“Nee-chan! No! You can’t leave!”

“I’m sorry little one; I have to go on this mission.”

“NO! We both know that it’s a trap! They want to kill you so they can get to me!”

“…” *snap!*

“Nee-chan! Your bloodstone!”

“It will protect you, wear it at all times.”

“NO! I WON’T!”

“You will or I will bind it to you.”

*sob* “It’s not fair, why are they doing this Nee-chan, WHY!”

“It’s because they fear the unknown, now take it.”

“Nnoo, I wwon’t!”

*sigh* “You give me no choice.”

“Nee?” *thwhump*

“Tha’n sinm’o reish cha’cka rei.”


“You know it’s for the best that he doesn’t remember anything.”

“I realize that Hokage, but it doesn’t mean that I like it.”


“Will I be coming back?”

“Yes, when he finds out what he is; then you can.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

*sigh* “You know he will.”

“What about the others?”

“They will be suppressed also.”

“…What exactly am I being exiled for Hokage.”

“Your not being exiled, it is for your protection; you know that if he finds you that we will all be dead.”


“You’re the last of the Elemental Clan..”

“Enough, I get the point.”


“Goodbye Hokage, I hope you never have to see me again.”

“You know we will.”

“They never did.”

10 years later

“Naruto!!!” a young pink haired girl yelled at a yellowed haired boy, “leave Sasuke alone, he’s training!”

“Heh, I bet I can go faster than him Sakura, wanna see?” the hyper boy asked.

“Naruto quit acting like a baka!”

“The dope is always acting like a baka, I think you would be used to it now,” a monotone voice said.

Sakura spun around, “Sasuke-kun!,” she squeals at the black haired boy.


“Well kids how did training go?”

“Training, what training, you never looked away from that stupid book!” Naruto yelled

*BAM* “Naruto, behave and no yelling at Kakshi-Sensi!”

“Ow, Sakura whacha do that for!”

Everyone gave him a bland look and started to walk towards the town bridge. Naruto runs after them and rubs where he was hit; all of them never noticing that a person standing on top of a tree was watching them.

“So it begins.”

Hokage Office

The Anbu stand and wait to find out why exactly they ALL were called, especially with rumors that Orochimaru and Itachi have found extremely powerful scrolls that grants the possessors the ability to get anything they want. The Hokage sighs and stands up.

“She should be here any moment, I would like all of you to remain silent till she says that you can; the information that she carries is vital for not only our own but all of the Shinobi Clans.”

One Anbu asks, “Sir, why is it vital for the other Clans?”

“It is because she is the only person who knows any of the facts out of the rumors that have been spreading; plus she has survived Orochimaru's attacks before the….”

A cold voice interrupts him, “I would like it if you kept silent and never mention that person again.”

All of the Anbu shift into defensive stances around the Hokage and flick their eyes around to find the source of the voice. They move even closer to the Hokage as cold laughter bounces around the walls and the Hokage sighs.

“Well, well, well, seems like the Pets are finally doing their jobs for once, Hokage.”

He closes his eyes slowly, “You know that the Anbu always do their jobs, Chinoshi.”
The person snorts in disbelief and a black vortex appears on the floor; slowly a person can be seen from it, first an arm, then torso and legs, then the other arm and finally her head. Everyone, including the Hokage gasp at the site before them; instead of the normal ninja wear the girl, no woman, wears only black bra bindings that go up to her neck and connect to crimson arm bands that are tight all the way to her wrists, then flow over her hands draping to a point nearly touching the floor. Her pants, if you could call them that, were skin tight and had vines cut out of the fabric so you could see her skin underneath. She had a black cloak draped over one arm while her other arm rested on her covered up weapon that was wrapped around her waist and back. Her face had high cheek bones; pouty pink lips and a small button nose, but the most striking feature was her eyes. Her left eye had a sharingan; except the colors were wrong, instead of it being red and black it was silver and emerald. The right eye had the blood line trait of the Hyuuga’s but again the color was wrong, instead of it being gray it was black with a red outline and a white pupil with a gray circular line surrounding it. (I’ll try 2 make a drawing of both of them) Her black hair was braided and it pooled onto the floor in several circles. She wore no shoes, only red bandages that were wrapped around the balls of her feet.

“So you say, yet I am the only one left from my family Hokage,” Chinoshi hisses as she walks towards him, her hair is the only thing that makes a sound. Several of the Anbu inhale swiftly and she gives a feral grin to them, “So I’m still remembered here, good.”

The Hokage opens his eyes to glance into hers; slowly her left eye fades to a complete black as her right turns into a blue-gold color. He glances to the Anbu and they shift from their stances to let Chinoshi through. She passes all of them and sits in the only seat available, the Hokage’s; all of the Anbu glance to him and relax slightly as they see that it was alright. Chinoshi just gave them a glance that said she noticed before looking to the Hokage.

“What do you want to know.”

“The scrolls.”

Chinoshi gives him a bland look, “They only have part of them, and they need the other half of the prophecy to finalize them.”

“What does the prophecy say.”

“One of many, many of one, the spinning and all-seeing eye, soul of avatars, the pain of the unwanted and unachieved, pride of a royal, anger of the unknown, sisters of fighting, brothers in the blood elements, a child turned adult, tiger, dragon, and horse is what the first scroll says; Blood of the many Clans combined into one, the pain and sorrow of the last child of an lost Clan shall rise up, is what the second one says, while I have the third and the forth was memorized and burned to keep the contents safe.”

“May I read the one you have.”

“You may not.” Chinoshi stands up and goes to the window. “I suggest that you call your Jouni soon or some will become suspicious with the fact that the Anbu haven’t been patrolling recently.” The Hokage curses softly and dismisses them. He then turns back, only to see nothing but the sky and tops of trees. He sighs heavily and walks slowly to his seat.

“Why must she bear this now, the exams are starting soon…” His eyes open slightly as a piece of paper floats down in front of him.

We shall never know, it just is…..