Dark's introduction.

Hi everybody! As you can see, I am Dark Nebula7. First off, my name is Kiana but you can call me, neb, nebby, nebz, nebula, dark, or some other weird nickname you'd like to give me. So far the nicknames given to me in this guild are Ralph and Stella.

Ive been in this guild for a while but not necessarily active. In fact, I haven't been to the random bar until about 2 months ago. I think I've been here for a year and a half or less. Well I can at least say that I've been here most of my gaia life. I love this place, I really do. This is one of the only guilds that I enjoy being in.

I'm currently 13(turning 14 in less than a month on May 1st). Most of my life people have told me that I don't look my age and that I act way older than am. I've been mistakened for a college student even though I had just become a freshmen in highschool. By the way, I am a freshmen still. I skipped Kindergarten. Even so, I would have been the youngest in kindergarten. So I could be in 7th or 8th grade.

I love to draw and paint. I'm rather artistic but I can be a computer dummy. I play 2 instruments. I play the flute and violin. I'm not too good at the violin anymore but I'm currently and actively playing the flute.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Everything else, you'll have to ask me. I do hope that I will be even more here unlike the previous months. I'm glad to be here and hope to beet many of you. See you all later. ^^