
Is this;
It is the fierce, rolling waves,
Something that all who Love braves.
It is stronger than the mightiest beast
And if it is true, you will never say "it has deceased"
Because true Love is forever
And when will it leave you? Never. Never.

This Love,
It is as beautiful as the delicate dove.
Majestic and sweet
It moves in time -- with one's heartbeat.

As time has kept on
You will find that Love is never truly gone.
Just as the glowing orb of the night
Whose essence washes over you with its stunning light
And the Sun
Whose beauty is never truly done.
Like Love, because it's all forever
And will this Love leave you? Never. Never.

For some, it is a leap of faith -- a test.
Yet at the end, you get there. Just like the rest.
No, Love is not the same for all.
Differently, we each answer its call.

Love cannot be described.
Yet Love's Code is in our hearts, inscribed.
Who said that Love would ever leave you, or be untrue?
Who said Love would ever leave? Perhaps is shall be born anew.

Take out my heart. Kill me. All my ties, sever.
Because I cannot live without this Love.
I promise, my Love will last forever.

I wasn't exactly sure on the title. It feels kind of... uncreative. But anyways, I guess I was feeling a bit loving when I wrote this. heart .... I don't think I put enough emphasis on 'love'. /sarcasm. Heheh..