Username: WhiteRabbitGirl
Name: Akira Yokoto
Age: Forever 17
Gender: female
Race: Vampire
Weight: 110
Height: 5'3
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Personality: Happy, doesn't hesitate, fearless to a point

User Image
Weapons: teeth, daggers, and personality
Powers: mind reading, shadow control,
Their Life: Born in the Renascence Akira watched most history go down, but she was a human. She was out early ridding with her father, but when they returned home it was under attack by another kingdom. She road into town drawing her sword defending her village, but in the end she was shot by an arrow and left for dead. Everyone killed others taken as slaves.. A shadow of a man saved her life, biting into her neck.
Other: [ looking for the Vampire who saved her life to thank him
Parents: Her father was a knight, and mother made clothes
Theme song: Finally make it home