Lite fish drops are essentially a daily chance: you could get an alchemy item, but will probably get amigo pants, ocean top, aquarium junk (used to be worth something, but overflooded market made it worthless) or more lite fish

The whole lite fish thing is, in my opinion, pretty poorly conceived and is causing more market destabilization,

Take Poser Memphis, now going for 300k on the market for a 1 month lifespan rubbish fish. People will buy it looking for Real Memphis. It clearly says "Lite" , but I think we all know how well people read and follow announcements.

Poser Memphis sells for higher than what Real Memphis used to sell for and Real Memphis is now priced higher than Airsharks, Stone Coatls and Dolphins but WILL NOT yield profits to justify the investment

Pose Memphis will give a Lite drop, not a Memphis drop.
Lite Fish Drops are 3,400 last I checked and have a high probability of yielding a value 0f <60g

Good points all! Yeah, I looked up Memphis on the MP and saw that Memphis Lite was also there and wondered if people were buying her thinking she was the real thing. I hope not but I'll bet some of them are!