"Oh.." she let her voice trail off for a moment as she thought about how long she'd been there. She knew exactly how long it had been. "A few months." She shrugged her shoulders, not giving much of a response. "I came not long after you left." She beamed, not smiling directly at him, but there wasn't anyone else she could have been smiling at. Why had she come here? She didn't have any idea that he'd be here, but she figured there had to be something appealing about the City of Angels, right?

Trailing along happily behind him, she nearly began skipping. She felt much more comfortable just being around someone she knew. Her headache was still plaguing her, but being with B made it easier to press it aside. A heavy sigh, "So, B. What are you doing in LA?" She looked up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity and question, hoping he would actually answer her this time.