E3 showed a teaser trailer of the upcoming game that will serve as a prequel story to the next Star Trek movie. And from watching some of the demo footage, they definitely brought in Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto and possibly the rest of the cast. They've also implemented the music from the movie as well, and it's been said that the game writers have been working closely with the people at Bad Robot, so it would seem the game makers are definitely striving for a level of authenticity that's almost unheard of in movie-tie-in games. The Gorn are purported to be making an appearance in this game.

The videogame demo showed off a co-operative gaming experience with one person playing Kirk and the 2nd playing as Spock, and the both of them working together to explore their surroundings and fight off enemies.

I admit... the authenticity factor in this has me kinda hyped. Still not sure about the gameplay, but I'm intrigued.