wahmbulance heart Hello everyone! heart wahmbulance

I'm looking for a graphic artist to help me design my art shoppe.

exclaim Must be familiar with PS. heart (Photoshop) heart
exclaim You must know how to work with transparent files as well as changing file types. (I will need certain files to be a certain type so I can add things to it.
exclaim You must be comfortable to speak with me in a messager (like Yahoo, MSN, or AIM) so we can discuss what I'm looking for.
exclaim I'm also looking for someone who can do photo-manipulation and editing.

wahmbulance wahmbulance These requirements can change and I will probably expect more. wahmbulance wahmbulance


At the moment, I can give 60k per edited post. I have about 4-5 that need edited. Payments will only happen after the creation of the post. We will go post by post, not all of them at once.

heart heart Please message or comment if you're interested! heart heart