My best friend and I are having a one year weight loss competition. Who ever can lose all the weight and keep it off until next veteran's day wins! We officially start today.

Here's the fun part, I set his goal weight and he set mine. The winner gets something from the loser, if I win, he's going to buy me an HDTV with a blu-ray player. And if he wins....well he hasn't chosen anything yet.

The official weigh in day is veteran's day of 2012 (although, this may change until a day where I can actually come home for the holiday).

He's 6' 1" so I set his goal weight to 180 (bmi of 23.7) and I'm 5' 5.5" and he set my goal weight to 120 (bmi of 20.0). We both have never been that low. That's our way of making this competition hard on each other. The lowest I remember being is around the 140's and the lowest he's been is 200 lbs.

The funny thing is, I'm not even competitive. I just want an HDTV so I can play games like worms, bioshock, and fallout 3 with out having to squint at my 420p tv. If I win, he's gonna get me a 1080p plasma HDTV with all the proper hookups. I also want a blu ray player to watch awesome movies the way they were meant to be seen (Star wars...).

I think a little friendly competition is a good motivator. Have any of you ever been in a weight loss competition? Was it successful or not?