It was happening again, the meds weren't working they came back! I couldn't take it! I sat atop a half pipe for a skate park. My hand s flashed to my head, pressing against it, hoping the voices would stop.
"We won't go away." Lisa said. They had told me their names. It made it all the more real. I couldn't go near anyone with the same names.
"Oh sweet, you choose not to go near them." Jon said. They knew my every thought!
"Well of course we do, we are a part of your mind." Rachel commented.
"Do it." Trevor told me. Commanded me.
"No,I don't want to!" I said. Jumping would hurt.
"We will be quite if you jump. Jump."
"It isn't high enough!" I retorted. I slid down the ramp and ran for the top of the hill.
"Then get the glass." Lisa replied.
"There isn't any. Please just be quiet!" I yelled out loud. I crumpled to the ground and tears flew freely. Please just leave my head!"
"You'll be all alone if we leave. We must stay. No one wants to be around you except for us. We want you. But you have to answer to our demands." They said in unison. I began getting a headache. It hurt the worst when they spoke in unison.
"Get the glass! GO!" Lisa and Jon said. If it would shut them up. I ran to my house over the hill. The kitchen window was the closest. I smashed it with my fist, the broken glass cutting deep into my skin. It sprinkled to the ground at my feet. No one was around. I was all alone. But they were there for me. Nothing would take them from me. Nothing except death.
"Do it!" They hissed.
"I will, will you stay with me if I do? I don't want to be alone."
"Of course we will stay with you. Now do it. All the way from below your neck to the bottom of your stomach. Down both legs. Do it." Jon said.
I did. I grabbed a large shard of glass. It's edges cut into my hand as I started above my chest. The clothes were in the way though.
"Get them off!" Trevor demanded. I did. I stripped naked and continued with the glass. Blood trikled down my skin, staining it a gorgeous red. I continued down my legs. I was vaguely aware of a car pulling into the drive way. Mother probably. She'd be glad to be rid of me. I was nusience with my only friends. The ones in my head. She didn't want me as a burden anymore.
"No she doesn't. She is tired of having to constantly take care of you. You are insane. You are mental. They don't understand the beauty of us."
"You're gorgeous." I whispered, my strength diminishing as more bloos spilled out of my cuts. I started laughing. It was so funny. I had finally made friends. Friends that were always there for me, and I was cutting myself for them.
"Yes, you'd do anything for us." Rachel commented.
"Lynette! Where are you sweetie?" Mother called. I couldn't answer I had fallen to the ground. The blood loss was to much.
"Good girl. Now you can stay with us forever." The said in unison once again. The pain was no match for the blood loss. I almost felt . . . peaceful.
"Lynette! Oh no! I shouldn't have left you . . . " Mother's words were lost on me. She didn't care about me. I was alone besides them. I drew my last breath as Mother crouched down beside me.