Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:21 pm
Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux What about trading items? I have a couple of chance items I don't really care for.
If you want to trade those then I'll take them, but have you tried selling them in the marketplace?
I do that, but sometimes someone I know might have something I want and vice versa.
Oh, well if you want to trade me your items you can. Would you still like the gold donation?
Sure! Send me a trade request?
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:21 pm
Axels Princess Mikaino I'm working on a quest for Lady Chimes. c: But all I need is just a simple good luck! I would feel bad about asking anyone for gold. emotion_facepalm
Aw, you shouldn't feel bad if they offered. I'll send a trade your way.
D'aww.. Thank you! ; A ;
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:22 pm
Gigi Deveraux Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux What about trading items? I have a couple of chance items I don't really care for.
If you want to trade those then I'll take them, but have you tried selling them in the marketplace?
I do that, but sometimes someone I know might have something I want and vice versa.
Oh, well if you want to trade me your items you can. Would you still like the gold donation?
Sure! Send me a trade request?
Trade sent.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:24 pm
Mikaino Axels Princess Mikaino I'm working on a quest for Lady Chimes. c: But all I need is just a simple good luck! I would feel bad about asking anyone for gold. emotion_facepalm
Aw, you shouldn't feel bad if they offered. I'll send a trade your way.
D'aww.. Thank you! ; A ;
You're welcome! ^.^
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:25 pm
Eh okay I'm getting low on gold right now, the next quester can only get five thousand until I get back up to 200k.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:36 pm
Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux Axels Princess Gigi Deveraux What about trading items? I have a couple of chance items I don't really care for.
If you want to trade those then I'll take them, but have you tried selling them in the marketplace?
I do that, but sometimes someone I know might have something I want and vice versa.
Oh, well if you want to trade me your items you can. Would you still like the gold donation?
Sure! Send me a trade request?
Trade sent.
Challenge trade accepted!