<(^.^<) WELLCOM (>^.^)>
I would like to introduse you to the sohma house!

If you havn't seen the show, it is about a long line of family members that, when there bodies are under distress, the wether is going crazy, or they hug the opposit sex (girl hug guy, visa versa) that particular family member turns into an animal from the zodiac! You may live in the soma house or in a private area near there land, but you have to get a proval to live out side the soma house. Two people may be able to turn into the same animle, but you need to get permission from me if more than three people want to be the same animal. you may be a member of the zodiac, or a human. not all soma amily members are zodiac, only a select frew. again, welcom to the soma house!, hope you have fun, and be carefull, you don't know what you might find next!
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no god-moding
i am the ruler of this forum
this is a semi-lit rp
this is a high school/ soma house setting, so please keep with the settings!
please post atleast a paragraph, i know, i know, writers block, but deal with it
please make sure that you keep with what the show says, im basing this of of the show and nothing ells!
please give some people a chance to post, dont post two pages with another poster. people can get lost, we don't want that to happen
OOC is in {{ }} or [[ ]]
PM me your skellies
no killing unless me and the other poster agrea with it
make the forum interesting
i encurage romance, but no sex


appearence: anime please
atracted to:
any weapons?: remember, i want this role play interesting
zodiac animal?: more than two people can be the same[/b]

appearence: anime please
atracted to:
are you a member of the soma family?: remember that you don't have to ba a zodiac animal!
any weapons?: remember, i want this role play interesting[/b]

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