*Note: Because I haven't been given permission to officially quest for a Jade, this quest application may be considered dormant/void until explicit permission is given. So this is more of a layout at the moment until that magical moment of allowance is permitted.*

Name: Eriunn (Gaelic = from Eriu, matron goddess of Ireland, and Anann, personification of death) Nantos (Gaulish/Brythonic = from Nantosuelta, goddess of nature, earth, fire and fertility)

Blood colour: Jade green (#00A86B)

Gender: Female

Symbol: It looks like an odd combination of the Aries and Pisces symbols, which you can see for yourself at the bottom image.

Social: Being the awkward troll that she is, Eriunn may sometimes be quiet in a large social setting, causing her to appear distant and perhaps a bit unapproachable, mainly caused by her insecurity. A bit of coaxing will bring her out of her shell, however, and she'll soon be having a grand ol' time, playing pranks on other trolls, bragging about her AWESOME accuracy skills and roughhousing with her friends. She won't show it if she's upset or not; the only emotions she'll show in a large setting are black, annoyance (I don't know the color for this!) and happiness (or this).
Private: Once you place Eriunn in a small, closed setting with one or two of her friends, she'll be more open, allowing any and all emotion to come as they please. She'll share almost any secret with her closest friends, and will keep their secrets to her culling day. If she ever loses a friend, you can expect her to be in a serious state of depression, often not leaving her room and spending more time with her Lusus.
Emotional: Imagine a bouncy ball; now throw it as hard as you possibly can in a small tile room. Eriunn's emotions come and go as fast as her ever-running thoughts, which can result in humorous and sometimes alarming changes of moods. One minute she could be thinking about the one who she feels red for, and will be a bit awkward in movement and speech while she thinks about that troll. Then, she might get upset that they don't feel the same way for her, and end up feeling blue. It's a continuous change of emotions, running as fast as a river.

Loyalty: Eriunn's sense of loyalty is very strong, and although she doesn't have a whole lot of friends, you'll find that she'll go great lengths to defend someone, even if it hurts her in the process. She's even killed a troll for betraying her friend, and didn't think twice about it. Comparing her to a canine lusus or an Earth dog would be a great way to get an idea of how ridiculously loyal she can be.
Honesty: Do you want to know if you're annoying? Or if that dress really makes you fat? Just ask Eriunn. She'll tell you; just don't expect her to be soft about it. If anything, she's a blunt kind of troll.
Accuracy: With super-accuracy being her only power, it's no wonder that it's one of her strengths. With her pistolkind in hand, she's able to shoot a good bulls eye from a far distance. Of course, she often brags about her particular strength, most of the time irritating nearby listeners.
Awkward: Well, there's not a whole lot that Eriunn can do about being a bit awkward. She's always been a little...off, while some trolls might not give a bucket about that, she certainly does, and it causes her a good amount of grief when she starts to think about it. It's caused her to have only a few selected friends, and if she thinks that one of them isn't too keen about being friends with her anymore, she'll assume that it's because of her awkwardness.
Bruising: Don't ever say it around her, but Eriunn bruises very easily. Don't misunderstand; she can hold up her own in a fight, and brush off a punch in the heat of the moment, but if she's walking around and her knee hits the edge of a desk, expect a howl of pain and pretty words from her.
Heat: Heat. Eriunn's number one physical weakness. If you placed her in a somewhat hot room, her body would interpret it as volcanic heat, and it wouldn't be surprising if she passed out soon after. She enjoys the cold, and she enjoys the average warmth, but if it goes from "warm" to "hot", it could put her out of commission.

Weapon: Her choice weapon being a pistolkind, Eriunn has combined it with a comedy mask and an old book by Shakestroll, making it look ridiculous and giving it a musky smell. She may not regret it now, but when she's older, she may want to try to create a different - and hopefully less ridiculous looking - pistolkind.

Appearance: what does your troll look like? what hairstyle do they have? clothing/style? feel free to use photo/image references. if you want to design their outfit, please focus on kid stage, and keep it simple. troll outfits only get elaborate once they're adults. remember! trolls have black hair, orange horns, grey skin, and tend to have outfits that are mostly grey and black.

Power: Although it's not that good of a power, Eriunn has super-accuracy with her pistolkind, and often unnecessarily brags about it to others if the topic arises. Of course, it's debatable that she doesn't have this power, and that her pistolkind is programmed with some lock-on ability, but she never talks about that.

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(Jeez, this is taking forever. Work faster, brain! -shakes fist-)