xxxVitaka Fumoar
xxxxxxxxVitaka - A play on the word "vita", meaning life.
xxxxxxxxFumoar - A play on the italian word "fumo", meaning smoke.

Blood colour


xxxEgyptian Ankh

xxxThe half-lidded look of her eyes, her ever somewhat vaccant smile, the lilting manner with which she conducts herself - Vitaka often passes on the impression of a dull and unintelligent troll who would sooner sit back and allow unproductivity to consume them rather veritably putting themselves to good use. Whilst the first impression is rather harsh, it is not entirely unrealistic. After all, Vita would rather a nice uneventful evening over quite nearly anything. Something about lethargy is just attractive to her. Yet, to assume her thoughtless would be a crippling mistake.
xxxHaving no reason for which to demonstrate her worth to any other troll, Vitaka often does not display her qualities unless they become necessary. Being quite relaxed and easy-going, she's been capable of keeping herself on check regardless of the situation. Rage - while entirely possible - is usually contoured and replaced with a sharp snark and poisonous verbal retort. If ever dare sadness approach, she chases the sentiment off in whatever way she finds more suitable as it brings no benefits to her nor anyone else. Keeping the emotional barracade stilled, Vita is capable of quick and concise logic with which to council or harm. She's sensible enough to know how to act among particular trolls, noting the better ways with which to approach each individual in order to avoid any particularly unpleasant relation.
xxx-Interactions with others

x- Mellow

x- Sensible

x- Clever

x- Aloof

x- "Everybody's Moirail"

x- Lazy

x- No Future Sight


xxxSlightly outdated image reference. Out of her entire attire, I'd just hope the horns remain similar to what they are. Same goes for the boots.

xxxForest; in fact, she's placed her hive directly beneath the thick roots of one of the grander forest trees. Useful when in hiding or attempting to avoid unwanted attention... were it not for the fact that Vitaka's excessive incenses often makes it seem as if there is smoke rising from beneath the tree's roots, thus exposing her "burrow".

xxxAt young age, Vitaka was guarded by DeerMom, a lusus resembling closely a Sambar Deer. Unlike the human counterpart, this lusus presents horns on both male and female members of the species, sporting unnaturally long ears which could nearly match the length of their horns when held upright. Skittish and unremarkable, DeerMom stands out with viciously augmented sense of hearing and sight. During Vitaka's grubhood, it wasn't unusual for DeerMom to scoop the young wriggler onto her back or horns and dart into a more secure location. If ever cornered, DeerMom would strike back with stunning force; her legs proving to be capable of delivering frighteningly strong kicks.
