Listen to teacher!~ biggrin

Today is sort of going to be a review on verb tenses because people tend to get confused with a few.

swim swam swum (yes, swum is a word.)

bring brought brought (no brang. No brung)

rise rose risen

And now for something that really gets on my nerves. Snuck is not a word! It is supposed to be sneaked. Example: Twilight series. Bella says "I snuck out." This showed that the author is a poor writer. It should say: "I sneaked out."
Another thing that gets on my nerves is that people use hanged and hung incorrectly. Hanged is used for people. Hung is used for objects.
I hung my coat up.
He was hanged for his insolence.

If I see anyone makes these mistakes again, I will take off points. Thank you.

~ Clover