I wrote this some time ago... I made a video to go along with it. You may listen and read...or read and watch + listen...

Whose boy was that who joined the army? The navy?

Whose child was that who was last seen waving goodbye from a ship setting sail?

Whose child was that who took off in a jet to fight for the country?

Whose boy was that who watched his comrades fall down, who were shot, who were dead?

Whose boy wrote home everyday or week describing the details of the massive war?

Whose boy returned home safe from death?

Whose boy 50 years later came back to salute his friends in Flanders field?

Whose boy cried? Hoped? Had faith?
Who feared? Who fought? Who killed?
Who never gave up but remembered:

His loving family; waiting, for him to come home safely

Mine did. Did yours?

"War is a lifetime, death is eternity."