I love you

I know this isn't the first time you heard those words

And I'm sure you questioned what each of them mean

Who am I?

Who are you?

What is love?

Each question has thrown us for a loop

But let's pretend that we know what we're talking about

I love you

See, I said it again

Does it still have the same effect as the first time you heard it?

Listen, I'll say it once more

I love you

Can you recall the first time you heard it?

Is this the same as the first, or has the weight of the phrase been hollowed out?

It is just a phrase unless we attach it to people

I'm pretty sure that I'm honest when I say it

I love you

But I also loved others before you

At least...that's what I thought at the time

Is that what separates love from the thought of love...time?

If so, then how much time is needed?

Since I can't answer that

There is nothing that separates love from the thought of love

So...I think I love you