So....I just realized....someone did a fix to ghost fish and now they automatically get uh..."flushed" without you needing to visit your tank to flush them.

So all my ghost fish are dead crying they were harmless ghost hermit cats and goldfish.

The oldest fish i had was an 800+ (nearly 900) days old hermit cat on my alt. NOW HE'S DEAD crying RIP FISHKITTY

and now i find all the gold fish in my current tank are dead too crying aww mannn i've had those since that Frontier Skies event. That's like 400+ days old goldfish. they were all goldfish that were gifted to me by fwriends too. oh well.

BUT the bright side is that now i can visit my tank again without killing off my precious fish....since they're already dead. xp and i have a lot more gold now to buy more lights, so i've decided to make a change of scenery.

I'm going to make a new picture out of aquarium lights BUT I don't know what i want to give me suggestions! Yes! This means that the shovel will die! fret not, its spirit lives on in a tree in my Gaia Home.

SO for my new aquarium, should I try to make an NPC? McSourface? Forest scenery? Something else? anything but cats. dogs > cats. I currently have around 90 lights but I can buy more...possibly enough to fill up the whole aquarium tank with nothing but lag and lights!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *chokes on spit*