The ghoul was small but she was in the gym at the same time as King and really, the wolfos was itching to test out his new skills. He’d gotten better at control with the more human body, and was able to use his claw more often than his fangs.

Biting in human form was odd to say the least. Claws were much better in the form of a two legged creature.

Still going up to a stranger to request a spar was a bit odd for King. Cocking his head a few times he finally figure that if he didn’t, he might as well have been a coward. Nothing ventured nothing gained after all. Walking up behind the ghoul he coughed a bit before asking. “pardon, but, might you be interested in a quick spar? I have been wanting to train with some of my new learned skills but have not yet had the chance.”
Sorry for delay!