves to surround herself with. A bonus: her lusus quite enjoyed the heat, even if both could do without the sandstorms.

xxxxLeasp { Lee-ASp }
xxxxxxxxxLepis - Ancient Greek for "scales"
xxxxxxxxxAsp - Ancient Greek for "venomous snake"
xxxxA monstrous snake--black mamba, to be exact--reaching around 13 feet in length. What she might lack in size and strength she makes up for with her dexterity, impressive speed, and when all else fails: her highly potent and rapid-acting venom. Leasp values stealth and flexibility--both physical and metaphorical--immensely, something she has instilled on her young charge. Brute strength and direct approaches are frowned upon by the serpent, who instead sees power and logic in more... abstract efforts. Not to say she approves of underhanded antics. Leasp maintains a high sense of honor and pride, quoting stealth as an act of tactics and logic to aid in a hunt and survival, not dishonorable theft. To help teach her tiny troll these life lessons, she often tested Arseni with various "games" where they would have to sneak up on the other within the twisting halls. Whoever could get into the "kill" position without getting caught, won. Leasp often was the winner, as both the "hunter" and the "prey."
xxxxArseni did learn various tricks from her serpentine caretaker when it came to dexterity and speed over the years, and has picked up a habit of hissing in various instances. Her laughter ("hesshesshesshess") and shows of displeasure are among the most obviously affected by this.
xxxxLesap has a low tolerance for loud noises, and as such does not approve of Arseni's choice of weapons. She often shows her distaste for the firing range in her lair by damaging some of Arseni's targets. Unfortunately, the troll is able to repair the damages, or simply construct new targets.
xxxxTowards her charge, the lusus is "gritty affectionate," according to Arseni. Stern and not exactly the most cuddly of creatures, the serpent does have her moments where she will curl around Arseni for a few moments in a sort of "hug." When Arseni is able to successfully sneak up on, or detect Leasp's approach, she is often rewarded with such embraces or evenings of "free shots." In which Leasp won't openly complain or rebel to Arseni's use of her firing range. Outside of those affectionate moments, Leasp can be quite a distant lusus, spending her time curled up either deep in her lair, or on some of the sections above ground. If not lurking around the hive in general, hissing for her food. Back in the desert, that consisted of living, breathing mice-like creatures Arseni had to track and capture before lugging back to her lusus. Now by the water, it more includes fish and small bird-like creatures, of which tracking and capturing is... a bit more difficult. Leasp claims it is a perfect chance for Arseni to practice her stealth and speed. Arseni remarks Leasp is just lazy and gross, not letting her just kill the stupid things before she brings them back... That being said, Leasp did the majority of her own hunting when Arseni was younger, and still does do a great deal of it now, if only to keep up her abilities. She does enjoy seeing her charge returning with food for her, though.
xxxxTowards other trolls, on the off occasion she happens to come across them, Leasp is rather territorial. However, her preference for stealth and dislike of a direct approach keeps her from attacking outright. Instead, she'll keep her distance from offenders. Should they approach, she'll raise almost a third of her body off the ground and hiss, showing her fangs, as her main display of such territory, before continuing onward. Only if they continue to approach, or otherwise show themselves to be a threat, will she respond with her speed and venom. Should Arseni be around during potential altercations, she generally tries to act as a friendly medium between the other troll(s) and Leasp.
xxxxCalled "Mambamom" by Arseni.

xxxxMind blast
xxxxA very basic name for a very basic power. Arseni is capable of unleashing blasts of psychic energy in straight lines towards a single target. Currently, she is not capable of doing this in quick succession--attempting to do more than one per every two minutes gives her a headache, and faster than one per 30 seconds seems impossible--nor are they especially powerful. Upon making contact with the target, assuming they remain within its path, the target is subjected a sharp pressure against their body. It is brief however, lasting only a few seconds. The initial impact strong enough to knock someone back a step. From what Arseni has been able to tell, it has a range limit of five feet.
xxxxThere is a reason Arseni rarely uses her ability. In her opinion, it's virtually useless. The range is crap, it can't actually do much, and trying to use it too often makes her think pan feel like it's splitting in two. She barely uses it, and can count on her hand how many times she's actually used it since emerging from the brooding caves. During those times, an enemy had gotten too close to her, and escape was impossible. A quick burst of her power had been enough to enable her to escape, though in each occurrence her opponent quickly recovered and came after her again without much trouble. Thankfully for her, her lusus was there each time to aid her. Arseni puts more faith in her guns, speed, and Leasp than she does in her power. Yeah maybe, given time, practice, and development, it could increase in range, fire rate, and actual damage. She has no idea though.
xxxxOffensive, style A.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:00 pm

Saving myself another post~

Might throw a Homestuck-esque intro in here B|a

Open for crits, though I am still trying to work on a few sections to beef them up. More input is always welcomed <3


Unsealed Gatekeeper

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:02 pm
okeydoke, let's see

for strengths, perhaps accurate would sound better than accuracy, just to match with all the other titles " v "
i was a little worried with her appearance overlapping someone else's but you seem to have changed that, so no problems there
her power looks good, just throwing in the 'this will make her much harder to acquire' disclaimer.

the one thing that seems off is the accurate vs blundering, you say she has a steady hand then you say she accidentally shoots the wrong person? maybe you could make her overly hasty, so that she relies too much on her accuracy and her 'i am great' and ends up ******** up by not taking the time to pause and double check? you've kind of got that written, but also have it written so it sounds like she's actually physically awkward.

some ideas for fleshing out her last flaw - how does she react to knew knowledge? is she the kind of troll to be overly suspicious and doubt stuff until proven, or does she tend to go YEAH SURE OK THATS COOL!!!! does she hide her lack of smarts and pretend to know everything or does she constantly nag people and ask them to explain everything to her?

i'm kind of really surprised that the whole poisons thing is such a minor interest, since that's what her name and symbol are based on. did you intend for that to be a larger part of her at the beginning?

i would like to point out that as a redblood, practically anyone can pull rank on her.  
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