This is a letter I wrote to someone i care about its pretty much everything I want to say to him. I posted it here because I figured its writing and its pretty deep and other writers might appreciate that sort of thing. Its basicly me venting though. sorry if there are typos.

Dear R.,
I think of you every second of every day, I miss you, I miss talking to you and hearing your voice at night. I know that what I wanted can never be, but no matter what I do the thought cannot leave my head. Today I saw a picture of you and your new girlfriend, my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I don't know why it hurts me soo much to see you with someone else.. it's been over a year since we last .. well you know. I know that you were never really mine, but I can't help but feel like we should have been, you would tell me anything and everything, all your deepest secrets things u never told any of your girls. I fell in love with you from the very begining and now I wish I hadn't because my heart is in constant unbearable pain, like it has a 10,000 pound weight on it and it feels as though it is bound in chains and I can hear it screaming in pure agony at night as i try to fall asleep. I can remember a time when it was as light as a feather and felt like a bird fluttering in my chest, it was with you when all was well. There is nothing I can do now though. All I wish for now is your memory to fade from my mind so I might forget this unbearable love.

Yours Forever and Always,