It is too late to point it out, and there is no point in it being pointed out at this time, sorry.
It is up to the owner, and those looking out for her to point out any mistakes they see before the closing time. :C
I even gave an extra 20 minutes or so for people to point out any mistakes they may have seen. If it wasn't spotted, or pointed out to me, then I am sorry.
In a sense though, to be fair, the only ones allowed in the unedit category are those whom are truly unedited, or those whom could pass for simple/minor/minor mod. Anything that wouldn't make much difference if turned unedit. I wouldn't count fur tails as minor-ish in a sense.
However to be fair, since they are simple enough and lost two chances, I guess I will add them to the mini or unedit list and roll an extra pair.
Just remember next time to please check the list before closing, or have someone check for you if you aren't going to be around at the time.