Username: NekoAnimeLuv
Name: Kirsty Marker/Hotari
Age: 500 (looks around 18-20)
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Weight: 125
Height: Human 5' 4"/ Vampire 5'8"
Hair Color: Blonde with black underneath
Eye Color: Brown then turns red
Personality: Kind, very giving, happy and bubbly
Appearance(s): She has blonde hair with black underneath that goes past her shoulders. Is very fair has brown eyes that turn red when she turns into her vampire form.
Weapons: Scythe and has a small dagger usually attached to her thigh
Powers: Speed, the ability to jump extremely high and can control a limited amount of ice power.
Their Life: Kirsty's parents were being hunted by vampire hunters so Kirsty's parents left her with a human family and gave her a necklace to seal her powers, memories and gives her a human appearance. Kirsty's human parents are named Haurka and Yukio Hotari they also have an older son named Ren. Kirsty learned she was a vampire when she began to have cravings for blood and when the necklace could no longer hold her powers dormant. She also regained memories of her parents. She's been bullied a bit through high school but has lived a normal human life.
Other: nope.
Parents: Caroline and James Marker
Theme song: Blue by The Birthday Massacre
Crush: Kurama (If that's okay)