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Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:41 pm
Out of seven I know one!

Image of Soquili Applicant:
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Applicant Name: Sanyue
Owner/Co-owner: ~
Applicant Personality:
Sanyue is an older soquili who has been through and seen the many changes her kind has gone through. From her time during foalhood and learning of her kind’s history and the creation of this current alliance to her coming into adulthood, Sanyue has always devoted all her time to keeping her people happy. She always strives to be the best leader she can be, offering any and all advice that is needed. To her all soquili are equals and are of equal value to each other, regardless of their race. She has generally no problems with horned Ulun’suti and will offer her advice when needed and wanted. While she silently harbors a loathing of conflict and war Sanyue also understands the drive behind the rebellion. As such, during conflict, she has the innate ability to bring together all her resources and people in a concise and efficient manner. The bond with her feathered hippogriffs is the one thing that she holds dearest to her heart.

On that same note, because she is in hindsight a temporary leader, Sanyue does harbor some doubts on her abilities to lead. It is this uncertainty that creates some of the stress between the two races and a nasty little dilemma. Sometimes it gets to the point where she questions why she was given this position of power to begin with. These moments don’t happen often, but they do none-the-less. As such being said leader has taken its toll on her, and sometimes makes her look and feel drained. It is during these moments she loves to go out into the desert night sky and just look at the stars.

On that note, Sanyue isn’t evil in the slightest and has a strong personality geared towards honor and commitment. She doesn’t like seeing others hurt, and will do what she can to fix the issue. Some say she has a maternal instinct towards those younger than herself, offering advice, and helping where it’s needed. However, that’s not to say she doesn’t like an adventure or two. She loves to travel and explore new places, discover new things. It’s like a hobby for her now that she’s moved on from her position of leadership with the other hippogryphs. Sanyue wants to learn more about the soquili lands in which she is now a part of, offering her help where ever needed.
Which treasure would you like to help find? Any needed. She’s not picky. She has the ability to claw away at things and grab them, not something most can do outside of her own kind.
What are the applicant's motivations for helping the UG?: She just wants to help, bring some fun into her otherwise very boring and dull life.
Do you RP?: Yesh
----Actively?: Mostly. I do have moments where my muse is completely dead. But overall I do actively rp as best I can.
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: I love doing both plotting and rping. I like knowing where things are going to go before it’s done. It helps me focus.
Anything else you'd like to add?: (See blow after Proserpine’s form)

For Lords Beastmaster and Hellmaster!

Image of Soquili Applicant:
User Image
Applicant Name: Proserpine
Owner/Co-owner: ~
Applicant Personality: Proserpine is young, feisty, and ready to cause blood to spill. She absolutely loves causing chaos for others with her silver tongued taunts and jabs. As she is a young mare she has a thirst to prove herself stronger than others, ready and willing to serve someone who is just as willing to spill blood as she is. Unfortunately her age also gives her a bit of a headstrong nature too, bit naïve, and doesn’t necessarily like to be told that she is weak, that she isn’t all powerful. A knock back or two would suffice to make her shut up. Pros also likes to manipulate others to reach her own goals, get what she wants, and isn’t afraid to lie to get ahead. This lying does NOT stem into those who she is willing to be loyal to though. She’s not that stupid. Either way, Proserpine is ready and willing to prove to everyone that she’s not a mare to mess with, especially if you mess with her allies.
Which treasure would you like to help find? Any needed
Do you RP?: Yesh
----Actively?: Mostly. I do have moments where my muse is completely dead. But overall I do actively rp as best I can.
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: I like plotting and rping, makes things a lot more fun in my opinion.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Proserpine is supposed to be helping Kyaishi’s Diabolus with another plot. But since Kyai is currently MIA Proserpine is up for other challenges too. If you choose to have her and Sanyue help out this’ll actually help me set up my own plotline between them. ^^  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:13 am
I dream in silver and gold!

Image of Soquili Applicant: User Image
Applicant Name: Cyllene; and her familiar, Thyone.
Owner/Co-owner: Phail Ninja
Applicant Personality: This young Soq has known nothing but fun and joy all her life. She's incredibly curious, loves to have a good time and has a strange affliction with shiny things. She does, however, have a severe attitude problem. Not only does she enjoy teasing others, but she believes herself to be better than others in all respects. She is faster, more agile, better looking (in her mind at least). She tends to be harsher around females and dull-coloured males, but takes on a more flirtacious manner around the nicer-looking ones. She is nicer when you break through her tough better-than-you outer shell, but few ever do. Fellow treasure seekers are always treated well, regardless of appearances (especially if something is in it for Cyllene).
Reason for joining: Treasure. Lots of treasure. Hunting for shiny stuff is mostly her life anyway.
What skills does the applicant have?: She's quick (for a seathi) and completely fearless (or at least she's brave enough to act fearless in any situation). She's vigorous and feisty, and uses whatever dirty trick in the book she can to hold her own in a fight. Small and light, she can be carried in pouches of water across land, whilst easily commuting through water. She can hunt for the treasures buried deeper than land-walking Soq could go.
What position does the applicant want?: Treasure hunter, of course xD
Does the applicant understand that there will be no uprisings within the group?: She might have a sharp tongue, but she has no wish to be leader whatsoever. She might think she's better than everyone there, but wouldn't express her views strongly or in such a way that would spark rebellion.
Do you RP?: Yes!
----Actively?: I have my rough patches, but I try to be as active as possible x3
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: I like to RP out as much as I can, but I plot stuff that happens beforehand, and where unavoidable will substitute background plots for RPs xP
Anything else you'd like to add?: She won't always be around, so maybe she'd be a bit more of an honorary member? She'd be loyal enough, and would do her fair share of treasure hunting work, but she loves spending time in the sea, which isn't that close to the headquarters. So if it's alright with you, she will take the occasional leave of absence. She would be there for any major plots, of course. And she can easily be reached by other members via messages from her familiar, Thyone. She could arrange for her familiar to go to a certain spot every day where messages could be delivered to her (either in person, or left on paper/some other material), and Thyone would then go and find Cyllene and tell her. The UG headquarters are right by the river, hence how Cyllene could be a member (plus if she needs to she can be taken out of the water in a small container with a bit of water inside it). I'm dithering on now, so I'll stop xD  

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:31 am
Oki doki! Let me try to make this make sense!

Geney/Yami: Yes I'm giving you a new nickname.
If I'm reading this correctly you want Sanyue and Proserpine to meet during this?
If so I can think of two basic ways to go about this. (Both involve Othelia and Carmine to give Proserpine and Sanyue connections to their respective parties.) One would be to just have the four set meet up around the same time to search.
The other would be to have the kalona together and the feather heads together and have them end up going after the same treasure eventually. ((If you wanna chat about this more quickly feel free to hit me up over AIM. xD))

Phail: Having her not always be around is fine. Honorary/temporary members are perfectly acceptable. We do have an aquatic member (Slipsand) who would be well suited to partner with Cyllene and Thyone on treasure hunting missions if you're interested.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:31 pm
That sounds awesome xD

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:32 pm
Phail Ninja
That sounds awesome xD

And now, I get to do some plottings with you! 8D We end up doing a lot of plottings. This pleases me.

How do you want to work this? We could start a RP at their first meeting, but those tend to be a little boring. We could just skip to them setting out to find the artifact "buried in the stream of time."  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:13 pm
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed!

Image of Soquili Applicant:
User Image
Applicant Name: Abasambo
Owner/Co-owner: Teh Roarie
Applicant Personality: Sambo is a nasty little being. Only doing things that please him for reasons that please him. He likes the fact that he acts one way and is another. He thoroughly enjoys the act of deceiving the innocent and stupid masses and taking what he wants.
Reason for joining: Not generally the kind to do anything super evil himself and more a mischief maker he needs a master or masters at it were. He respects those who have and yearn for power. He is not ashamed to admit he is more a peon in the gears. But know that even small gears make the machine run smoothly.
What skills does the applicant have?: Deception, Lots of suave and general urge to serve
Does the applicant have a preference in which lord they choose to serve?: He will server either master so long as the deeds he does are sutibly evil to his frame of mind.
Do you RP?: Yes
----Actively?: When life isn't trying to eat me.
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: Along with, so I know where to point a roleplay.
Anything else you'd like to add?:  

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Snowflake Collector 50

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:37 pm
Teh Roarie

Welcome to the plot! 8D

Is there anything in particular you would like him to get up to? I'm brainstorming with Niss right now. Here are the notions we have presently:

- He could get directed on a mission to hunt down one of the items with a yet undecided partner.
- He could be assigned to spy on the Underground and make sure they were doing what they were supposed to

Do either of those appeal to you? If you have any other ideas, we'd love to hear 'em!  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:41 am
Oh! Wonderful. n-n He's been needing some major RP. I don't get to play an evil creature very often.

Either or both. I'm fully willing. Though Sambo would make an interesting spy. Since what he thinks and what he says are so very different. Especially since he generally comes off as a sticky sweet gentleman if you can't read him mind.

Interesting possibility really. Glad you like him.  

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Snowflake Collector 50


Kawaii Fairy

12,000 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:30 am
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed!

Image of Soquili Applicant:
User Image
Applicant Name: LON, or Lord of Nightmares
Owner/Co-owner: Tirokio

Applicant Personality:
Well, LON is a bit self explanatory if one knows the show. He is the embodiment of chaos; and although from his decision to regain mortal stature is otherwise a mysterious entity. He waivers on feeding his curiosities and thus acting polite and trying to understand a degree of emotions for his decision to 'retire'; and allowing his otherwise chaotic and unforgiving behavior flare in old habits. He is oft wise from his past and will take the time to appropriately debate about his participation; he is a stallion who follows no one but is often drawn to the magnetic pull of darkness and chaos and will partake if he becomes interested.

Reason for joining:
How could I not add more Slayers awesome to this? Lon would have a natural attraction to the darkness, chaos, and his fellow Lords; if desired he would know them from his time in the spiritual reign. Although he may not care or otherwise be for what they're doing; surrounded by his old familiars he may be enthralled enough to lose himself in the chaos of his old days.

What skills does the applicant have?:
He's the Lord of mutha'effin nightmares, he created the mazoku!! LOL just kidding for the soq side of that story ;3 He's a skilled fighter and obviously is the black magic source of the giga slave and the laguna blade which he holds in his tail xP

Does the applicant have a preference in which lord they choose to serve?:
To be honest he wouldn't 'serve' anyone for obvious reasons; but he'd attach himself to the group who gave him the most sense of darkness and chaos.

Do you RP?:
Why yes. Lately i've been slow but getting back in the grove like my old days around.

With something like this yes, I could be very active if its needed of me.

Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?:
I prefer along with rp to be honest, but I have a few background ones for people who no longer rp.

Anything else you'd like to add?:
Uhm. Slayers FTW! If you have any ideas he could take place in let me know, I know when we first discovered Xellos and LON had become soq I wanted rp with the two and it hasn't changed :3
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:18 pm
While I am absolutely flattered that you are interested in having the great Lord of Nightmare's involved in our Mazoku plot at the moment we don't have a place for him.

As far as the Slayers hierarchy goes (which we're trying to keep in tact as much as possible) the Lord of Nightmare's would rank a lot higher than either of or lords or our priest. The plan is to obtain Rezo next month and play a bit with a Shabranigdu "resurrection" plotline. Unfortunately if the Lord of Nigthmare's was active there wouldn't be much point in "reviving" Shabranigdu because he would already be outranked.

So, for the time being we can't accept the Lord of Nightmare's into this plot but if you would still be interested I can guarantee that there will be future plots and perhaps he can fit in there.

((And a note about the "resurrection" and "reviving" thing for anyone who is curious. To fit in with soquili canon we've made Rezo more of a mental case. Details to come when we get Rezo and make sure everything is good on the official level.))  

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:03 am
Roniel Targaryen
Phail Ninja
That sounds awesome xD

And now, I get to do some plottings with you! 8D We end up doing a lot of plottings. This pleases me.

How do you want to work this? We could start a RP at their first meeting, but those tend to be a little boring. We could just skip to them setting out to find the artifact "buried in the stream of time."

This pleases me also. And I apologise for not replying.
I wouldn't mind a joining RP, but I'm also perfectly happy to skip to the more juicy artifact finding 8D
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