User ImageName: Berlio Nyprov

Berlio - a name commonly used for a musician.
Nyprov - Nyctereutes procyonoides vveirrinus. The racoon dog. Generally associated of japanese folklore as being jolly and mischievous.

Blood colour: ██ #840909

Gender: male

Symbol: a sideways bass cleff

Personality:Berlio is a playful and optimistic troll, very upfront and honest in about everything he does. Berlio isn't very bright when it comes to tech and statistics, and isn't to big on making a big name for himself. He's happiest composing and writing just to do it. When he does find something he likes, he gets a bit too into it for his own good.

He has a bad habit of falling in love, this is like a real major problem. Though he doesn't fall in love with just anything.
it's mostly in the voice. if you have a nice voice he'll flirt, if he likes you as ant of confidence and an equal amount of fool hardy. If he tells you that he loves you, don't beat around the bush.Tell him no, and express how strongly you feel about your no

Berlio is somewhat of a book worm, when he has time after working he likes to curl up with a good book or do some composing. or maybe plan some pranks

Attentive - When it comes to details Berlio doesn't skimp. He is very attentive and prioritizes even the dumbest detail that comes by. This often leads him to an almost perfectionist type mentality but it also creates major tunnel vision at times and he will forget other duties once this happens or put things off.(weakness and strength?)

Diligent - He won't stop on something until it is done, whether it's composing, arts and crafts or even making friends Berlio is always diligent in what he does.

excitable -
forgetful -
overzealous -

Weapon: blade kind

Appearance: his hair is styled somewhat like this with red highlights and his horns hug his head and then curve away likethis .He wears a black dress shirt lined with white. Something likethis minus the collar. He has a clear black ring around his eyes which give him an almost 'panda' look.

Home: Berlio and his lusus live in the desert. His hive is decorated with odds and ends that he likes and craftsy stuff.
his hive is just large enough to fit him, his Lusus and a few of Berlio's passions.

Lusus: what strange creature has taken your troll under their wing? maybe something that your troll might have picked up habits from? if you are uncertain of what to do for a lusus, check out the lusus information thread.

Power: none