I can only post the first part of the poem here, unfortunately...this is because space is used in the rest of the stanzas, which are IMO much more interesting to read...XP Oh well. Here's the first part, and a link to my blog version (which shows the spacing) is provided below it.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls that were porcelain and told stories at night.
She had some dolls that were wood still crying its lullaby of leaves.
She had some dolls that were cardboard and felt meaningless and plain.
She had some dolls that were fabric that tore too easily into rags.
She had some dolls that were splintering red sand carved from distant lands.
She had some dolls that were perfect china and didn’t want to be touched.
She had some dolls that were beautiful origami paper and feared scissors.
She had some dolls that were chipped and hated her on sight.
She had some dolls that were shell and still smelled of the wide, open, salty sea.
She had some dolls that were magma that never moved, but still could glow.
She had some dolls that were made of flesh, blood and bone.
She had some dolls that were made of nothing and were only in her mind.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls who fell in love with color,
Who saw childhood birthday confetti and urban murals of graffiti the same way.
She had some dolls who wore their sadness in being forgotten.
She had some dolls who traced families into the past on their maps of blood.
She had some dolls who cried stained-glass tears.
She had some dolls who pulsed with hearts she’d broken and forgotten to give back.
She had some dolls who loved laughter and rivers of sighs.
She had some dolls who hid suicide pills.
She had some dolls who wrote letters but never sent them.
She had some dolls who were full of regrets.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls that sighed dust.
She had some dolls that she knew she couldn’t leave behind.
She had some dolls that cried in her arms.
She had some dolls that hit her until she was afraid of herself.
She had some dolls that said they weren’t afraid.
She had some dolls that lied.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls that had no names.
She had some dolls that had secret names.
She had some dolls that had books of names.
She had some dolls that had names like “Hope.”
She had some dolls that had been forgotten.
She had some dolls that had been presents.
She had some dolls that had been broken.
She had some dolls that had been stolen.
She had some dolls that believed only in destruction.
She had some dolls that awaited their own resurrection.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls that tried to reason.
She had some dolls that tried to teach her to fly.
She had some dolls that tried to find love in a coal mine.
She had some dolls that tried to save her, but could only sit
And watch from the shelf as he raped her.
She had some dolls that tried to fight.
She had some dolls that tried to hide.

She had some dolls.

She had some dolls that feared her.
She had some dolls that loved her.
She had some dolls that hated her.

These were the same dolls.

Original poem: She Had Some Dolls