Hey its me Not Close To Perfect, I am a big Rp,I have a few others rps that still accepting both in group or 1x1 Well anyways,let me explain what this Roleplay is.
Yes it might be a cross over feel free to be a made up person or someone who exsit. Please remeber to follow the rules of the guild and gaia. Other then that have fun with it..Note you can make up to 6 profile,no more please.

Profile(Feel free to make it differenly)
picture (anime only please)
Something you want us to know?

Kinda a cross over between Pokemon (the old times not new), and maybe what ever comes to mind, (naruto?). Note please understand some people may not get some anime since they never watch them before. So if you get a little out of line feel free to explain,just to be nice.
My profiles

Sophia Issebella Jones
age 15
Of course she is a girl
Very shy but when she is fighting she uses her huri,very good at hiding from people.
She doesn't use her pokemon for fighting she in fact treat them as they are her family. She rarely have them in their pokeballs. People from home call her a circus freak.

She loves to use her Huri (its sharp needles use for medical and fighting uses.)
Also hand to hand comeback.

Pokemons(No rare please),