
And that, my friends, is why we don't roll everywhere.
Bad turning circle.

That text hurts my eyes oh god its hard to read and I swear theres a clause in the rules about post formats about bright colours~

Hello Taemii
The Rules

        9 Please put your characters picture into your post
        10 if your picture is oversized, please re-size it with /any/ editing program.
        A free online example would be picmonkey.com. Upload to your Photobucket account and copy the IMG url. (if you don't have a PB, make one)
        11 Please, /please/ source any pictures that weren't created by you. This includes, pixiv art, fan art, anything not made by you, etc. Weheartit, zero-chan, etc are not sources.
        To source, you /could/ use this site. (click the link. <) All you do is save your image and upload it there, and it'll find the original image. Bammm.
        12 do not make your text any blinding colors such as
        cyan and yellow. It really hurts my eyes, honestly.
        13 if you're applying to be a teacher, it's going to take effort. Don't be a teacher if you're not going to put time into it.