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=>Muerte Perist // Greenblood

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Alien Datemate

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:21 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:49 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • • INDEX ░░

                      XX◦◦ ⤿ cert post
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ table of contents
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ basics
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ profile
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ lusus
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ hive
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ battle statistics
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ relationships
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ rp log
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ...
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ...
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ...


Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:50 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •BASIC INFORMATION ░░

                      FULL NAME: Muerte Perist
                      RESIDENCE: Forest (former), Salamire Swamp
                      GENDER: Male
                      BLOODCOLOR: Greenblood (#4b7d26)

                  ▄▄XXX • • • •ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ░░

                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite foods ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite desserts ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite drinks ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite colors ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite season ◦◦◦◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite holiday ◦◦◦◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ favorite animal ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ pet peeves ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ hobbies ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ quirks ◦◦◦◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx ◦ xx
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:51 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •PROFILE ░░

                      Muerte is a huge workaholic. Disregard for personal health himself, because he gets too caught up in his work! Sleep deprived, often times hungry, but finds these more as a bother then a life-concerning thing. Perhaps a bit careless in that respect (But don't get me wrong, he's highly meticulous when it comes to things he cares about), he tries not to let anything get in the way of his experiments, and namely, science! Believing he is doing trollkind a great thing, he spends long nights working in a windowless lab, loosing track of time- maybe he is a bit careless when it comes to himself- he tinkers around to figure things out and learn. A particular passion for biology, he loves to indulge himself in the knowledge of the trollian body, and various animal anatomy. Studying limbs and organs and just about everything he can sent him into a minor love of mechanics, and a specialization in amputations.

                      However, Muerte lacks empathy. He doesn't help others on an individual basis unless it means something for him, because it's a waste of time otherwise; time that could be used researching, if only for science. So self absorbed in his own image, he really is convinced he's doing something great here! Even if he... sort of isn't most of the time.

                      Now he isn't a complete cold hearted b*****d. Ask him about science and oh boy will he tell you about science, probably while laughing about how you have no idea what he's talking about because How could an idio+ like you unders+and some+hing so GREA+ oh you CAN'+ haha, but the point is that he does like to share and gloat his findings whenever he can. He's not dumb, and he does stumble upon some interesting things at times, which is where is somewhat pretentious nature comes in! Always striving to look good when he is around people, he will share his works, and well, should they chose to listen, could actually be some valuable information!

                      On a separate note, Muerte is quite well, delusional. A huge ego that feeds his god like complex, he believes he's far better then everyone and everyone. The caste means nothing to him, blood means nothing; he is still better. However, he does realize he's not truly a god, which bothers him greatly, but in the end only fuels him on his conquest of perfection. While he does put on the image that he's better then everyone- and realizes that he is- his mortality is the thing he hates the most about himself, and the biggest thing he wants to fix.

                  ▄▄XXX • • • •STRENGTHS ░░

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Muerte is pretty darn smart! Every chance he gets he spends it learning, expanding his knowledge, reading through books he's already read before, just to make sure he remember's verbatim. Ambition keeps him hungry from knowledge, and he retains it pretty darn well! Otherwise, he builds his knowledge by dissecting bodies of residential beasts and the occasional lusus, although his real treasures are the bodies he recovers from the hunts. He has ye, however,t to preform on any live thing rather than his own lusus; well, yet.

                            On another note of his smarts, Muerte is a fast learner. There are no trials and error's with this guy, only trials, ******** trials. In all seriousness though, he's just a quick learner. Picks up details very well thanks to his meticulous nature, and gives a lot more intelligent thought into anything his does. Natural skill included, he's just a smart-cookie, that's all there is to it! Give him something to do, something to learn, and he'll surely be up to the task.

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ What Muerte lacks in strength, he makes up for with speed. He's incredibly dexterous with his hands, probably from always fiddling around meticulously with things. Ambidextrous to a point, in fact, although he's more partial to his right (This is a right hand world, after all), his nimble finger's are just as adequate as the mirroring ones. It's sort of funny considering he's missing a pinkie on his left hand.

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ The guy uses so much of his stuff, he's almost always short on supplies, mostly from the issues of needing money to purchase these thins. Thusly, Muerte had to get used to improvising. Being smart and quick, it really isn't much of a challenge for him to come up with 'ingenuous' things to do as replacements, especially when it comes to improving with his surgeries and testings. Most of his 'tools' are handmade from the most common thing he seems to have; bones from the deceased, although some of his better things are crafted from troll horns. He has a 'use all and waste nothing' policy.

                  ▄▄XXX • • • •FLAWS ░░

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ This guy just doesn't have any morals to the justifications of life itself, in fact, he gives life very little value. Very rarely does he view trolls as trolls and not replaceable beings; to him they're just breathing bodies waiting to die and become subjects for him to work on! He kills for his gain, and hardly gives any thought to other trolls emotions and needs or whatever desires they have.

                            As mentioned before though, he will help other trolls if only for the hands on practice; the ability to work with a live troll without stirring up trouble with whoever might have a problem with it, but at the end of the day, he doesn't really care about the individuals themselves, which may or may not come back to bite him in the a** later!

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ It started a while back with he was much younger. His lusus didn't enjoy letting him handle sharp objects, but one day the rascal got his hands on a knife and well, chopped his own pinkie clean off.

                            But that was where the trolls morbid fascination had begin. Not only was he seemingly not bothered with the fact he cut off a finger himself, he decided to go further with the idea, which lead to his obsession with limbs and amputations and the workings of the body and so forth.

                            Not necessarily irrational, he is completely conscious of everything he's doing himself. More delusional then anything, he's sort of loosing his grip on reality, believing he is on par with Gods themselves, or on his way to becoming. His goal is to obtain immortality itself, so he can continue the progression of science for as long as possible, even if it means making his own new method of 'ascension'. The idea of becoming a robot has crossed his mind quite a few times as a matter of fact, and this insanity fuels his obsession. No one else is as perfect as him, mind you. He's the only one fit for such a role; and nothing will halt his conquest.

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Muerte is absolutely convinced everything he does is for the better good of troll kind. Maybe some of it is; while he does... help some, most of his methods are unsavory, and even more so are done for his own appeal. His lusus is a model he completely mutilated, and he sees it as an accomplishment of sorts, where as the lusus itself is nothing more then a diseased heap of twitching limbs and flesh. He sees it as an milestone, because playing god makes him feel like he has power, and hell, if he can do this, then he can do so much more, can't he?
                            And it's just that. Muerte plays god because he wants to be on par with some higher being so bad!

                            Not to mention that in short, his delusions make him think himself competent of goals that are near impossible. Building back on the whole 'Self ascension' deal, there is one thing that will get to Muerte worse then anything; his own mortality. His delusional career keeps him overlooking this fact, although he understands he's lying to himself deep down. On a note of physical flaws, Muerte has terrible eyesight, and it's slowly fading. And it bothers him. Disgusts him; he hates his eyes, honest to god. His delusions tell him he's capable of anything, why do these hold him back? Guess the only thing to do here is make his own eyes and rip these useless ones out.



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:52 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •LUSUS ░░

                      We don't really talk about Muerte's lusus.

                      Or at least, you'd never here him mention it or bring the fact up. In his younger, wriggling days, Dovedad was a gentle majestic creature that went by the name of Eranza. The two of them had a close bond for a time, Eranza always urging his charge out into the world, entertaining Muerte's undying curiosity. He'd taught the boy that he could achieve anything he set his mind too, even though he was worried about the greenbloods habits to overwork and his ever ambition for knowledge.

                      In any case, Muerte was somewhat of a coddled child then, perhaps a tad shy, but still determined. It was a nice time despite the small amount of worrying on Dovedad's part, but he was most certainly pleased that his darling charge had set his sights on science so young-- and had a knack for it too! Although if the bird at it his way, he would of preferred that Muerte gone more into the arts, although he never did push those thoughts onto the child.

                      Sort of a saddening thing, actually. In his youth, Eranza had got Muerte (Or rather, he affectionately reffered to him as Tweet-te) to take an slight interest in music and dance, even though both of those skills are probably long forgotten by now. It's probably a good thing the old bird is too far gone to see how far his charge has fallen.

                      Really, he doesn't know what possessed the boy. Growing ever more distant; suddenly his little Tweet-te was gone, consumed by the knowledge and science he so craved. Now a days, the Bird is just a sickly mess of flesh and limbs in the basement under Muerte's hive-- a horrible science experiment gone wrong.

                      He'd still forgive his little boy if he were capable of it. He just hopes he finds his way in life soon; hopes someone can come along and help snap him out of it-- that someone can succeed where the old bird failed
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:53 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •HIVE ░░



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:54 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •BATTLE STATS ░░

                      ▄▄XXX • • • • Basic
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ Teen stage
                        XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ HP: 20/20

                      ▄▄XXX • • • • Weapons
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ Standard Bone saw
                        XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ roll 2d6

                      ▄▄XXX • • • • Artifacts and Trinkets
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ Robotic eye
                        XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ Novice defense style A (-2 damage taken, 3x per battle.)

                      ▄▄XXX • • • • Powers
                      XX◦◦ ⤿ ◦◦◦◦ N/A

                      [quote][b]HP: [color=green]20[/color]/20[/b]
                      [b]Novice Defense Style A (Robo Eye)[/b]: 2/2

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:54 pm
                  ▄▄XXX • • • •RELATIONSHIPS ░░

                  ▶ ▶ ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷ like
                  ▶ ▶ ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷ dislike

                      XXAprife Invasi
                            ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ You're an asinine fool. Maybe fool is the wrong word... you can't necessarily be smart and a fool...

                      XXByakko Mawiya
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Leader of the rebellion. Mocked me relentlessly. The only good thing she has going for her right now is the rarity of her blood.

                      XXManeki Belbog
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ AND THIS ONE IS JUST AS BAD

                      XXCynril Minati
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ ALL THESE MUTANTS ARE SO INSUFFERABLE

                      XXAthera Kyphie
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Except this one, maybe (meeting)

                      XXLuxara Selen
                            ▶ ▶ ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Well you're a riley b***h aren't you.

                      XXPoeias Claudy
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ His puns are perhaps his only strength, but anyone who can appreciate a good bird joke is at least worth socializing with on occasion. Plus I maintain his mechanics; it's a thankless job, I tell you...

                      XXStryke Nvrmor
                            ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Developed a spontaneous power somewhere along the lines. Very interesting...

                      XXElidae Bonbon
                            ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ She was nice in the way that a small woofbeast is nice but also entirely too annoying to deal with. Still, I wonder if she's still keeping those quackbeasts fed...

                      XXPolair Rision
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Meeting

                      XXAkkira Kagome
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Meeting

                      XXSe'lune M'aidez
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Bakes excellent cookies. Also possesses wings, an interesting mutation...

                      XXFloren Chadra
                            ▶ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Fellow greenblood met during the space clean up. Seems to have an interest in medicine, not an wholly unpleasant child...

                      XXSonnie DeFrog
                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Rebel swamp child. Very shy. Communicates through sock puppets. Muerte isn't certified on mental health but he has to admit that there's something strange with this one...

                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Text

                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Text

                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Text

                      ▄▄XXX • • • • NPCS RELATIONSHIPS

                      XXErrade Etturi
                            ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▷


                            ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷

                            XX◦◦ ⤿ Text



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:55 pm
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:56 pm
    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

    It's... a good read?

    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

    For his featherbeasts!


Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:57 pm
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:59 pm


Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:59 pm
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:01 pm


Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:02 pm

Homestuck © Andrew Hussie
Hivestuck & Art © amicableAggressor
Muerte Perist © Melancholies

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