
Hello there darlings Im Diabolica-III by the way you can call me Dia heart ... I havn't been active in gaia lately , especially in the guilds, mainly because I've been so busy :c I really want to be active though so I've decided to start a thread here on the advice sub-forum... If you need any help or anything don't hesitate to ask.

Why ask help from me though? Well I've been drawing since the beggining of time that's why! rofl I'm currently a BS Animation Student so I;ve definitley got the basics down. Be warned though, if you ask for advice/ suggestions/ and comments I may be very critical about it... as artists receiving negative feed back will help you improve as well. Trust me I get it almost every day in
school. Never be satisfied with your works, always aim for 101% heck even more! wink

Here is a Sample [x] of my old gallery. A new gallery is underway c:
