Role Playing Subforum Guidelines

Welcome to the RP subforum! We have some simple guidelines that we ask you to adhere to in order to keep this fun and entertaining for all.

Creating an RP

RPs should be hobby-themed, whether it's 40K or Fantasy or another sub-game. Make sure potential RPers can tell what universe your RP is in!

Plan before creating an RP! Make use of the RP Discussion and Planning thread to brainstorm ideas with other members before creating your own RP.

When you do decide to create an RP, create both an in-character thread for the RP itself, and an out-of-character thread where people can post their characters and talk about the individual RP.

RPing guidelines

Be literate and detailed. You don't need to write a book, but don't write a sentence, either.

Don't power-play/godmode. It's not appreciated by other members, and you'll find yourself all alone with nobody to RP with. The creator of an RP has final say on what is godmoding.

Lastly, have fun! If you have ideas for improvements in this subforum, make use of the General feedback thread.