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::Ririka's Plot thread::

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High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:23 am
Welcome to my plot thread.
Please read the rules below before diving in.

Not all of my Soq are here.
You can find the rest here: Teepee
If you would like RP or Plots with one of the soq in my teepee feel free to just fill out the form and add their name under "Plot/RP wanted"

o1. Please be nice and respectful when coming in to this thread.
o2. You are here to ASK to partake in plots and RP, not BEG.
o3. If you beg I will not consider your request or any future requests.
o4. If our RP/plot fails/dies then I have the right to take it down and end it.
o5. If o4 happens, and you get pissy with me, then fine, hate me, but do not act like a brat about it cause that will just make me note never to get involved with you again.
o6. If you wish to ask about plotting please use the form provided in the Soq's post.
o7. If you do not have time to guild RP, we may have Thread, PM RP, or backstory plotting in to consideration.
o8. If you take up a plot, and vanish before it starts, I have every right to give the plot to someone else if a reasonable amount of time has passed.
o9. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me or post here.
10. All rules are subject to change if I see fit.

Plot Form
[size=15]::PICK ME::[/size]
[size=9][b]Interested Soq:[/b] [Your Soq]
[b]Link to your Soq:[/b]
[b]Plot/RP Wanted:[/b]
[b]What you are interested in:[/b] [Just a brief explanation on why you want the plot/RP and what you are interested in happening/your ideas]
[b]Anything Else:[/b][/size]
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:25 am
User Image
Name: Tynan
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant Kalona
Temper: Deviant

Personality: Tynan is what you would call off, but in his own special sort of way. The type of special that comes from living a life without the guide of a parents, friend or any other figure whom he could have been raised by or beside. And why? Because his mother was no ready to be tied down by children, so with his father having been long gone she abandoned his basket in the desert and never looked back.

With the silence of a lonely life under the desert sun it was no surprise Tynan would end up being a bit, more like a lot, off, and why not, he is, after all, a deviant. A being whom society would never completely understand and accept. He is someone with no understanding when it comes to basic societal morals and rules. He is someone whom doesn't completely understand emotions outside of ones he himself has experience. He is someone whom just doesn't understand the world around him, and probably never will.

This is not to say he isn't intelligent. Oh no, he is, in his own way. It is just the fact that most of the time he likes to play dumb so others may leave him alone, or so he can bring others closer before turning them in to his little toy, or giving them a nice smack across the face.

::Love Life::

Sexuality: Unknown. Most likely Bi
Current Mate: None

o1. Must be earned
o2. Must be earned
o3. Must be earned

RP Color: Brown

User Image

Blast from the Past
I think it would be interesting for Tynan to meet someone whom may have known either his mother or father. Having been abandoned as a basket, it is clear that he himself knows nothing about either parent, especially since he was left nothing in their memory except for his appearance and the basket he was left in as a developing foal. To meet someone whom may known either he would not bombard them with questions. No, he would question whether he would even want to know anything about them. Would he want to clear up any hatred for them, or would be be left with knowledge that would make his hatred grow?
Note, his father was a bit of a free spirited flirt, a man whore to say the least. His mother on the other hand was more of someone whom thought herself as high status and liked to belittle others.

By the leash
As stated before, Tynan finds great humor in acting like he was dropped on his head one too many times. I would like someone whom he can act like this around, maybe someone whom would see him as a pet for them to control for status, muscle, protection, whatever reason they can think of. If possible, I would like this to possibly be a two part or so RP. The first would be them "capturing" Tynan, and the second would be the slap in the face where he shows his true colors. If you was it can be extended to; capture, play [Small run and random guild or in thread RPs where they can use Tynan], then the slap.

Learn your manners
Being someone of deviant nature, Tynan is basically an outcast to society, someone whom no one ever really accepts due to his nature. This would be weird if he actually living in an area where he would have a great chance of running in to others and having them spit this knowledge in his face, but he never has. You only meet so many others in the desert. Having moved his way towards more populated areas I would like Tynan to meet someone, maybe a snob of sorts, whom would spit on him and point out his flaws. Of course Ty would just happily accept his flaws and snap back, so don't except him to run off crying or something.

Your weird, I like
No one can spend their life alone, forever, and this is no exception for Tynan. Even the crazed outcast needs a friend or two, someone whom can take some interest in him and accept him for whom and what he is. This Soq, or these soq, don't have to be fellow Kalonas. Tynan is fairly accepting of all races, mainly since he knows nothing of "pure blood" and "basic kalona rules".

Learn what you are
Plain and simple. Tynan does not fully understand what he is and what this means, so he will need someone, a fellow kalona, to point this out to him, and maybe even try to shove the basic rules and "pure blood" speech in to his head. Note, Tynan may or may not understand and accept these rules, but they can try either way.


High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:30 am
User Image
Name: Aisha
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Flutter-Angicon
Temper: Protective

Personality: Unlike her sister, Aisha has always held a rambunctious attitude about her. She always wanted to run around and have adventures to learn more about the world around her while meeting others whom were different from herself. And yet at the same time she wanted to stay by her sister's side to bring her comfort and to try and put a smile on her face. This she could not help because she always felt a need to protect those she held close to her heart.

Even as an adult not much has changed. Like her father her spirit screams to be free and to travel the lands in search for something Aisha can not find if she stays put, but she always finds herself returning back to the familiar lands of her home. Though she wants to run off and have grand adventures the mare also always wants to stay close by in case she is ever needed.

Plus, with her curious nature she always finds something to catch her attention within places she has been to 10 times over.

::Love Life::

Sexuality: Straight
Current Mate: None

o1. Lifemate only
o2. Lifemate only
o3. Lifemate only

RP Color: Violet

User Image

The need for adventure of travel isn't the only thing Aisha gained from her father. Being a bit of a tomboy, and having a need to protect and act as a guardian towards others, Aisha has always imagined what the life of Knight would be life. However, she has never had the chance to meet such a character.
With this in mind, I would like her to meet a knight, or a knight in training so she may learn something about their ways, and maybe how to use the sword she has never touched, not even once...

To be a lady
Easy enough, Aisha isn't the most lady like mare out there, and she never has been. So, it is clear to say she could probably use a lesson in how to be more lady like, and maybe they could even try to attempt to give her lessons on men, how to whoo them and what a mare means to a stallion. Can anyone say awkward moments?

Run off with me
Adventures and travels, adventures and travels. They have always been the center of the young mare's life. But what would happen if she were ready to settle down for a bit and someone came along, maybe someone she already knows and someone knew, and requested she come along with them? What exactly would this adventure be? Why should she come along? Who knows. Is it even worth it? [The adventure they will be running off on, if she agrees, can be discussed]

Who do you think you are?
Everyone needs a good rival, and this is no different for Aisha. What does she except when she is constantly dressed like she is ready for a fight, or getting ready to run off and slay a dragon?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:44 am
Reserved for Schiz  


High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:54 am
Reserved for Quaran  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:34 am
User Image
Name: Nikita
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Regular
Temper: Pushy

Personality: Ever since foalhood, Nikita has never been the filly the dreams of being some kind of princess, being someone who finds their prince and gets swept off their feet and running off to live the perfect life. She was never one to surround herself with friends and giggle about whom is cute and what they want for their future.

Nope, Nikita was more like the filly that rumbled with the boys and ran about rough housing and going off on adventures to discover new things.

Since hitting adulthood Nikita still holds some of those same quirks. While she isn't exactly running around with the boys and rolling around in the dirt, she still isn't someone who goes around thinking about love 24/7, and still has never seen herself as a "princess" or sorts, maybe mostly because she has never been treated in such a pampered way, and doesn't see herself as having those princess qualities. Basically, the whole idea is foreign to her thanks to living with such a loud family and being raised amongst two brothers.

At first meeting Nikita may seem like she is a bit of a "b***h" thanks to her nature. She is known for being someone who can be a tad sarcastic at times, and also someone who enjoys her little moment of throwing around little playing jokish "insults" from time to time, so she also enjoys the company of those who can take the jokes, and even more, those who know how to throw jokes of their own. While it gets her blood pumping with anger, it also fills her with a fuel of excitement and entertainment.

Along with that, Nini is also someone who holds a competitive nature thanks to her parents. She is someone who enjoys taking one and flinging bets and challenges. This is cause she is someone whom doesn't want to come off as weak and being a chicken, and also cause she just enjoys having bragging rights and the feeling of winning. Though if she loses, yeah she will be a bit mad, but she won't get all depressed about it and become a sore loser. It is more for the fun than anything else, though she can have her hot and hard headed moments during the course.

Besides all that, Nikita is pretty laid-back, determined, protective, sassy, and just wants to have moments of having fun and just living her life, no matter where it will lead her. Whether it is going on great journeys or just leading a quite slow life.

::Love Life::

Sexuality: Straight
Current Mate: None

o1. ---
o2. ---
o3. ---

RP Color: Black

User Image

Keep pushing it
Nikita is far from the mares whom actively go around looking for a good time, or go off looking for their knight in shining armor, far from it. It is not that she hasn't pondered the idea of love, she just isn't in to it and doesn't want to waste her time looking for something that may never come, especially when he brothers already promised to kill any guy that comes near her.
I would like a flirt, big ego man, man whore, what have you, to try and take a shot at her, thinking that she may be like any mare the have come across and that they may be able to "break" her, only to fall and fail. It is their choice whether they want to continue trying or not, but note, she isn't an easy one. [She has something in testing, so depending on how that ends, if the stallion want to continue perusing her we can see]

Gambling is in the blood
Nikita's mother and father got together through a lost bet, and I would find it amusing if gambling and betting started to run in the family. I am not asking for a breeding bet, no, Nikita would never "fall" like her mother, this bet can be something other than that, and we can discuss this. Being someone whom is high in temper, and very competitive, she would not turn the bet down. This plot is open for male or female, the bet will be discussed, and we can chat about how this would come about.

Gambling is in the blood
If there is anything Nini can't stand at times it is cowards and those whom are sickeningly sugary sweet. So I think there would be a good amount of amusement if she were stuck with someone like this during one of her nightly travels. Either they are lost, or are too scared to travel the rest of the way and they decide it upon themselves that it would be best to follow Nini, even though she would probably refuse and try to shoot down the idea...


High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:47 am
User ImageName: Adalinda
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant Kelpi [Bloodscale Wavecaller Naga, WoW]
Temper: Obsessive

Personality: Adalinda holds herself up on a high stool thanks to her prideful nature. She sees herself as the best, and wants to keep it that way by any means at her disposal. If the mare finds she is not top dog, well then she will find a way to stomp the current top dog down and make herself the best that way.

Her bitchy and territorial nature does nothing to make her personality shine any brighter. Unless you are willing to play her game and do as she tells you, or you find a way to amuse her and have reason to want to keep you around, then there is no hope for you. However, she may want to track you down for amusement sake if she finds herself bored.

A warning: DO NOT go near "her" lake. It is her territory and she will defend it as she pleases. Anyone whom dares step foot on her territory will be attacked one way or another.

History: No one knows where exactly Adalinda came from. Some say she was born from the lake itself thanks to the "Gods", others say she must have strayed in when no one was looking. Where ever the mare's origins may lie, all can agree she is nothing but a monstrous curse upon those whom make their home near the lake.

The mutant has always seen the lake as "her" territory and defends it from words to blood. Those whom did not take her warnings to heart always found themselves chased off, attacked, drowned, and even sometimes killed in blood. These statements goes for animals and two-leggers alike. She sees no difference between the two and therefore was never lenient. The only ones whom were allowed to come by were those whom she gave permission, the fish, water fowl and those she considered a good meal.

For years Adalinda terrorized the lake side and the two-leggers that made their home near the territory. If she wasn't wrecking havoc by the lake, then she went to the villages and found amusement there with tricks and meaningless attacks. She even found time to kill and steal their livestock from time to time.

As time went by her days seemed to grow gray and long as the land around her lake seemed to grow quiet. Eventually, the kelpi found her mind grow quiet with the times to the point she fell in to a deep hibernation, at least...until the land few lively once more...

::Love Life::

Sexuality: Straight
Current Mate: None
Fling Agreement: Here

o1. Vaporeon - CC only at the moment
o2. Open
o3. Open

RP Color: Sea Green

User Image

This Is My Territory!
This is a general enemy plot.
Nothing ticks Adalinda off more than having another soq invade her lake, or the area surrounding it, that is unless she was planning on drowning them either way. However, this would not be a case where she is bored and just looking for entertainment. No, this Soq would have to be some kind of threat to her, one way or another, and she would want them out, no matter the cost.

You Think You Are Like Me?
Being the only kelpi within her lake, and probably the surrounding area, nothing would interest her more than to meet other kelpi, especially those of her kind. These meetings could go well, or bad, depending on the interaction or how you would want it to end.

Your Darkness, I Can Feel It
Adalinda needs to meet other Soq like herself. Those who share her ideals and have a strength that is worthy of respect. Who wouldn't want to mingle with a few possible allies or future minions, hm?

I Shall Train You In My Image
Nothing would thrill Adalind more than taking a young Soq as her apprentice. One who's mind she can twist, and who would show her the respect she so deserves.

Adalinda’s thoughts on “love”:
Adalinda is not someone who believes in love or has any interest in any part of the topic. She is extremely prideful in herself, and therefore would only take on and offer herself to someone whom she deems is worthy of having children with. Due to this fact, her pickiness and her high expectations, it is VERY slim she would ever fall for someone, let alone lifemate with anyone.
So how does one fix such a problem? You fling. You find the best genes out there, and fling to make the strongest bloodline out there, kids whom are worthy, and will some day take over when you are gone, and that is exactly what Linda has in mind.
This mare wants the best, and will only accept the best. The stallion must be strong, must be smart, have great genes, be a “beauty”, or at least something different, and most importantly, they must be dark and able to hold their own.

PS: Yeah, edited stallions would be nice since she is also edited.

She will NOT accept someone weak or good-natured. Remember, she is coy, prideful and violent.

Breeds she will most likely accept: Kelpie, Kalona, skinwalkers, mutants.
What could also work: Anything not listed above that is still goes by what she is working for.
What will not work: Again, someone nice and kind-hearted.

So how do you win her acceptance?
You prove your worth and try to "woo" her. Yes, this does mean RP, however, no, we will not drag it on for 10 RPs or something.
About 2 will be fine. One for the meet, and another to see what happens afterward. She may be flinging, but she still wants to see how the stallion acts and if he is worth it.
Thread RP to help things move along can also work.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:01 am


High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:03 am
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:04 am


High-functioning Hellraiser


Romantic Spotter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:59 am
: razz ICK ME::
Interested Soq: Lenore
Link to your Soq: *Will insert when I get home on my own comp xD*
Plot/RP Wanted: "To Be a Lady" and "Learn Your Manners"
What you are interested in: Beyond it amusing me Tynan tries to knock Lenore off her high horse? Just general fun RP
Anything Else: Nope
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:19 am
: razz ICK ME::
Interested Soq: Akuma
Link to your Soq: xxx
Plot/RP Wanted: "Your weird, I like"
What you are interested in: Akuma is an open Soquili with firmly established beliefs that you should accept and love who you are. She herself has been looked down upon by most other "pure-blood" Kalonas [which pissed her off] and outcasted by others because she's part Kalona, and looks like one more than a regular Soq [which also pissed her off].

She is gentle at heart, and caring, not to mention she would be rather intrigued by Tynan rather than frightened or anything else. And I would like for them to become friends.

Anything Else: I am pretty busy with IRL, so I will probably be a slow on RP replies, as in only one post every other day slow. << >>

Shi Berry

Dapper Lunatic


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:26 pm

Shi: Interesting~
I don't mind slow RP since I am slow myself, so that won't be a problem. XD
If you would like to set something up then you can just PM it my way, if not I can get something up eventually, when my muse kicks up again.
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