Not written for my mom, 'cause she doesn't like sappy things. razz But written for my friend who's a mom, because her boyfriend refuses to do anything for her. Not really written as a friend to a friend, lol, but I just wanted a general Mother's Day poem lol.

What is a mother?
A mother is something everyone has,
A mother is the person you’ll ever be closest to,
A mother is the person a dying soldier thinks of,
A mother is a person a daughter looks up to.

You run to your mother,
When you father decides to be strict,
When you have an emotional problem,
When you need an affectionate hug,
When your homework just seems too hard.

It takes a lot to be a mother,
You need patience and love and kindness,
You need to be firm and yet gentle altogether,
You get white hairs from worrying over late nights,
You get wrinkles from the tearful early days.

The job perhaps taken for granted the most,
Is that of the mother,
That’s why on days like today,
We take the time to live their life,
And give them a well needed day off.

So today, as I run around like a lost chicken,
Be sure to kick up your feet when you can,
Enjoy the gifts and overindulge on chocolate,
But in all the things you let slip your mind,
Be sure to remember that I love you.