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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

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Azrael Sekhis -blueblood - [ACCEPTED]

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royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:22 pm
Name:Azrael Sekhis
Azrael - is supposed to be the name of the angel of death
Sekhis (short for sekhism) - is a religion.

Blood colour: #0561A7

Gender: male

Symbol: User Image
Holy death

Personality: There is a way to describe Azrael's personality in less than three words. But let's go with the long version shall we? Azrael is pretty reserved when in a group, he isn't socially awkward he is just embarrassed by a major lisp. It is something that causes him great anguish and he wishes more than anything that it was something that some other troll was cursed with. But it doesn't necessarily stop him from being good at conversation. If he's comfortable around you he forgets about his lisp and will talk about numerous things; like constellations, biological theory and the wellness and quality of fur and some of the electronics that they are allowed to use. He gets very awkward, though, when things like troll romance are brought up.

Azrael has an interest in dead things and fur, the dead things are kept in three categories: Food for the lusus, Trophies and experimental materiel (Trophies and EM are sometimes mixed together). All are kept in a cold storage that uses the mountains natural cool temperatures as a means to keep them from rotting too quickly, so he can do his mad scientist thing.The bodies and dismembered parts are kept by color code; Red to red, yellow to yellow, blue to blue etc. He never takes them out into the main room, because things get messy and when a guest drops by they won't want to stay to long if they smell something rotten in the air. He's is a major neat freak. His motto for this is 'You can't be a good scientist if the thing you want is stuck under your best friend's a** or hiding in the lampshade'.

His interest in dead things came from when he was still very small.
when he was younger, he witnessed a mass culling of trolls and investigated it. At first death scared him and brought him to realize trolls are fragile, he started with his experiments as a means to test the realms and borders of death and life.
after a while he forgot about his whole reason for doing things and just began collecting and experimenting.

His thing with fur stems from how soft scarfettle's fur is. He loves the softness of long fur and enjoys the usefulness of more coarse furs. Only his room is decorated with furs, due to his love and care for them he doesn't showcase them in the actual room he would rather not have some dirty vagabond coming in and ruining his things. If Azrael knows he has a guest coming he will do something minor like using a simple fur rug as his means of saying 'Welcome to my den make yourself at home'.

Because he likes to talk, but is a bit self conscience in public, he tends to go on rants by himself to let out the frustration of 'not talking'. One of his biggest goals is to get over his self-esteem drama. He will start talking to dead things due to this need to talk to somebody or when he just needs to figure things out and fully realizes what he's talking too. It's something that makes him feel better after a long day. He has no real qualms with killing others, this is why he has the 'trophy' section in his cold storage. But he has the hardest time killing close friends or people he deems as 'important' which is more than most realize.

knowledgeable - His knowledge is based in anatomy and mathematics. And he knows about the care and grades of fur. He can be a good conversationalist once he has gotten comfortable around you and has gotten past his self-conscious behavior. He loves books, So if he isn't experimenting or obsessing over fur he is buried in a book about one thing or another.

Organized - He hates messes to a pretty high degree and likes keeping track of his stuff. Losing things or having his things chewed on by Scarfettle get on his nerves. He even goes as far as to color code and alphabetize.

steadfast - The positive half of his stubborn nature. Once he finds something to stand for he will not abandon it even to his last breath. Whether that thing is something good like protecting his moiral or something terrible like being a no good backstabber he will stand by it through thick and thin.


Stubborn - The negative part of his stubborn nature. Even if he's wrong, and knows he's in the wrong it is hard for him to relent and admit he was wrong. This sometimes leads him into arguments with others. This also keeps him from getting rid of something he finds 'valuable' like body parts, furs or treasures.But he doesn't keep everything, since more than his pride goes. He hates clutter.

Self-conscious: Azrael may not look it but he actually has pretty low self esteem, which causes him to be snarky and cantankerous towards others.
once you get to know him he's actually really soft on the inside and acts more like a redblood than a blueblood, but this also makes him very conscious about his problems.

Claustrophobic- he has real issues with being closed in on he doesn't totally lose his cool. But he can become snappish, contrary and just irritable in general. The smaller the space the worse it is. But it isn't a fear that will make him freeze up or anything like that more likely it will make him bug out.

cantankerous - this really just ties in with the rest of his personality. His stubborn pride, impatient behavior and general nature leads to his cantankerous moods are generally shown in an antagonistic folly for anything and everything, especially lower bloods seem to receive this side of him when he's mad. This is due to the fact that he thinks of himself as a misplaced blood.

Weapon: disc kind

Appearance: User Image
He wears a simple gray fur trimmed coat that is always left open so he can flaunt his blood color with a Blue shirt donning his symbol in dark gray.
His horns are joined and branch off about 4 cm from the base. the smaller branch looks as though it might curl around the larger branch when he's older.
his pants are flared around the end and his shoes are the color of his blood.
his canines extend past his bottom lip

Home: The main room of his cave is decorated in a very simple but modern fashion, occasionally adorned with a fur or two to give it a welcoming feel for when he's expecting guests. He has a cold storage room which uses the natural chill of the mountain to keep the bodies he collects cold and useable. a kitchen which is not all that commonly used, since he can't cook worth anything and could probably kill with it. His room is adorned with many pelts, mostly long fur, contrasting the rest of his house but he would rather keep them away from being dirtied or anything.


appearance: Azrael 's lusus is a long fuzzy thing lusus is a long fuzzy thing commonly mistaken for a scarf. It's actually a form of furred/feathered serpent and actually thrives in cooler temperatures. It's actual body is fairly small and the fur is soft, durable, trapping heat in little pockets next to the skin, and makes it look bigger than it actually is.

Scarfettle is something like a garbage disposal, being that it eats anything it deems suitable or anything that enters it's mouth. It has horrible vision and can't always tell things that are the same size and shape apart, that is why it relies heavily on it's sense of smell. But it's more a sense of taste than anything, since it tastes the air rather than smells. To eat really sizable meals it dislocates it's jaw and swallows it whole.

It's bones are hollow and that gives it the ability to fly. The wings on it's back are used for flight and the wings on it's head are mostly used for steering and decoration. Scarfettle is constantly growing. It's pretty young, being only about 11.5 sweeps old compared to the 100 sweeps that it could be. Scarfettle at this age is only about 4ft long and that is mostly in the tail.

personality: Scarfettle is very lazy and it prefers to just loaf around in especially warm places. When it actually decides that it wants to mess around it becomes a little overly playful and tends to bite. Scarfettle is very curious about things, especially other trolls. It also never seems to take into account what would and would not trouble Azreal and really just does as it pleases. It is also not always a clean creature leaving it's meals around willy-nilly, which would almost make one wonder how it ended up with a neat freak like Azrael.

Power: none
Power: none  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:55 pm
(just dying to do one of these)User Image
something to go here later


royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:52 am
Okay, so I added and took away something that I noticed didn't make much sense. How does it look or was it better before?  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:06 am

Ok just having a read though your trolls bio and a few bits jumped out at me that need work on.

Personality Ok his basic personality is fine, I see no problem there but I would like to know, why the obsession over death? I know you stated he enjoys talking to dead trolls but why? Is he concerned that he will appear stupid to living trolls? Or that he couldn't possibly get a decent answer from one and thus he would rather talk to a dead one. I mean if he was like that he might as well just talk to the wall, what need is there for collecting the dead. Are they like medals? Does he perform experiments on them? And if he is what sort? There can be a whole background to this trait! Could it be that he is very lonely and would rather be surrounds by lifless eyes than none at all??

So my question is why, what and where did this trait come from? Why does he want to keep trolls in his home which will start to rot and smell and be gross. What is his reason for the obsession in the first place. And where does he keep them when he has company o__o


Intelligent: Intelligence usually means book smarts, maths, science, English you name it! The way you have used this ability isn't very clear. I know what am going on about most of the time but i wouldn't consider myself intelligent! This needs to be fleshed out if you want to keep the intelligence part, include his 'mad scientist' ways.

- Persuasive: That is one bold statement, talk a devil into church! Maybe tone it down slightly, am all for him being a smooth talker/charmer but we have to make sure other trolls can resits his lure too! In a way its almost god-modding people to RP their trolls to be convinced by him because you have made him sound so persuasive. I know that wasn't your intent but it comes across like it is.

Conversational: I think this can be mixed in with intellect, since you already have him being persuasive this strength doesn't really stand on its own, and can be included in his intelligent nature.


You have one flaw missing (one flaw = one strength) so you can keep it like this if you combine the above though.

I think these need more information. Does his stubborn nature effect his collection of dead things, is that why he wont get rid of them if their rotting? What other things is he obsessed about? I know collecting dead trolls is one but being overzealous effect his relationships as well? Could he become a stalker even?

Overall Summary

Ok this character still needs some work, mainly filling out his strengths and weakness. Good ground work but I dont think he is ready for acceptance just yet!


Business Vampire

royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:00 am
well his original personality was supposed to be a sort of reserved collector.
but I wanted him to be at least sort of conversational but the two definitions of being reserved and conversational sort of collided.

and yeah the persuasive one was something I was sort of 'meh' about from the beginning, I wanted to change it but wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go. He's just supposed to be a very smooth talker, not really persuasive per say.

And he is actually really self conscience about his lisp, and that is why he'd rather talk to a dead troll than an alive on, and he likes to talk so he'll start random dribbles to whatever is around - usually dead things because that's what he deals with.
Oh, I think this just pulled out another flaw: He is EXTREMELY self conscience which would lead to his reserved/withdrawn nature, and I think I'll give a slight change to the 'obsession' thing, because it's a very strong word and not quite what I imagined. I mean he isn't going to love and cajole dead things, he doesn't practice necrophilia, but he does find it interesting that something alive can become dead so quickly,it's the fragility and loss of life that interests him and not so much the 'dead things' aspect. So I would think that he does sort of both. Keeping them as trophies and experimenting on them.
but I think I'll really re-word that.

and, umm.... yeah I didn't think about the rotting part... uhhg, yeah stupid me. He'd probably want to do something about the stench. Like he dumps the bodies once he's done with them? I'm probably going to make him a obsessive neat freak, so he disposes of the bodies to keep it clean .
I don't want him to keep other trolls from visiting so he probably won't keep things laying around, he would probably have little cooling chambers to keep bodies that he wants to keep intact and keep from rotting. But not too many. He'd probably use the natural cold temperature of the mountains to his advantage in order to keep the bodies refrigerated. He might also use this as a way to keep food for his lusus so that he doesn't have to go looking for food all the time. That is of course when he's done experimenting

I could go on about how I will change it buuuuuuut, I'll just make the changes
but I'm probably going to make some drastic changes to his personality.
but he's still a mad scientist/mortician.
I'm really glad you pointed this out to me some of this stuff I didn't notice. but somethings I did notice and were kinda 'meh' about from the beginning. this just kinda reaffirms and helped me flush this stuff out.

I'll just make this a note post or something for reminders.

thanks, this was waay helpful man. :3  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:17 pm
heya! first off, i am curious about his lusus. it seems to be the base of his two biggest interests, but is a bit of an enigma. why does it bite off heads? how can it? biting off heads is pretty hard, especially when you're a fair bit smaller than the creature in question. not to mention, a lusus that kills other trolls is a rather big deal as they are typically guardians of trolls, and this important fact seems to be just a minor footnote in his profile.

iwilldomorelater gotta go to bed!
consider this the first bit!  

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:37 am
I revised the lusus section and I revised the death thing.
Anyway does the lusus make sense now?  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:53 am
[ Ok just read through your quest and I am much happier with how you have written him out!! If anything I think he is good to go!!! The death interest is much clearer now and his awkwardness around people explained better. There is only one thing that I would like to know, and it isn't really a criticism, just a pondering!!

The lisp can accommodate for his awkwardness in public society/talking to people but you've put that it makes his feel out of place in highblood society? Is that just the society itself or referring to the hemospectrum? Does he feel his lisps is a sign of weakness for a blue blood?

Maybe a little more info needs to be put into this section about what you mean. If its society then leave out the highblood part, if its his concern about blood caste and his lisp then more details please!!

Other than I am more than happy to approve him with these slight changes!! Quote me when you are done so I get on to it right away!!]


Business Vampire

royal jackanapes

Sparkly Gekko

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:27 am
[ Ok just read through your quest and I am much happier with how you have written him out!! If anything I think he is good to go!!! The death interest is much clearer now and his awkwardness around people explained better. There is only one thing that I would like to know, and it isn't really a criticism, just a pondering!!

The lisp can accommodate for his awkwardness in public society/talking to people but you've put that it makes his feel out of place in highblood society? Is that just the society itself or referring to the hemospectrum? Does he feel his lisps is a sign of weakness for a blue blood?

Maybe a little more info needs to be put into this section about what you mean. If its society then leave out the highblood part, if its his concern about blood caste and his lisp then more details please!!

Other than I am more than happy to approve him with these slight changes!! Quote me when you are done so I get on to it right away!!]

I like how he's come out too =3
I'll admit it was hard for me to take criticism, but it was supposed to be helpful and it was.

and actually it was that he had a lisp and that he felt awkward in high blood society, two different problems. But the high-blood one I took out since it sort of collided with the image I had for him so It's been put back down to his social anxiety.

anyway it's been revised is that better?  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:30 am
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