I often forget it's summer,
That the world is mine
And I can do whatever the ******** I want

I often forget that despite how many bridges I burn,
There'll always be a door open
and that I'm always welcome to walk through it

I often forget that I am young,
Full of emotion with a heavy heart
and that I'll eventually move on

I often forget I'm still a child,
That I don't have to grow up yet
And that I shouldn't burden myself with adult worries

I Often forget that I still have dreams,
That they're still within my reach
And that I shouldn't give up on them

I Often Forget to enjoy the simple things in life,
Camping with my family during the summer,
That these will be my best memories

I often forget to love myself
That I am no better and no worse than my neighbor
And that I have a lot of potential to do something great

I Often forget
Maybe one day I'll actually remember