(I wrote this out of the 'Blaaaahhhh' over-ly relaxed feeling I'm getting.)

Oh hello,
Hello there, It's a pleasure!, A Song of joys!
An urge to laugh, an urge to hurt yourself to notice,
and I laugh, laugh like a nut,
laugh like a what?

Oh dear,
Oh my,
I have forgotten the next line,
Swing it my love,
swing it from the top,
Forget me not.
Haha, That's funny,
That's hilarious,
That's absolutely stunning,
like my opinion?
I lied.

It's an honest wish,
I swear it is,
well not really,
my fingers were crossed.
Hope you don't die,
hope you don't fall,
well maybe if it made my dreams come true,
well, probably I do,
It's all this world is.

Flowers are nice,
said the sunday school teacher,
maybe he was kind,
maybe she was pretty,
I forget what plagues my memory.
So to the cocaine abusers,
and the green fairy,
let the numbness inspire,
your strangest thoughts
and what not.

By Devious Scone