Amanda walks into the potions classroom and promptly greets Professor Nell. Hello Professor, how are you today? She smiles and heads for her work table, pulling her potions book from her bag.

Ok, here it is....Making pepper-up potion, she says, turning to the proper page. Once the book is open she turns her attention to the ingredients set out on the work table. Much less nervous than last time, Amanda sets to work.

Let's see...Ok, I need the flowers from the Borage. Amanda says as she grabs the pile and begins to pull of some of the blooms. She places them in her mortar and crushes them into a powder. She then measures out 2 Tablespoons and sets them to the side for the moment.

Filling her cauldron with 2 cups of water Amanda then turns the flame to a low setting.

Ok, now I need the Fennel. Amanda says and begins to grind the seeds into a powder as well. Measuring 1 tablespoon Amanda adds the fennel to the bowl with the borage blooms.

Oh, these are quite pretty! She says as she grabs the next ingredient. Ok, how much of the pretty geranium flowers do I need? She says aloud as she references her text book. This isn't as hard as I feared, it's much like cooking...only...only.... sweatdrop suddenly remembering potions have the ability to explode in the wrong hands Amanda decides to take a little more caution and begins to move a bit solwer....Ok, says 1 teaspoon. Amanda crushes the geraniums, measures out a teaspoon and adds them to the bowl with the other 2 ingredients.

Last ingredient! she says, reaching for the peppermint and taking a big whiff. Carefully picking off 5 leaves Amanda grinds them into a powder as well.

Adding the peppermint to the bowl with the rest, Amanda returns her attention to her text book. Ok, add all ingredients and simmer 3 hours....seems simple enough.

Amanda pours all the measured ingredients into the cauldron and stirs them together. Alright, 3 hours stir occasionally. Looks like I have time to do my CoMC homework again, glancing at professor Nell she takes out her other text book and turns to the page about Beasts. "What is a Beast?" She begins, taking care to stir her potion once in a while.

After just under 3 hours had past Amanda closes her CoMC book and returns her attention to her potions book. Alright, it's been 3 hours, heres hoping for the best! Amanda removes her cauldron from the heat and strains its contents into a large mug.

Looking around for Professor Nell Amanda says
, Alright Professor, I believe I'm done!

Professor Nellmara walks up and down the isles of her potions classroom giving assistance to those in need and waving at her Hufflepuffs as they walk in, such a nice House. When she comes by to see Amanda's completed potion she smiles and nods. "Another job well done! I know that Madame Pomphrey is going to love all the potions I've been collecting for her!"

+5 for Hufflepuff!