Hey girls!
So I'm a freckle face. Like.....A LOT of freckles all over me!
And although I love 'em to death, They often make my face look kinda dirty or patchy when they don't cover it all.
I've been doing eye makeup for a couple years -- just some eyeliner, shadow + mascara...and I like to keep it relatively natural!
I'm quite pale, but I can't tell you what my shade would be.
Dark brown hair, Darker eyes....Caucasian ancestory mainly.
My skin's not especially oily (although my hair is. :/ ) and I'll rarely get zits.
But when I do.....I'd also like to be able to cover them up!

I'm looking for something that will even out my skin tone, without completely covering my freckles.
My mom doesn't want me to start on foundation yet because she says it will be bad for my skin eventually.
So I'm wondering....is tinted moisturizer the way to go?
Is there a specific kind you reccomend? I'd want to go with something good for REALLY cheap as I don't want to spend much on my first product, AND I'm poor from college and fencing -- maybe wal-mart level cheap?
Thanks girls!! ♥