Here I will post a few pieces of mine that I would love feedback on. I hold creative commons on all of my pieces, so do not alter, use, or distribute without my permission.

I write to ease the ache of a realm seeker. I write to let my soul sing its song. I am the silent singer, the caged lark, the once dead girl.



The dear beast bears down on my silk shredded back,
tender claws of pain rake ice down the bleeding tissue.
The night smiles upon my torture wickedly,
as the once olive skin parts to the knife of injury.

Bones that once ran through Elysian fields
now lay in the shallow grave of damnation,
a sentence for crimes unknown as I feel it again,
the pendulum of the thirteenth hour cutting deep.

I would prefer the fires of hell over these cold waters,
ocean born to scorn her chilled mother,
but the pain is too great and the cross too heavy.
I beg forgiveness from the Lady of Roses
but I've forgotten the words to the hymn,
and my trembling lips refuse to part.

Fingers that stumble over worn keys
feel the sharp rebuke of snow's cruel bite.
Lungs heave as the silent song ends again.
Ghosts of peace play beyond my innocence
as I am consumed by the everlasting affliction.

Paroxysm of the sweet sinew begins again,
an ancient beast trapped in the bonds of a human
roars to the skies and shatters my spirit,
ripping my ribs and corsetting me scarlet.

The Fates weave my string through valleys of bones,
and the wolves snap at my bloody heels.
The altar of sacrifice opens the abyss' maw,
a blissful numbness for the grinding bones.