Ahem. This isn't a quest for an Item in Gaia. It's a quest to help people have fun (and get some rewards for myself along the way). The quest is in a game called League of Legends. If you do play league of legends already, then that's great, and you can add me. My username on it is Diablos1888. If you DON'T play League of Legends, then I ask that you please do, and that you sign up via the link that will be provided. It's an amazing game and you'll definently enjoy playing it. My long-term goal would be to refer ten thousand people to the game and have them all enjoy it. For now my short term goal is about a hundred. Please sign up and play, as it'll be fun for you, and I'll get some cool stuff. Use THIS link to sign up, as it'll grant me credit for you. The amazing page that leads to awesomeness

If that link doesn't work, paste this into your bar:

Thank you if you clicked it and signed up, and if you didn't I ask that you please do.

Sincerely, Diablos