Hi, I am new to gaia (Joined a few days ago) and I posted this in the forums and Journal. This is just a prologue I have written for a story I am writing so please enjoy!

Secret Service- Washington HQ/ Sector 12.

Jordan Gray was an awkward fellow. He was quite athletic, seeing that it was required for his job, and had plenty of friends, but he never could live a happy life. There was too much pain in the world for his liking and he has never done a single thing to help. He had top-notch grades, military experience, training with several firearms, and a well paying job. He always wondered if his job was truly making the world a better place. The secret service had him assigned to a sewer-guarding sector. He sat all day in front of a screen monitor looking for fugitives and the illegal homeless. Jordan leaned back in his chair as he began to sleep. His job usually takes up all night and he gets very few hours of sleep. Just then the monitors go crazy putting Jordan in alarm. “That’s unusual” he thought, “The monitors are picking up intense heat signals, at this temperature a human would surely be dead, yet the signals just keep getting stronger-” Flashes of light appeared on the screen, bullets were traveling through the tunnels, this was a panic situation. Jordan gets up to activate the alarm system just as some sparks fly from the door. Jordan was trapped. The whole system had fried due to intense heat. The emergency power had activated, leaving Jordan a system computer to work with. Jordan slammed his fist on the metal table and cursed. He typed in some command prompts for the system messenger. A screen came up.

User_Gray/12: Grim, I have an emergency! Systems fried, and there is some underground action
User_Grim/11: Huh? Are you sure?
User_Gray/12: Why wouldn’t I be sure?
User_Grim/11: Do you have any video evidence of the underground incident?
User_Gray/12: I don’t know. Send me some help! I’m trapped!
User_Grim/11: …

Jordan noticed the temperature was rising. Jordan swore. He heard some banging on the other side of the door. Just then the building shook. Jordan slipped and cut his head on the edge of the table. He got up and saw the computer was sideways. It had a crack, but it was still useful.

User_Gray/12: Grim! Help!
User_Grim/11: I still don’t have any video evidence.

Jordan swore again. He went to the digital memory box and took out a switchblade. He used the edge of the blade to unscrew the lid to the box. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He took off his Jacket and rested it on the chair, then he resumed downloading the surveillance footage. He took a flash drive and injected it into the USB port. Once he had completed that he injected it into the computer. He decided to make a copy and place it in his drop box. Then he sent the files to Grim.

User_Grim/11: Has anyone else seen these?
User_Gray/12: No, why?
User_Grim/11: Just checking. I think I can get the system online just wait a second, also, don’t show anyone else these files. That’s a bad idea.

The lights went out. He heard more voices. They didn’t sound right. There was silence, then banging. The metal doors were being busted open. Jordan panicked and searched the room for a way out! He the grabbed his knife and a revolver from the emergency drawer and blew off the vent cover. He crept inside and hanged it back up. He then smelled the most awful stench he ever smelled. He coughed quite loudly for a while, then noticed that the banging stopped. They were listening. The banging continued and the door was breaking. “Surely there must be a dozen of them to be breaking such a huge door,” Jordan told himself, “Especially made of metal.” Then the door fell. One muscular green hand was stuck through the door. The man walked through the door. It only took one quick glance to tell this creature was nowhere near human. Its huge eyes glew in the dark as it took a glance around the room. Jordan certainly did not hesitate to send five bullets through the beast’s chest. When this creature didn’t collapse Jordan’s jaw dropped! He quickly reloaded his firearm as the monster headed towards the vent. This time Jordan sent 3 bullets through his head, with better luck. Jordan got out of the vent and walked around the body. “What the hell is this thing?” Jordan examined the door. He noted several huge dents; “Surely this thing didn’t do this on its own?” He also noted a trail of blood following the creature. It was previously wounded. Jordan determined the creature was looking for a place to hide. There was something even more dangerous in the building. Jordan went back to the emergency drawer and grabbed a flashlight. He shined it on the creature for a better look. He counted the bullets in his body, “3…4…5…6???” Jordan counted 12 bullet holes in the body all together. He was intrigued. There were more people in the building. Jordan thanked god. As he began to walk out of the giant opening this creature had made Jordan heard more voices. He couldn’t tell if they were human, he would have to go out and check for himself. He went back to the System messenger.

User_Gray/12: Grim!
User_Grim/11: What? You’re still alive?

Then Jordan heard foot steps and human voices. There were some gunshots in the background. Then masked men came by wearing army suits. “Thank god you guys are he-” Jordan was cutoff as they rolled some cans in the room. Jordan quickly felt dizzy and collapsed. He kept one eye open and saw a man walk by. It was the head of the secret service. “Sorry Gray, you were a fine man” spoke the head of the secret service. Then he raised his foot and stomped it down upon Jordan’s head…