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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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Reply Tropical Jungle (Art Forum)
The Story of Lief Pyrex (reaching short novel status)

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nuGen Staff Lead

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:51 am

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So I decided I needed a place where I could keep track of all of the adventures Lief has in the Digital world and all the things that he and his friends do there. the best thing to do seemed to be to take a page out of Poka's book and do something similar. I hope you enjoy it, here it is, the Story of Lief Pyrex.

1. Don't post here
2. please tell me if you would like me to not use your rp posts here
3. I would love some feedback on how you think the story is going but please take that to my profile
4. Enjoy the story!

Character Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Network City 1
Network City 2
Inglorious Bastards
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:53 am

:Lief Pyrex:

Username: Lief_7
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Name: Lief Pyrex

Gender: Boy

Age: Starts out at 18, 21 by the time the Network city event happens

Job: College Student and Pizza Driver

Abilities: Lief loves to play the guitar and sing and also spends much of his time playing video games.

Equipment: Lief carries a backpack with previsions in inside given to him by the Digimon he met in the Digi Jungle. He also has a red, blue and yellow iC Digivice and he wears his signature blue scarf and goggles all the time.

Appearance: Lief wears his signature blue goggles on his head with two silver studs in his left ear as well as two stripes painted on either side of his face. Under his blue tattered scarf he wears a red sleeveless shirt and blue overalls with the top hanging off. On his arms are a series of black tattoos that end with the fingerless gloves on his hands. The whole look if finished off but the reddish brown converse on his feet.

Personality: Lief is born leader who tends to take charge in most situations. He has a methodical way about him that make some think he is indecisive or doesn't care about some things. The truth is Lief weighs all his options very carefully before making a decision on what to do, at times those decisions don't seem to align with what is considered good in the eyes of some, but he always tries to have everyones best interest at heart. Lief will also do what ever he can to avoid a fight but is not afraid to show his strength when the situation calls for such measures. Although he doesn't show it he is still a little unsure of himself at times and tends to doubt he has the ability to accomplish things that others know he can. His biggest weakness is the fact that he still blames himself for the death of his father and somewhat despises his new family and stepfather because of it.

Biography: When Lief was younger his father was father who was a Major General in the Army was sent away to war. Lief was proud of his father and enjoyed their talks via telephone, to him it all just seemed like a movie or a game and at the end his father would just walk in the house and they would just play and laugh like nothing had ever happened. A few years passed and the day of his dad's return grew near, Lief grew excited with anticipation, he told all his friends in kindergarten all about his dad and that he was coming home soon. But all was not well, as Lief came home that day a car he had never seen before was parked outside his house, on the side it read U.S. Army. Lief ran inside with excitement thinking it must mean that his dad was home, not knowing at such a young age what the car really meant. As he burst through the door he saw two men sitting at the table and his mother with her head down crying and holding a letter. He didn't understand, why was she crying, where was his dad and who were these strange men. As the two men saw him enter the room they stood and saluted him before giving him the terrible news. The world around Lief seemed to slow down as if the Earth had stopped it's rotation, what did they mean he was gone, that the whole camp was wiped out, his dad was a Major General he can't have died, it must be a mistake. The men came over to comfort him but Lief pulled away and ran to his crying mother and begged her to tell him they were lieing, he begged and begged but she could not tell him that. Lief ran to his room and slammed the door vowing to never come out of there again.

Lief knew his promise was ridiculous and did come out his room after a while, he helped his mother as they both grieved and as a family they decided they had to move on from this tragedy. Lief seemed to blame himself for the death, as if he was the one who went into the camp and killed all of those soldiers, it was a dark part of his conscious that he worked very hard to suppress but seems to make it's self know every year around that fateful day. From that day forward Lief promised to take his hurt and use it to become strong and to be the best young man he could be, he wanted to make his father proud. After about a year his mother began to date a new man who had a son who was a few years younger that Lief and although neither of them was really sure about their parents dating they began to enjoy hanging out with each other and became good friends. Soon their parents were married and they became brother, they always seemed to be going on adventures somewhere, getting home late and getting into trouble with Lief taking the brunt on the punishment for being the ringleader. Not long after the union a baby was born, it was a new brother for the other two and the first child of the new couple. As they grew up together friends came and went and hard times rolled in but the three brothers always stuck together and gained a strong bond between the three of them.

Then came the year when Lief graduated from High school and had to move on to College. This was tough on them all, he had been the center of their group and was the one who kept them all going. College was a whole new experience for Lief, he wasn't sure if like it or not, on the one hand the freedom was great, you could do what you want when you wanted and no one would tell you no. But on the other had he had to put up with a terrible roommate and professors that didn't know anything. On top of all that he missed his mom's home cooking, it's all he could think of when he was eating the slop they had at his school. Overall it was fun but he wish he could visit his brothers more often. Then one day, while he was sleeping he was sucked into the Digital world and the rest, as they say, is history.

Home: Born in Houston, Tx moved to Huntsville, Tx for school

Alignment: Lief's alignment would be described as for the betterment of all. Sometimes that lies within the realm of good and sometimes it seems evil.

Scout Digivolution Line: Punimon->Tsunomon->Gabumon->Garurumon->WereGarurumon->MetalGarurumon

Michael Digivolution Line: Patamon->Angemon->MagnaAngemon->Seraphimon

Gabby Digivolution Line:

Rusty Digivolution line: Agumon->Greymon->MetalGreymon->WarGreymon

First Encounter: Lief's first encounter was upon landing in the Digital world, when he landed and was still unconscious a group of village Digimon carried him back to their village and their leader Stingmon cared for him in his hut. That was the first Digimon he met although before that he only believed Digimon to exist in a line of video games that were popular in his world.

Extra Notes/Other: Lief tends to say "Here We Go" a lot whether it's before he starts and adventure or a fight or when he knows something bad is about to happen.

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nuGen Staff Lead

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nuGen Staff Lead

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:55 am

And so the Journey Begins....

There they were, the thick, dark forest known as the Digi-Jungle, home to many different kinds of Digimon. Something was different today though, it was quieter than normal like the forest was anticipating something. It could have something to do with the battle that had been raging over on Endless Mountain or some other event going on withing in this world inhabited by Digimon, but that wasn't it, it was something different something was going to happen today and it was gonna happen here, but what could it be? A few Tentamon could be heard flying over the tree tops and the faint sound of something moving along the ground rustled deep in the darkness. An Apemon appeared from the tree tops and stared off into the sky looking for something but not knowing when it was coming.

Then suddenly, without warning there was a loud crack as the a hole opened up in the sky and something came hurtling toward the forest. It looked like a meteor, covered in brightly colored flames from the speed it was traveling. As it continued to descend a young man who appeared to be unconscious could be seen within the brilliant projectile. The Apemon knew this is what had been waiting for and took off across the tops of the trees toward where the boy would make impact. It was now a race to see who could get there first. would it be the speedy monkey who was built to live in these mighty trees or the oblivious boy who seemed to have no idea that he was about to hit the ground moving way too fast to survive the impact. Apemon began shouting, "It's begun, it's begun... hurry here one comes now, we must catch him..." At that command Digimon from around the surrounding area looked up to see what was going on and noticed the human sized meteor head straight for them. Some began to run and scream in fear but others had been waiting for this day. A troop of Parrotmon grabbed a giant net they had been working on and hurried to meet Apemon. "Hurry spread it out, he's coming to fast for us to let him hit the ground." The troop spread out the net in preparation for the incoming specimen. The human continued to get closer and closer until, WHAM, he hit the net causing the Parotmon to move forward as the weight of their net increased, but it had held and the boy had stopped moving. Apemon began shouting out orders, "Hurry let's get him to the village so he can rest until he wakes up, I'm so excited it's finally happening."

The group moved through the dense forest trying hard not to be noticed by bigger and meaner Digimon as the hurried to the village. As they approached the village Digimon of all kinds of levels and species began to emerge from the roughly created huts that outlined the village. They began whispering as the caravan approached with the young man. "Is that him..." "...I don't know about this.." "Are they sure....", no one seemed to really know what was going on except for the Digimon standing in the middle of the crowd. It was Stingmon, the village leader and protector. Apemon addressed him as they approached and took a knee, "Sir, we have found the one you've been waiting for, what would like us to do with him." The Stingmon walked over to where they had laid the boy on the ground to get a good look at him. The boy wore a pair of blue goggles over his jagged gray hair and two studs in his left ear, on either side of his face were two black stripe that looked similar to a tiger but and seemed to match the ones on his arms. He wore a read shirt with a raggedy blue scarf around his neck as well as a pair of blue pants and a reddish brown pair of sneakers. Stingmon paused for a moment when he noticed the boys gloves, there seemed to be something clenched in his hand. He reached down to open up the clenched fist and immediately realized what it was, it was a Digivice, and object that had the potential of giving a Digimon unlimited power if used with a human. That meant that this boy was a Tamer, but where was his Digimon? "You have done well Capitan. Take him to my cabin and let him rest in my bed, I look forward to hearing his story" Apemon bowed his head to the leader, got up and did as he was told. Stingmon stood where he was as he pondered what all this could mean, the events happening at Endless Mountain, a boy with a Digivice showing up now... what was going on?

A dense humidity had fallen over the little village as the sun rose above the trees; dew from the peaceful night could be seen around the ground and gathered on the leaves of nearby trees. A slight breeze blew in through the door of Stingmon's hut and brushed across the face of the human that had been sleeping there all night. The human wrinkled his nose as the air rushed by and let out a quick sneeze before settling back down to resume his sleep. Stingmon, who had fallen asleep in a chair near the bed while watching over the boy, was awakened by the sudden nose erupting from the boy's nose and sat up with a jolt. What was that... well it's good to see he is functioning; I was afraid we had lost him for a while there. I guess it's time to wake him up and find out who he is. Stingmon began to softly shake the boy's shoulder to try to wake him up while quietly speaking to him, "Hello there, boy... It's time to wake up..." The boy rolled over away from the Digimon's hand and started mumbling something about five more minutes and that they don't have school on Saturday. Stingmon was confused by the response but continued on his quest anyways. "Human you need to get up now, time's a wasting. Now get up." The boy continued to lay there unresponsive to the insect Digimon's banter. Stingmon was starting to get a little angry and decided he was gonna have to work a bit harder to get through to this one. Without warning Stingmon picked up a glass of cold water that had been sitting on the nightstand and dashed it across the sleeping boy's head. The boy shot up to a sitting position shouting, "WHOA, I'm up, I'm up..."

The boy begins to take in his surroundings as he looks at the room through dripping wet hair. Everything look so foreign to him, he didn't seem to recognize any of it. He was in a bed, but he knew it wasn't his and the room looked nothing like his dorm room back at the university. There was no TV or mini-fridge or even a microwave, it was just the bed a table near the middle of the hut and a few tools lined up against the wall. Had he been kidnapped, were the holding him here for some ransom? Well that's no good his family doesn't have any money, that's why he had to pay for his college out of pocket, that's one thing that changed when his dad died, but that's not the point right.... The boy continued to turn his head looking around the room until he noticed the giant insect sitting next to him holding a glass that he could only figure held the water that now covered his head. "AHH,... What are, who are, AHHH... What's going on here, where, when, how, AHH I don't know what's going on, I thought I was in Huntsville?!?!" The boy had now jumped up and was standing on the bed frantically shouting causing Stingmon to fall back in his chair. The Digimon stood up rubbing the back of his head where he had hit it against the floor. "Ouch, that hurt... Now calm down... settle down, no...don’t...do...cut that out... SETTLE DOWN!!!!" The bug had been trying to calm the boy down and had resorted to shouting at him but it seemed to work as the sunk back down on the bed with a dumbstruck look on his face as he began to murmur, " You, you..can talk? Are you an Alien or something?" Stingmon continued to try to calm the boy down as he answered his questions, "Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you. No I'm not an Alien, as far as we're concerned that would be you. And of course I can talk all Digimon can, what did you expect. "

A Digimon, how could that be, and what does he mean I'm the Alien? I live here...Don't I? If this is a prank I'm gonna kill Richard when I get home. The boy decide to comply with the "Digimon" not knowing if he could be trusted or not yet, but that seemed to be the only thing he could do at this moment. He had heard of Digimon and knew it was a game that had a lot of popularity in Japan but he had never actually seen the game. What did this all mean? "Ok then if you're a digimon how did you get here and where have you taken me? The cops will start looking for when they find out I'm missing you know." Stingmon looked surprised that the boy didn't know where he was, hadn't he chosen to be the like the others? Maybe he did hit his head on that impact. "What are you talking about young man? I was born here; I've always lived here just like all the other Digimon. As for why you were brought here, my friends caught you as you were falling out of the sky and brought you here, you were unconscious so we let you rest in my house...Now it's my turn to ask some questions, who are you?" The boy was still confused but was starting to believe this creature the more it spoke, at this point this was either an amazing performance done by professional actors or he was telling the truth. "I'm Lief...Lief Pyrex, but I still don't understand what's going on here. What do you mean you were born here, aren't we on Earth? Digimon is just a Video Game right? For that matter what is Digimon?" Stingmon knew at that moment that something was wrong, this human was different than the others." I see I have quite a bit of explain to do, we seemed to have assumed wrong about you... would you like something to drink? Water perhaps?" Lief nodded and Stingmon rose from his chair to oblige the request.

As the insect handed the boy his water he sat down and began the story, “Well as you now know you are in the Digital world, a place of wonder and amazement. How did you get though I believe is the question. A few decades ago in your world researchers and scientist began to look for a way to recreate life from nothingness, so they decided they would try to build a computer program that could accomplish the task first. After many years of failed experiments one team finally accomplished the seemingly impossible, they created a world where a creature could create it's self out of nothing more than the data around it, they had created the Digi-world and with it the first Digimon. As the experimenting continued the scientist realized that this world they had constructed had the capability to evolve and change and the creatures within it were becoming larger and evolving along with the world. Soon rolling blackouts were roaming through the world and the Scientist realized that they seem to happen whenever something major happened in the Digital World, there seemed to be a correlation between the Digital world and the Human World. They didn't realize it then, but when they had created this world they also created a physical link between theirs and our, our world had become a parallel dimension to theirs. Even though they discovered the correlation between the blackouts and the research the government forced they to continue studying it and trying to learn how it works. Then about twenty years ago something changed, computers in your world had become more powerful over the years and humans had begun linking them together to form the Internet, this was a place that allowed the Digital world to flourish like never before. Because of this the Digimon became more powerful and some of our earlier ancestors even began to find ways to cross over to the human world, this of course cause major chaos and panic as the Humans tried to figure out how to combat these creatures. Then one of the scientists who had been working on the project that started the whole thing revealed that he had built a way to physically capture and contain the creatures, he called it a D.C.M. or Digimon Capture Machine better know in this world as a Digi-vice. The device worked perfectly and the threat was stopped but the government ordered that the program be shut down immediately. All of the files and documents from the experiments were locked away in a secret government facility for safe keeping, but what they didn't realize was that they had already created the digital world and it was already a separate entity of its own, the creatures had only been using the scientists’ technology as a way to enter the world."

Stingmon Pause to give Lief a chance to take in all of that info, "Are you still with me so far?" Lief had a confused look on his faced but nodded anyways, "Yeah I'm here, but couldn't they just cross over at other points and if that's the case how come I've never seen one before. On top of that I thought that this was just a video game and how the heck did I get here?" Stingmon put up a hand to stop the boy, "Hold one my boy, all in due time, just keep listening and I think all of your questions will be answered." Lief seemed satisfied with that answer and went back to drinking his water as Stingmon continued,

"Now where was I? Ah yes the program was shut down, but it wasn't lost forever. There were still people who remembered the events and had been researching what was going on, two men in particular. You may know them as the creators of the game Digimon World. They discovered that the info for the experiments had been locked away in a secret government facility but they also discovered that all the info had been saved on one of the computers also. This was a tremendous opportunity for them; if they could get their hands on that program then they could make an amazingly realistic game maybe even to the point where they could send players into the game. While they were trying to acquire the info they decided to create their own game based on what they had seen over the last few years and play off of people's feelings and curiosities. It was a great time to capitalize on what was going through people's heads so they took it a created the first game in their series that would take them straight to the top of the video game world. As the years went on the continued to create digimon based games that weren't connected to the actual digital world, but the developers wanted more, they wanted to find a way to enter this world. So they used the money and recourses that had gained from their video game franchise to get the info they wanted and immediately began developing a new game for their franchise, an “MMORPG" if you will; only you wouldn't play as an avatar, no you play as yourself. This game is still under the testing stages and many children have showed up around our world. Honestly that's how we thought you got here, but all of the rest of the children have supposedly known exactly how they got here and what they were doing here. Our other reason for suspecting that is because you have come here with one of these,"

Stingmon reached over to the nightstand and picked up the digivice that the boy had brought with him and handed it back to the boy, "This is a digivice that you brought with you. It's the device humans have been using to control digimon. Some of the humans that have come here have even used them to enslave us. Others seem to have taken a liking to our world and live amongst us as friends, either way the choice has now been given to you. So how did you get here?" Lief took the Digivice from him and turned it over in his hands as he tried to process all he just learned, "I don't know, last thing I remember was going to sleep; I've never seen this device before or these cloths for that matter. I have no idea what I'm doing here and have never been a video game test for any game." Lief stood up and walked over to a mirror that was hanging on a nearby wall, he noticed his hair and ran his fingers through it, “Even my hair has changed, it use to be red and now it's this gray color. I really don't know what's going on, but I intend to find out." Stingmon stood up and walked over to the boy, he place a hand on his should and said, "Well then I'll leave you to your thoughts, if you need me I'll be around the village, just come find me. Just be sure not to wander out into the jungle, there are many dangers out there that you won't be able to handle on your own." Lief nodded and the Digimon left the hut with Lief still starring into the mirror.

As reality began to set in on Lief he was forced to sit back down on the bed, his head was spinning with so many questions and thoughts. What's going on, I meant the Digital World, that's a little weird, and what did he mean a game tester, I've never even play one of the Digimon games let alone been a tester for them, I think he must be confused. "I need to get to the bottom of this," Lief tried to sit up but was overcome with exhaustion, "But first I'll sleep a while longer." Lief laid back down an was out again before he even realized he had closed his eyes. As he slept the thoughts continued to roll through his mind as his body rocked back and forth on the Digimon's bed. Finally something in the dream woke him up and he sat up with a scream. Stingmon came dashing into the room, "What;s going on, are you alright?" Lief nodded at the insect as he noticed it had grown dark outside, "Yes it's nothing, just a nightmare... have I been asleep all day?" Stingmon grinned as he realized the human was fine. "Yes you have, I've never seen someone sleep so long or snore so loud, I guess you really needed that one." Lief was a little embarrassed by his statement and showed it as his checks turned a bright red color. "Well anyways I'm ready to get out of this bed and figure out what's going on. You think you can help me with that Stingmon?" Stingmon bowed at the comment, "It would be my honor, I will put together a task force to take you to Digi-Tama Town, there you should be able to locate your partner Digimon, or at least that's what the others have done. I'll be near the center of the village when you're ready." The Digimon exited his hut once again. Lief started gathering up his belongings and getting dressed. Those were some strange dreams I was having, but I don't have time to dwell on them right now, I guess I should do what he says and go to Tama Town, maybe someone will have answers there. Lief grabbed the Digivice and hurried out of the hut after the village leader.

As the young man emerged from the housing he could see the other huts in the little village by the soft glow of torches lining the streets. There wasn't a lot to the Village, just a few more huts like the one he had just come from and large statue located near the center. A think Jungle could be seen surrounding it on all sides although Lief could not make out exactly how tall the canopy was. As he walked toward the statue, he could here the other Digimon passing whispers between each other. Some of them would give a little wave as he passed by but they all seem to be a little afraid of him. As he reached the center of the village he could see Stingmon and about six other Digimon standing there waiting for him. "Ah there you are Lief, are you ready to go?" Lief nodded as he stopped before the group. "Excellent, well then let me introduce the team, First off, we have Apemon, he was the one who brought you back to the village and is also my second in command, he will be leading this trek since I myself cannot go. Next we have Lillymon, she may not look like much, but she is a skilled fighter and has a few healing abilities that might come in handy." Both Digimon gave a little acknowledgment as their names were called. " Then we have the twins, Borris and Gareth the Leomon, and also our best tracker Weregarurumon." The next three gave a nod to the Human a tough look in each of their eyes. " And finally we have the youngest member of the group a Patamon who we like to call Michael, we are sending him with you as a mediator between you and any digimon you run into, he is an excellent speaker and can hold his own in a battle." Patamon flew up in the air and came and landed on Lief's head, "They will take you to Tama Town and protect you from any dangers, you must move quickly and quietly, any questions?" Lief looked at his new team and picked up the little Digimon off of his head. " Nope I think I'm good, thanks for everything, I hope I can get to the bottom of what's going on here and then I promise to come back and visit." Stingmon placed a hand on the boy's shoulder as he spoke his parting words, " It's good to hear, remember you are welcome here any time, now go we don't want anything to happen to you, so there is no time to waist. Oh but we do have something for you here," The Insect Digimon picked up a pack from the ground, "We made you a backpack while you were asleep and put some supplies in it you might need for later. Have a good journey and remember we always have your back." Lief gave a quick bow in respect and turned to face his new crew. " Alright are ya'll ready to move out? Good then here we go!" With that the party took off into the night toward their destination.

As the group hurried through the thick jungle foliage no one said a word, they were on high alert looking for any dangers that might present themselves along the way. Weregarurumon lead the way followed by Lillymon, one of the twins and Lief with Michael still hanging on to his head. Behind them was the other twin and Apemon bringing up the rear in case of any attacks from the rear. The group moved as fast as possible never looking back so they didn't lose each other. Suddenly Weregarurumon held up a paw and they all stopped getting into a defensive stance. The large wolf had heard a noise, but what was it, could it be a powerful digimon? He signaled for them to stay there as he leapt into the trees above. Lief wasn't sure what was going on, but he figured it would be better not to ask in case the sound of his voice gave their position away. They heard a quick movement come from where Weregarurumon had disappeared and a few seconds later he dropped down back in front of them holding a small digimon in his claws. " I knew I heard something, this little guy was stuck in some vines up there but he seems to be alright, I guess we should take you with us. Be on your guard guys, it might have been a friendly Digimon this time but next time we might not be so lucky." With that he place the little Poromon on his shoulder and the group moved out again.

A few hours passed as the sun began to rise behind them. The Jungle began to thin out as it seemed to turn into a small forest. Lief decided they should be ok to talk at this point, "So what is this place we're going to? Is it like some Digimon city?" The Patamon still riding on his head figure it was his place to field this question. " No it's nothing like that, Tama Town is where all Digimon are born, when Data becomes a Digi-Tama they are sent to this little village to be cared for until they hatch, It's the most peaceful place in the Digital world, it's even said to have the power to calm the soul and change your outlook on life." Lief was confused by the statement, how could data turn into an egg. He decided no to let it bother him however and thanked the little Digimon for the explanation. Before he knew it they had reached a great clearing and left the forest far behind, their journey through the Jungle had gone off without a hitch. The only thing in sight now was a giant tree that loomed in the distance. "I guess that's where we're going huh?" In unison all the Digimon confirmed his question. "Time for the real adventure to begin then!" The group crossed into the Toy and Tama Zone as they moved toward the target.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:15 pm

:Chapter 1:
...A Search for Truth...

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The party was getting closer and closer to the giant tree which to Lief's surprise was moving. "What is that thing? Why can the tree move?" Patamon gave off a quick chuckle before responding, "You really haven't been here very long have you? That's Cherrymon, the protector of Toy and Tama Town. That's who we're going to see." Lief seemed to understand although it was all still confusing, "It seems I have a lot to learn from this world, we don't have anything like any of you back home. Alright if that's our destination than let's hit it! I'll race you!" Lief suddenly picked up the pace and Micheal was flung off of his head. After doing a few somersaults in mid air he shook it off and flew after the boy, "Hey wait for me!" The other Digimon started laughing at the pair knowing that they were out of trouble by this point so they let them play their little game. As the pair came up over the last little hill the area was finally revealed to Lief's eyes. Everywhere he looked there were Digimon eggs of all different colors. He stopped in amazement as he took it all in, Patamon landed on his head again. "It's pretty cool huh Lief? This is where we all start out before we are taken to different areas." Further past the open field Lief could see what looked like another small village, "What's that over there?" Patamon turned to look in the direction Lief was pointing, "Oh that, that's Toy Town, it's a fun place with lots of toys and games, we can go there later if you want." Lief nodded before turning to see if the others were coming," Come on guys, let's get down there and go meet this Cherrymon guy" He took off again at a little slower pace as he was being careful not to step on any of the eggs.

When they got closer Lief noticed that there were other Digimon in the area, little ones that were about the same size as the eggs. They all seemed to be bouncing around and having a good time. A few of the little guys had become curious of the human and had formed a small mob to follow them. "Who are all these guys Michael?" Patamon gave a big grin thinking it was funny that he hadn't figured it out yet. "These are the baby Digimon, they are the ones that hatch from the eggs. One day they will all become big and strong like me." Now it was Lief who was laughing at the little Digimon, "You're big and strong? You look pretty little to me, I'm not sure they would want to be like you" Patamon was angered by Lief's comment and gave him a quick little slap across the face with his wing, "One day I will be big and strong, you just wait, when I Digivolve then you'll see." Lief was confused again," What do you mean Digivolve? Are you just gonna get bigger or something," Lief chuckled at the thought of a giant Patamon. "No silly, when Digimon gain more power we change into a new form with new abilities, that's called Digivolving, but it takes a long time for us to reach that point. These little guys should Digivolve pretty soon since Digimon don't stay in the baby form for too long." "Oh I see, I guess that makes sense, so you'll become something completely different then. Well that's cool, let's go see Cherrymon"

The great tree faced them as the group approached his trunk. "Who are you that dares to enter Tama Town? What business do you have here?" Apemon stepped forward, "We have been sent by Stingmon of the Jungle to bring this boy here, he is a Digidestin but he has no Digimon, we though maybe you would know what he should do." Cherrymon acknowledge the ape before picking up the boy in one of his massive hands. "Stingmon you say? Well then you are welcome here, as for this boy... we will see." Lief didn't really like being picked up by the big tree, it made him feel small, but he decided to talk to him anyways, "I am Lief Pyrex and I come from the real world, although I'm not quite sure how I got here. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in my bed in my dorm room and then I was here in Stingmon's village. I came with them in hopes of finding an answer or two." Then Lief pulled out his Digivice from his pocket and showed it to the great tree, "I also have this, do you know what it means?" All of the sudden a bright light erupted from the device in his hand shot off toward the Tama fields. Cherrymon grew angry, "What have you done boy? Are you trying to hurt my precious eggs?" Lief started shaking his head and tried to apologize, he had no idea what was going on, "No I didn't mean it, that was the first time I've even really looked at the thing I don't know what it does. Do you really think I would try to lie to you from way up here in your hand?" Before he was even done speaking the beam of light could be seen heading right back to him. It was carrying something with it, as it got closer it came right at Lief and then right into his arms. He had caught it, "Wha.. Where did this come from? How did I.." It was a Digi-Tama and it had come right to him. It was blue with white stripes on it and it began to jump up and down in his hands. Cherrymon smiled knowing that a Digiegg would never come to someone with and ill intent in their hearts. "Ah I see now, you were suppose to come here to receive a partner, well then I have no other choice then to trust you, hold on just a second.." The old Digimon set the boy down carefully so as to no injure him or the egg. "Now you wanted to know why you were here right?" Lief nodded still a little shocked by the suddenness of the whole situation. "Well then you are here to help protect the Digital world from any threats. A higher power seems to have plans for you and has thus far led you in the right direction. As far as how you got here and how to get home, that I do not know, but if you follow this path then I believe it should be revealed to you. I'm glad you have come to this place and I will prey that whatever your quest that you are successful, please take care of that egg and guard him with your life. I'm sure he will do the same thing for you." Lief didn't really understand what the Digimon was talking about but it seemed he would be here for a while.

The boy bowed to the tree before he turned away and walked back to the group. "Well I don't know how helpful that was, but I guess it's a start. Where do ya'll think I should head first?" Apemon came forward again, "Well if you're looking for answers I would say head towards Network City, there are other humans there who might know a thing or two about what's going on. Be careful though, to get there you must go North from here, then pass through the Gear Savanna." Lief held out a hand to shack Apemon's before the final word. "Well then, I guess this is good bye, thank you for all you've done and when you get back to the Village thank Stingmon for me, I'm gonna do my best to return to you one day so I can repay your hospitality. Take care!" Apemon grabbed the human's hand and gave it a firm shake. "You take care too Lief and remember we're always here when you need us. Be safe!" Patamon began to cry as he began to realize that they may not see each other again. It had only been a short time, but the Digimon had already grown quite fond of the human and didn't want to see him go. "Patamon what's wrong? Don't cry we'll see each other again sometime. Next time we meet I expect you to have become stronger like you told me you would though. You have to go home and help protect your village. Now dry those tears." Patamon wiped his eyes knowing Lief was right, "But I don't want you to go Lief, we were having so much fun together. Why don't you just come back with us?" Weregarurumon interjected here, "Michael you know he can't, he has to get back to his home and his family, he can't stay with us forever." Patamon shook his head, "Fine if he can't come back with us, then I'm going with him, besides he needs someone to protect him in the Gear Savanna, it's not like that little egg will do him any good." Lillymon nodded, "He is right Apemon, Lief will not survive in the Gear Savanna by himself, maybe Patamon should go with him." Apemon thought this over before responding, "Fine then, let it be as you've said. Micheal will go with Lief as his guide and protector. You two be safe!" With that the group from the village started back toward the village.

Patamon turned back to Lief "Alright you ready to go?" Lief nodded, he was glad that the Patamon had decided to stay behind, it would give him someone to talk to and some protection from anything they might come across. The pair said their goodbyes to Cherrymon and headed toward Toy Village. "So I guess we should stop in there for the night before going anywhere. I need a good nap after that journey we made." Patamon agreed and took his place atop Lief's head again. "Yep let's move out, I wonder who you've got in that egg of yours." Lief had been wondering the same thing, all of this had happened rather fast and he didn't know what to think of most of it, but what he did know is something would come out of that egg and he was curious to see what. The pair continued to talk as they wandered toward the village as they shared their Lief stories and got to know each other. When the reached the entrance to the village Patamon stopped, "Some thing's not right here, I don't know what it is but be on your guard." Lief nodded and they headed straight for the inn ready for what ever might come their way.


As the pair hurried to the Inn the feeling of unrest became stronger. Patamon had been to this town a few times and was quite disturbed by the noticeable lack of friendly Digimon roaming the streets. The whole area was too quiet. "Lief I don't like this, I've never seen the village this quiet before, we need to figure out what's going on. There's the inn right ahead, we can ask there if we need to." Lief nodded and picked up his speed still tightly clutching the egg that was now his responsibility. The inn was no great sight to see, more of a little shack that you might find in the human world, probably only able to accommodate a few travelers. The sign outside of the inn read "Open!" with a little picture of a smiling Digimon Painter next to the words. Lief came to a halt as they reached the door, "Ok, you ready Mike? one....two.....thrrreeeeee!!" Lief busted through the door like a wild man as screams came from the occupants, "AHHH it's him...Some one stop him, what is it..........Oh wait, that's not him, it's only a human.....A HUMAN!!" Lief's eyes darted back and forth looking for the owner of the voice and almost jumped back when he saw who it was. It was a little puppet sitting in a chair in the corner, he looked like a childhood story character with a wooden cross across his back that was attached to him by a series of strings. "Whoa, what are you? Or I guess a better question would be who are you." Lief came closer to the Digimon intrigued by the fact that an object that would be inanimate in the human world could have such life in the digital one. Really it shouldn't surprise him too much since he did just have a whole conversation with a giant tree but this seemed different somehow. The puppet swatted at Lief's face as he grew closer, and jumped to his feet, " Get off me you swine, It's not very nice to stare you know. As for who I am, I am the... The Great Puppetmon!!! Or at least I was until I lost my courage, It's all his fault and now I reduced to running this inn...." Puppetmon began to cry a little as he mention the last part, Lief went to put a hand on the little guys wooded shoulder, "Awe come on, don't start crying on me, I was just asking a question, so this is you inn then huh, it's.. nice I guess...." Lief didn't know what to do, he gave a little shrug at Michael who had settled in on one of the other chairs in the room, Patamon mouthed back an "I don't know" Lief turned back to the inn keeper, "So who is this guy you keep talking about? Is another inn keeper or something? Is he like stealing your customers?" Puppetmon dried his tears and tried to look up at Lief, "No, no it's nothing like that, he's a bully who's taken over the town and no one seems strong enough to get rid of him. I tried once but he ended up breaking my arm and I was almost Tamaed. I don't know what to do... I use to be able to protect this place." Lief hadn't noticed until then but Puppetmon was missing the hand that he hadn't slapped the Tamers face with. Patamon decided to speak up as he seemed to be upset with the Digimon's story," That's terrible, something needs to be done, I'm going to talk to this guy right now, Lief are you coming?" Puppetmon's face became one of shock and fear as he started in on the little flying Digimon, "NOO... You can't do that, he'll destroy you... this isn't even your home...If I couldn't take him at my level what make you think you stand any chance at all...You'll be killed." By this point he was clutching Lief's shirt begging them not to go. Patamon gave him a serious look, "It's not my home... is that really the reason you're gonna choose to try and keep me from going, my home is the Digital World and everything inside of it...It's my job as a Digimon and a partner to a Tamer to protect the Digital world at all costs, that means it doesn't matter where it is but if there's evil I will stop it. Now I'll ask again, are you coming Lief?" Lief nodded as a serious expression crept across his face, "I am, Puppetmon if you don't wish to come with us, at least watch this egg for me, if we don't come back then I want you to take care of it, it will be your responsibility." The Tamer set the egg down next to the Puppet as the duo walked toward the door, Puppetmon stopped them one last time, "Wait, but I haven't even told you where he is yet..... There's a big yellow house near the center of town, you should be able to find him there. Be careful..."

Lief nodded a thanks to the Digimon before heading off into the night. Patamon was no longer sitting on Lief's head, he was ready for action fly along beside his friend, both of them with every intention to end his reign of tyranny. As they were running Lief realized they had no idea what they were about to be up against anything, the thought sent chills down his spine as his first battle in the digital world grew near. Murmurs could be heard coming from the buildings lining the streets as they passed by, the Digimon of the village had noticed them as they passed through the light of the lamps. As they began to approach the location Lief could see the brightly lit house that Puppetmon had spoken of. It was easily the largest house in the village and painted a bright yellow color, spotlights surrounded the Mansion so it could be seen at all times, during the day and night. A giant poster was laid out across the side of the house with the silhouette of some Digimon and the words, 'he's always watching' written across the bottom. As they reached the front door of the Mansion they noticed there were guards keeping anyone from entering, Patamon gave a smirk before taking off, "I can take them, just a couple of over confident rookies, follow my lead," Patamon inhaled air preparing to attack the guard on the left, "Boom Bubble!" The air shot back out of his mouth in the form of sphere right into the gut of the unprepared digimon, His partner instantly hit the ground as the attack connected, "Ah don't hurt us, we won't stop you, go on in...Tell him we fought hard." Patamon was confused by the simplicity of it all but decided it was better not to ask questions and just move on. "Alright If ya'll say so, come on Lief, we gotta keep moving." Lief stepped past the cowardly Digimon mouthing sorry to them as he passed by. As they started down the hall of the house Lief thought it would be a good time to talk, "So Mike, I was just thinking...we have no idea who this is we're going up against, I mean it could be anything or anyone. We should be careful about bursting in this time." Patamon gave off a foolish smile as he realized the boy was right, "Oh ya, we did forget to get that question answered didn't we... oh well!"

Lief slowly pulled the large door of the house open, ready in case there was trouble on the other side. "Shuu, we gotta stay quiet, they probably know we're here by now, but we should try not to draw any more attention to ourselves for now." Patamon nodded and the two continued down the large hall. Pictures were hung all the way down the hall way of what looked like the same digimon in different outfits. "I wonder who would need a hall way this big and what's up with that Digimon taking so many pictures of himself?" Patamon flew over to examine a few of them and jumped at his discovery, "That's Minotarmon, He's an ultimate level Digimon with a mean temper. Why is he here? and I don't think these pictures are all the same guy, it looks like there has been a lot of them over a very long time. That's weird though since Puppetmon said he's only been causing trouble for a short time here, I wonder what's going on....Whoa!" Patamon dodged a giant ball of fire that had come hurtling at his head. " What was that?" Lief shook his head he had hit the ground as soon as he saw the blast coming. An orange glow seemed to be coming down the dimly lit hallway toward them. "Bonfire!" another fire ball was sent down the hall toward the duo, Lief jumped up and dove toward Patamon, "Look out!!!" The tamer and his Digimon crashed to the ground as the fireball sored overhead singing one of Lief's hairs. "That was close, are you ok?" Patamon was angry now, " That's it, no one shots fire at me and gets away with it." The next fireball came flying down the corridor but this time Michael was ready for it, "Boom Bubble!" A blast of air erupted from his mouth toward the oncoming fireball extinguishing the attack in a bright implosion. The attackers had now come into full view due to the light from their attacks. It was a group of Candlemon who were working together to fire powerful blasts down the hall. "Lief there's too many of them... I'm not sure I can take them all, Boom Bubble" Patamon fired another attack at the advancing enemies. Lief was not sure what to do, Think, think what can I do to help... there's five of them and only one of him, there's no way he can do it alone, if only we had help or he was more powerful... think, think .."AHHHHH!!" Without knowing what he was doing Lief had begun to run toward the wave, Patamon followed firing attacks to protect Lief. Lief jumped into the air toward the closest candle and drew back his arm ready to let him have it, " I don't care what I have to do, I made a promise and I will get past you," The chuckled before firring one last blast right at Lief's face, everything went black as Lief lost consciousness, he could hear Micheal yelling in the background as his head hit the floor.


nuGen Staff Lead

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nuGen Staff Lead

22,925 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:32 am

:Chapter 2:
...A Hero Emerges...

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As the boy was knocked out he saw a bright light, he moved toward it without a second thought, something about it just seemed right. As he grew closer he could make out two figures standing there as if waiting for him to approach. He realized that the taller of the two was his dad who had been killed during the war all those years ago. "Dad!?!" He ran faster now he tried to reach the man he missed so much. When he was almost there he began to hear his name called, "Lief....Lief...." He had to reach him, he was almost there, but then he began to fall as the voice grew louder, it began to change and become a slightly higher pitch. Lief was screaming as he fell but just before he hit the ground he sat up still screaming. "Lief... are you ok?" Lief looked at the one who was asking, it was Patamon, Lief was still in the Digital world and his Dad was still dead, "It must have just been a dream, yeah I'm fine." Patamon laughed, "A dream I would say it was more like a nightmare, you've been screaming for a good while now....What happened?" Lief was surprised that he had been screaming in his sleep, he had never been known to talk in his sleep but this was just like the time he woke up screaming in Stingmon's house, were the dream connected? He couldn't remember anything from that time. "Ya I'm ok, I'll explain later....where are we?" Lief had just looked up and realized they were in some kind of holding cell," Last thing I remember was fighting those giant candles and then it was that dream," Patamon nodded," Yep that's what happened you blacked out and they captured me and brought us down here, we've been down here for a good two hours. I haven't really come up with a way out, my attacks do nothing to this door. Any good ideas?" Lief looked around at the surroundings, "Two hours huh, they must have hit me pretty hard," All that was in the room was a bed made of wood a bucket and a sink, there was a window leading to outside above the bed but it had big metal bars over it. "Not much to work with, I guess we'll have to wait until something happens, did you see anything on our way down here?" Patamon smiled," I think I found where Minotarmon is located, when I asked they told me to keep quiet but I think it's just past where we fought those guys, if we can get out of here I can take you there, although I don't know how we're spose to take him if we can't handle a few candles." Lief smirked, "let me worry about the big guy, just get me there and we'll be good to go." Lief had no real intention of fighting the guy unless it came down to that, he had always been one who believed problem could be solved with words just as well as fists. "First we need to get out of here, maybe we can get these bars off, check around and see if you can find anything like a stick or something. I'll see if I can't do anything to this door." Patamon began to dart around the room as Lief tried to budge the door, neither one of them seemed to have any luck, "No good buddy, I guess we'll have to wait, maybe if we call out for help someone will here us." The pair began to shout at the door hoping someone was there, the only response they got was the guard telling them to 'shut up in there'. Lief felt defeated, how did they manage to get themselves in this mess anyways. The Tamer decided to lay in the bed for a while, maybe a good idea would hit him.

As they were laying there there was a commotion in the hall, the Candlemon guards were attacking something with their fire attacks. Then there was a lot of yelling and someone got hit by an attack letting out a loud scream before the silence came. "Is it over?" Lief had sat up to listen to what was going on. He heard the key turn in the lock, "Be ready Michael, who know what could come through that door." The knob turned and clicked as it swung open. A voice came from the opening, "Did some need some rescuing?" It was a little white cat with a ring on it's tail, standing on two feet. Lief was shocked that she had been able to get past all of those Candlemon, "Who are you?" The cat gave a little bow, "The name's Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby, Now who might you two gentlemon be?" This time it was Michael who spoke up, " I'm Michael and this is my partner Lief, we were in here trying to solve the issue with the Minotarmon but we were knocked out and locked in this room." The cat smirked at Patamon''s story, "You got knocked out by this security? you must be pretty weak, I'm not even sure you're worth saving." The Gatomon turned to leave, she had better things to do with her time then hang around these two. Finally Lief spoke up, "Gabby wait, don't go..." She turned back only to see if he had anything interesting to say after all it's not every day you get to talk to a human in the digital world. "What is it?" Lief knew they would need her help if they wanted to accomplish their goal, but he had to find the right way to ask. " I was wondering if you would help us defeat this guy, I don't think we could do it on our own and you've already shown us that you have some skills. We're planing on going to his dinning room to settle this." Gabby thought about this for a second, if they took him out that would allow her to accomplish her goal easier. "Well... I guess I could help out, I was just here to rob the place anyways and was about to make it to the good stuff when I heard your whiny voices coming from down the hall. Alright then, let's do it." Lief and Patamon looked shocked as she told them she was a cat burglar, they knew she had to be here for some reason but neither of them expected to be rescued by a thief. "Wait, you're doing what... oh never mind, let's go."

The trio hurried down the hallway stepping over the unconscious bodies of the Candlemon that Gabby had taken out earlier. As they reached the door to the dinning room they could hear what had to be Minotaurmon eating his dinner, it was loud and disgusting like a pig to the trough. " I surprised he's still in there eating with all the intruders he's had tonight, I guess he really trust that security," Gatomon began laughing at her own comment. " So are you two ready? It's about to be a lot of fun." Both of them nodded as Lief took lead, "Alright on my mark, one.. two... three!!!" The group charged into the room screaming and watching for any oncoming attacks. A dozen or so Candlemon began to charge toward the trio to protect their leader. Minotaurmon stood up from his table to address the intruders, "Who goes there?" His voice thundered through the hall as Gatomon and Patamon began fighting off the Candle's. Lief stepped forward to speak with the Large Digimon. "My name is Lief and I'm here on behalf of the citizens of Toy Town. They ask that you leave at once and give the rule of the city back to them, I'm told you are a cruel and unjust leader, and they no longer wish to have to follow your rules." Gatomon stopped mid punch and took a hit from one of the fireballs that sent her flying toward Lief. "That's your big plan? You're just gonna ask him to leave, man you mast be stupider than you look." Minotaurmon laughed at the humans request, " Ha, you think I'll just leave cause you asked nicely, they've been trying to get me to leave this place for years now and none of them have ever even been able to defeat me, not even the might Puppetmon. What makes you think this'll be any different?" Lief knew that ask probably wouldn't work but it was worth a shot and it also gave him time to formulate some kind of plan. "Fine then if you won't leave then we'll just have to make you leave." Patamon and Gatomon had finished of the guards and had now rejoined Lief, "Alright that's more like it, now we get to fight!" Gatomon was excited and charged off toward the large Digimon. Lief tried to stop her but she was already preparing an attack, " Alright Michael let's get up there too, can't let her have all the fun." Patamon nodded and darted after her. Patamon sent a blast of air at the beast while Gatomon attacked with her claws. Before either attack could make it to their target Minotaurmon had swatted both of the Digimon out of the air. Both of them were flung against the wall taking heavy damage from the attack. Lief ran over to the pair, "Noo... Are ya'll ok?" Patamon could barely talk but he managed to respond, "Lief it's no use... he's way to strong ...for us," Gatamon meowed her agreement. Lief was now angry this beast had enslaved a town and now he had hurt Lief's only friends in the Digital world, Without thinking he charged at the monster, fists ready. "You jerk, why wont you just leave already, they never did anything to you, Take this!!!" Lief unleashed a barrage of attacks on the Digimon's midsection, Just trying to do anything he could to stop him. Minotaurmon laughed at the feeble attempts of the tamer, "Ha ha ha, you really think that's gonna do anything for you? Begone!" The Digimon picked up lief in his hand, squeezing him tightly. Lief wiggled around while crying out in agony, trying to escape the powerful grasp. Lief was losing consciousness, "AHHHH, stop it, let me goooo.... Patamon help!" and with that last cry Lief fainted from the pain. Patamon and Gatomon hopped up, gaining power from his cries for help. In unison they said,"We won't let you hurt our friend!!!!!" Both of them rushed him again, as they got closer a light began to shine from Lief's hand. It was his Digivice, he had been holding it when he rushed the fiend. Both of the Digimon coming to Lief's rescue could feel a surge of power flowing through them further fueling their charge. "AHHHHH!!!! Do you feel that Gatomon? Let's get him....for Lief!!!!!!!......Patamon Digivolve to........Angemon!!!!!" Gabby gave a huge grin in response, "You know your time is over now don't you?......Gatomon digivolve to........Angewomon!!!!!!" The pair of newly digivolved angels took flight still charging at the Minotaurmon who dropped the boy to defend himself. "It's not gonna be that easy, I'm stronger than you think." All three Digimon fired attacks, "Demon Arm!!!!" "Hand of Fate!!!!!" "Celestial Arrow!!!!!" The two beams of light blasted through the powerful Dark Attack and buried themselves deep in the chest of Minotaurmon. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Minotaurmon screamed as his data began to dissolve away back into a Digi-Tama. "Good will always triumph over a tyrant" "This was your final judgment" "Your wicked ways were wrong" "now go back where you belong"

The angels floated down toward lief who had unknowingly given them the power to defeat the enemy. "Lief..Lief are you ok?" Michael was kneeling over him trying to see if he was breathing. "Michael let me at him, I can help....this should do it" Gabby laid her hands on Lief as a yellow glow emanated for them. Lief gave a deep inhale and quickly sat up coughing like a person who had been drowning. "Ahh, hey guys.... what's going on? Where's Minotaurmon and when did ya'll get so big?" Michael was so happy that he jumped up and down as both he and gabby reverted back to their previous forms. "Right now we're just glad you're ok, we'll explain everything on the way back to Puppetmon's house." The trio began the journey back to the edge of town as the discussed the event of the day, Lief was all smiles and the group seem to be having a good time, so much so that Gabby forgot to take anything from the mansion, but some might say she gained an even better treasure that day.

As the trio of friends reached Puppetmon's house they could see him waiting outside for them, Lief offered a wave as he noticed that the egg was sitting on the ground next to him. As the reached him Puppetmon began the conversation, "So how'd it go? Did you get him to leave?" Lief gave a sad nod, "Ya he's gone, we tried to talk him into leaving without a fight be he wouldn't go for it. His egg is still sitting in the middle of his chambers if you need any proof. So how's my egg doing?" Puppetmon smiled at the good news, he hadn't cared how the monster was gotten rid of he just wanted him gone, "Oh your egg, it's doing just fine, It's been with me the whole time. Here you go" As Puppetmon handed the egg over to Lief it began to shake and crack, "Whoa what's going on?" Micheal chirped up with excitement, "It's hatching!! Time to meet our newest teammate." Lief's face turned from surprise to complete joy, "Oh man, this is so awesome, it's the first time I've seen a birth in this world..... Come on little guy, time to see who you are...." A bright light engulfed the egg and in a flash it disappeared leaving a red blob sitting in its place. "Hi there, I'm Scout.. the Punimon! I've been waiting a long time for you!" The new digimon smiled with it's eyes as it jumped up and down. Lief was so excited that he began spinning around throwing Scout into the air, "Yay your finally hatched....I'm Lief by the way..." Punimon laughed, "I know who you are, like I said I've been waiting for you. We have big plans together, there's a whole digiworld that needs our help!" Lief stopped the spinning so they could talk better, "Ok, but aren't you a little small to be saving anyone? I mean no offense but you are smaller than Patamon here." Patamon smiled as he felt big for once, Punimon giggled again, "No silly that's where you come in, don't you know about how digimon evolve yet? Besides of course I'm smaller than Patamon I'm a baby digimon and he's a rookie, he's two level higher than me silly." Lief felt a little stupid, of course he knew about digivolving, it's what he, Michael and Gabby had been discussing on the way over here, he just didn't know how to use it, the first time he had been unconscious and it had happened on accident. "Ok well that's fair enough...oh I guess I should introduce everyone.. um ok first this is Michael, the Patamon obviously and over here we have Gabby, the Gatomon, she helped us stop Minotaurmon and I have a feeling she might be sticking around for a while.... Oh right and over here we have Puppetmon, he was the one watching your egg while we saved the day. Man was that a crazy adventure." Scout giggled again," Hi there everyone it's nice to meet you, you can just call me Scout....So already saving the world huh? It's good to see you're not waisting any time. So where are we going next?" Lief looked over to Micheal as he answer to make sure it was still the plan, " I think the plan was Network City, but that means we've got some serious traveling to do through the Gear Savanna so I hope everyone's ready." Everyone nodded and put on their confident faces. The group retired to the house for the night as they got to know each other over a great dinner, followed by some games. Then Lief told everyone to hit the sack since they had an early departure time and there would be no sleeping in.

The next morning Puppetmon fixed them an excellent breakfast and everyone prepared for the journey. Puppetmon gave them a few extra supplies that they might need before seeing them off. "Ok then, should we head out?" Puppetmon offered a hand to the Tamer, "Thanks for everything, we'll never forget you, and if you're ever passing through again the stay's on me." Lief smiled and embraced the Digimons outstretched hand, "It's a deal and don't forget to ask if you need anything. See ya Later....Take care," The group was walking off in the distance waving back to Puppetmon and the Town that was waking up to a new world. "Alright guys let's go, Last one to gear Savanna's a rotten Digi-egg!!!" Lief took off out of the north exit of the Town head into the unknown. So much of the world he had yet to see and so many memories he had already, even if spent half of them passed out or sleeping. Moving forward holding his newest friend with two others following close behind, his adventure had finally begun.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:20 am

:Chapter 3:
...Trial and Growth...

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:34 am

I think there'll be another one here
PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:02 am

:Chapter 5:
...Network City, A Dark Dawn...

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A seeping shroud of rain had covered the Digital world's largest city by dusk that grey, wet November day. The bustling metropolis that was Network City lay in wait under the dark clouds, it´s citizens scattering about with a myriad of colorful umbrellas popping up like mushrooms under the onslaught of cold water.
But even the dreadful weather could not force the late shoppers and joyful tamers off the busy streets. Like ants they ran back and forth, up and down the streets in rivers of life and commotion.
To a certain ginger girl with golden amber eyes, staring down at the world below from her vantage point in one of the towering shopping centers near the uptown area, the people and digimons below seem so very, very small. "Almost like they do not matter at all.."
She whispered to herself as she stared out the window, one hand placed flat on the cold window and the other hanging listlessly by her side. Her reflection stared right back at her from the glass pane, colorless and sad against the dark city seen through her transparent body.

A hand was placed on her shoulder, a soft, hesitant touch. The girl turned her head to look and was met by the green gaze of a blond girl with a grey-tinted Lalamon soaring near her. "Princess? We are ready to begin on your command" The hand fell away and the girl vanished back into the crowd, disappearing into one of the many shops and restaurants on the shopping centers 5´th floor. Her high heels clicked aggressively as she trotted across the white polished floor. Kaya turned her gaze back to the city below, smiling softly. Muscles clenched in anticipation.

She felt the dull warmth of the digimon next to her trough the thin material of the white evening dress adorning her graceful figure.
"Are you nervous Silphymon?"
She asked comfortingly, eyes still glued to the street below. The digimon froze, for a moment she even stopped breathing. Then, after long seconds of waiting, she nodded in silent confirmation. Kaya grinned and tapped the window twice, a silver grey creature disappeared behind a building down on the street and took off like a monster into the darkness.

"Me too. But we´ll get through this together okay? Just do as I do. It´s just an initiation. I did this when I started as a Dark tamer and so did Metamormon. Even Myotismon had to go through it. You will do just fine Nymph, trust me"
The young Silphymon nodded, this time with a fierce expression marring her face....
Then, without warning, an explosion shook the entire city as the train rails hanging above ground, running through the entire uptown area, collapsed in a chaos of explosions and fire.

Nymph, the Silphymon by Kaya´s side, took her cue and smashed her fists into the windows before her, shattering the glass and taking off in a flash of red light as she fired spheres of plasma energy onto the gathering crowds of panicked digimons and tamers below, she was soon followed by several others, virus digimons and normals of all sizes and levels, attacking left and right, killing mercilessly and tearing into the tamed digimons. Kaya stood and watched with warm, proud eyes, like a guardian angel keeping vigilant watch of her children as they descended upon the world, falling from the sky like the rain.

Demons falling from heaven, killing and gathering the data of the dead digimons to bring the eggs to their tamers. Stealing the human´s partners and taking them away. The blond woman approached the redhead once more, the mall was a whirlwind of confusion and panic as Dark tamers and terrified onlookers fought each other. The cries of wounded reached a magnificent crescendo. The Lalamon was gone, in it´s place stood a dark Rosemon, whip held tight in one hand, the other holding a green digi-egg, stolen from a little girl now sitting in the restaurant area, crying her eyes out

"Princess? The troops are ready to prepare for the second attack. The first target was a success. The train stations and railways in this part of the city are gone. We have kidnapped a total of 122 digimons and the numbers are increasing by the minute"
Kaya nodded with a satisfied smirk and turned around, reaching to her waist where her dark digivice hung loosely in a silver chain. "Then let it be done. I will take care of the hospital. Look out for the Royal knights... They have acquired a nasty habit of showing up uninvited"

Kazu sighed as the rain beat down. He hated the rain. He had ducked under the train line to avoid getting soaked. His headphones could be heard by passers by ticking away to music. Kazu sighed. His friend Veemon looked up at him curiously.
"Why do you seem so down buddy?" He asked cheerfully.
"I dunno Veemon I guess I just dislike the rain..."
"Aww but the rain is great! It helps things grow, the water can be drunk, loads of good stuff." He beamed his cheezy grin to Kazu, he couldn't help but smile back.
"I guess your ----"


Kazu had a split second to look up before having to move. A huge ball of fire had erupted above him, sending debris from the rail-line everywhere, a razor sharp piece of line hurtled passed Kazu's left ear, prompting him into grabbing Veemon and diving out of the way. There was a ringing in his ears as more debris covered the main street. He looked around for Veemon, something tapped his left arm and he whirled to see Veemon talking... But there was no sound, just ringing. After a few seconds he could hear the screams of the civillians and the cracking of the fire as the rain pittered onto it.
"Get a grip Kazu! We need to move!"
Kazu nodded and reached for his D-Arc Digivice. A tinny voice came from within it.
"Let me come out and help! Piedmon is asleep and Mermaimon isn't too good on land!"
Kazu nodded again and punched in a button combination, a beam of light emerged from the Digivice and where once there was nothing, an IceLeomon stood.

Virus digimon were swarming everywhere. As Kazu watched they began systematically deleting digimon and even lashing out at Tamers! The entire city seemed to have dissolved into a furious panic. Kazu decided it was time someone stood up to this.

"Ok guys" He said shaking his head to keep it clear, "Digivoling time!"

"Veemon double warp, mode change to: Imperialdramon Fighter Mode!"

"IceLeomon digivolve to: BanchoLeomon!"

The two Mega digimon materialised either side of Kazu, One only just taller and the other towering on par with a small office block.

"Hey! If any other Tamers are gonna stand and fight with me, shout out!!!" Kazu yelled down the street...

Lief and his Gabumon, Scout, exited the video store onto the busy Main Street that was filled with all kinds of Digimon and Tamers. The duo had been trying to finish up their holiday shopping so they could go home.
"Alright Scout, that takes care of Zack's gift now we just need to go find something for BK and Sarah then we can go home! I haven't been there in a goos while." Scout gave a big smile,
"Great I can't wait to meet your Mom an your step brothers, what were their names again?" Lief opened his mouth to respond when all of the sudden there was a huge explosion as the train tracks burst into flames.
"What the..." Lief and Scout dove off of the side walk to avoid the falling debris. Virus Digimon began terrorizing the city, they were destroying Digimon left and right.
"Scout what's going on...we have to try and do something!" Near the now ruined tracks Lief witnessed two Digivolutions
"Let's head over there...we have to try and stop this madness," The Pair jumped up and sprinted toward the wreck. Another Tamer was shouting for assistance as they approached,
"We're here let's do it! I think I'll need more help on this one. Michael, Gabby here we go!!!" Lief pointed his Digivice toward the mess as two beams of light erupted from within. Patamon and Gatomon appeared ready for action as more enemies began to appear.
"Alright everyone Digivolve to ultimate" All three Digimon were emersed in light,
"Gabumon warp Digivolve to... WereGarurumon!!"
"Patamon warp Digivolve to ...MagnaAngemon!!"
"Gatomon Digivolve to... Angewoman!!" The newly Digivolved heroes joined the pair of Digimon standing at the ready,
"Alright let's do it!!"

Kazu sighed in releif as a MagnaAngamon WereGarurumon and Angewomon appeard alongside another Tamer.
"Thank God your here! We need to help these people!" Kazu yelled, he knew that a co-ordinated team was needed or everyone here would be in trouble.
"BanchoLeomon, scout around the area for signs of who's doing this! Imperialdramon, and you new guys with me and take out some of these digimon! If they drop any Digi-Eggs then return them to their rightful Tamer!"
Kazu jumped onto Imperialdramon's lowered hand and was lifted onto his shoulder.
"The name's Kazu by the way!" He yelled at the assisting Tamer. He hoped that more people would show up to help, but for now he could only hold the attackers off.
"Splendor Blade!" Imperialdramon yelled as he slashed at an approaching Devimon, tearing through it and reducing it to data. BanchoLeomon took off, bounding across buildings, lashing out at weaker Virus types as he went, a swarm of DemiDevimon were reduced to bits as he flew past, lashing out with his Dankon.

Kazu and Imperialdramon had turned their attention to the civilians who were fleeing. Imperialdramon was waving them down the street. Suddenly a Devidramon swooped in. Kazu saw it out of the corner of his eye and yelled:
"Everyone down! Imperialdramon!"
The instruction was understood, Imperialdramon knew that the City was going to take damage, and as much as he didn't want to contribute to it...
"Positron Laser!"
A brilliant beam of energy flew from the cannon on Imperialdramon's wrist utterly obliterating the Devidramon and tearing a sizable chunk out of the opposing SkyScraper. The vibrations shook the street and the rail-line, one of the damaged cars rocked and fell towards the civillians
"No!" Was all Kazu yelled.
A swish of Imperialdramon's tail knocked the falling ccar clean through the air and into another building. It shattered the glass and crumpled as it fell to the ground landing with an almighty crash in a vacant area. Kazu breathed a sigh of releif and turned to see if any other Tamers had arrived, and to see how the one that was there was doing.

BanchoLeomon continued his scouting, there were virus digimon everywhere attacking everyone! A flash of red caught his eye, he turned and saw a Myotismonslashing a human across the chest, blood glistning as it arced across the street. In a flash BanchoLeomon was down and right behind the Myotismon. He grabbed it by the neck and snarled into it's face.
"BanchoLeomon feels sorry for you... May Yggdrasil have mercy on your code! Burning Bancho Fist!" BanchoLeomon drew his fist backwards, charging it with powerful code then slammed it viciously into the Myotismon's face, deleting it. The assaulted human was being led away by others, BanchoLeomon growled in anger before taking back off.

In the distance around the Plaza area he could hear more screaming than the rest of the City. He turned his attention there and took off...

Lief nodded as Kazu gave out the orders,
"Good plan, I'm Lief but we can talk later," He turned toward his Digimon,
"Alright you heard him, Scout I want you to quickly go search town for any able bodied Tamers and Digimon and bring them back here to help check the Plaza, Mikey and Gabby attack these demons and protect the citizens. Ready, GO!!!!" All three nodded WereGarurumon took off at full stride toward the main plaza knowing that Lief was right and there was a good chance to find some help there.

The two angels flew toward a pack of Bakamon that were attack nearby Tamers.
"Begone you foul beings, Heavenly Light"
"Back to Hell for you, Celestial Arrow!" The Bakamon were Vaporized in the attack.
"Alright good job guys keep it up," Lief hurried toward the victims of the attack,
" Are you ok, is anyone hurt?" One of the younger Tamers was in tears,
"They hurt Yokomon, they hurt him and I don't know where he is... please help him whaaaa" Lief felt bad for the kid, he knew that the chances were not high for an in-training level Digimon like Yokomon to have survived the attack,
" I'll go look for him you just stay here with Gabby. Gabby please protect these people, Mike and I will be right back, Let's go!"

The pair hurried off looking for the lost Yokomon knowing that they were probably looking for a tama.
"Michael can you sense his presence anywhere?" The angel tried to meditate on his location,
"I'm sorry Lief but the dark energy of these Digimon are blocking my senses, we'll have to get lucky."
"Right let's keep looking then," They headed back toward where the boy was
, " I bet we can find his egg somewhere near where we found the boy, Whoa, watch out.." They both dove to the ground as Imperialdramon shot a blast right over their heads into the sky scraper on the other side of them.

Gabby grabbed the boy as the building they were standing next to started to fall apart, She took off out of harms way and landed softly next to Lief
" Kazu needs to watch where they are firing that thing, did you find anything?" Lief shook his head,
"Nope not yet, we think he may have been tamaed, so keep an eye out for his egg!"

Scout had reached the Plaza, doing his best to stay hidden on the way there so as to not attract too much attention. What he saw when he approached shocked him, the entire plaza seemed to be covered by some sort of spider webs,
"Oh no that's not good, let's see if I can get inside...Fox Fire!!" The brilliantly Blue fire rushed toward the web and impacted with an awesome force, causing the web to bend but not enough to break through,
"Hum I guess we need more fire power to break in, I better get back to Lief and Kazu and let them know what's going on" The wolf took off back the way he had come.

WereGarurumon hurried back to where he had left Lief and the others, Behind him he could hear the sounds of panic and chaos, something was going down in the Plaza, he had to get back to Lief so they could get rid of the threat.
"I hope more Tamers have risen up to help I'm not sure that these two will be enough to take out and army of this size, even with five Digimon helping out, " As he continued he noticed a Phantomon up ahead, it was carrying something but Scout wasn't quite sure what. He decided to take cover in a back alley until he could make it out. The phantom Digimon grew closer and Scout finally could see what it was... It was a Koromon!!
I can't let him take that Digimon! The wolf jumped out from the shadows and fired and attack,
"Drop that Digimon, Fox Fire!!!" The blue flames hit the Digimon square in the back causing him to drop the little pink ball. Koromon realizing this was his chance to escape hopped over toward a trash can to hide behind. Phantomon turned around to face his attacker,
"I will be taking this Digimon and there's nothing you can do about it! Shadow Scythe!" He swung the scythe toward his opponent shooting pure darkness. WereGarurumon Dodged the attack and dashed toward the fiend,
"Garuru Kick, HA!!" he aimed the blow right at the Phantoms head, the attack wasn't fast enough though,
"Chaos Slash" The Phantom slashed with his scythe as the incoming WereGarurumon had no chance to dodge. Scout was struck down from the heavy blow,
"Now I will finish you and after that you will serve my master! Dark Sent...!!"
"Bubble Blow!!" The brave little Koromon had decided to help it's savior,
"Run WereGarurumon..AHHH!" He hid back behind the trash can
"You shouldn't have done that, I was gonna let you serve my master but now I think I'll destroy you instead,
" Phantomon turned his attention to the pest, Scout rolled away from the Phantomon, slowly getting to his feet,
"Leave him alone, I will not let you take an innocent life, HAAAA FOX FIRE!!!!" A huge flame large than his last attack erupted from his mouth and once again stuck the Phantomon in the back, sending him flying toward the side of a nearby building. Scout ran over to where the Koromon was,
"Thanks for the help kid but you need to get out of here, head that way and I'll catch up to you once I take this fool out!" He pointed toward where Lief and the others were, but the Koromon refused to go,
"No I want to fight with you and help protect this city, it's my home too!!"
"I can't let you stay here you'll get hurt, he's too strong for you,"
"If you want me to leave you'll have to make me, I'm staying here no matter what my fate!!" With that the Koromon began to glow,
"Koromon Digivolve too... Agumon!!!... There now I can fight" Scout realizing the stubbornness of the Digimon gave up on trying to convince him,
"Fine you can stay but be careful and if it gets too rough you have to leave, agreed?!" Agumon nodded.
"Alright let's go!" The Phantomon began to stir,
"That really hurt, you'll pay for that! Candelmon and Bakamon attack!!!!" The Phantom created a portal and a dozen each of Candelmon and Bakamon emerged, Scout was starting to think that they had bit off more than they could chew!
"That's not good Agumon, you remember our agreement, well this would be the time to RUN!!!!" WereGarurumon picked up the small Dinosaur and took off back toward his destination,
"Pepper Breath!" Agumon was firing at the Digimon as they left the scene.
"Don't just stand there you fools after them!!!" The hoard began there chase.

As Weregarurumon and Agumon ran through the city, a single voice suddenly cried out in triumph and the side of a library building was breached from within and a Metalseadramon burst out like a snake from its cave. It´s jaws went straight for the wolf digimon, intent on crushing both digimons with a single bite.
Debris and shattered glass rained from the serpent digimons body and golden armor which shone with the blood of slaughtered digimons.

Lief, The Angels and the boy were still looking for the boy's Digimon that had gone missing. Michael and Gabby were holding off the enemies most of whom were rookies and Champions and stood no real chance against the Ultimate level Angels. Michael banished a group of DimiDevimon to the Dark Dimension, "Gate of Destiny!! Lief have you found any clues yet? It doesn't look like this onslaught is going to be ending anytime soon." Lief looked up at his friend, noticing the urgency in his voice, "I'm sorry Mike we're looking everywhere but I'm not seeing it, I'm afraid we may have to fear the worst," The MagnaAngemon looks dis-hearted by this answer, he had failed to protect an innocent life and now who knows what kinda of terrible things this unknown enemy had planned for the creature. "Celestial Arrow! Don't worry Michael, Lief will figure out how to save the Digimon we just have to trust him like we always do... Lief I'm worried about Scout, he should have returned by now." Lief nodded at Gabby," You're right I was just thinking about that maybe we should go look for him, he might be in trouble. Most of the people have evacuated this part of the city already, I think we've served our purpose here." Lief turned to the kid, "Don't worry we'll find your friend you just head home and we'll figure out a way to get him back to you, you should be safe it doesn't look like these vandals are attacking humans, they just seem to be targeting Digimon." The young boy nodded , "Alright mister but please find him fast... I miss him!" The boy hurried off, trying to avoid the devilish beings that were swarming the streets. "Alright guys Scout took off toward the Mall area so let's go down that way and see what we can find," Both Digimon agreed as they started toward the road Scout had gone down. The two holy beings continued to fire off their attacks as the hurried down the street, defending their Tamer as they began the search for their friend.

Scout, sensing something big was coming, dove just as the Serpent broke though the wall, the razor sharp teeth of the creature ripped a gash in the wolf's leg causing him to howl in pain. Scout hit the ground hard sending the Agumon he was carrying flying off further down the street," Umph... Agumon keep running, I'll be alright...go find Lief he'll help you... tell him Scout sent you,..." Agumon foolishly ran back to the big wolf, "Not a chance I'm staying here with you and we're gonna fight,...Pepper Breath!" He fired a flaming ball at the huge metal platted Digimon, Scout now angry at the thick headed Rookie tried to push him away, "You fool, you're gonna give up the opportunity I'm giving you to survive, do you not care about the sacrifice I'm making for you." Agumon fired off another fiery ember," No, I will not let you stay here and be destroyed while I survive, if I go you're going with me," Scout struggled to get back to his feet knowing they stood no chance against an enemy of this level, if only Lief would show up, then he could Digivolve and beat this enemy.

"OMG, that metal seadramon is attacking that wereGarurumon and that Agumon" said Vayne while instructing Crimson to try and handle it. "As you wish" replied Crimson the GallantmonCM then summons his lance and sword on both hands. he spins both weapons with both his hands, then stops and points it both at the metal seadramon "Lightning Shot" and a blast of super electricity fires towars MetalSeadrmon. Vayne hoping that the blast would draw the attention of the digimon away from the wounded digimon

Ty and HerculesKabuterimon returned from the plaza were he saw Metal Seadramon fighting WereGarumon and a Agumon. Ty then rushed over to the tamer he was with earlier. "Has the situation improve any over here?"

Vayne saw the tamer, "yo. no harm seems to be done to that seadramon". Crimson Flying around keeps blasting at the metal seadramon but it seems unharmed. "Vayne i can't find it's weakspots"

"Gallantmon his body is made out of Chrondigizoit. You have to use Chrondigizoit to beat him, in this case your sowrd. HerculesKabuterimon I know you dont have any Chrondigizoit, but I want you to go distract MetalSedramon so Gallantmon can get a good attack on him."
"Ok Ty," Said HerculesKabuterimon as he went to attack the MetalSeadramon. "Mega Electro Shocker" and a giant ball of electricity went flying twords MetalSeadramon.

as Herculese Kabuterimon distracts, metal seadramon, Crimson dashes at the seadramon with his blades. just as Crimson was about to stab him, metal seadramon swiped Crimson to the ground with it's tail. Crimson fell hard. "no Crimson. we need backup, Dusk Realize".. dusk the agumon Ds realized . "what is it vayne >_>" said dusk and vayne responded "we need help" then dusk replied "Figures" then double warp digivolves to ShineGreymon "now ShineSword" and a sword summons to his hand. he dashes to the Metal Seadramon and fires a devastating Shine Shot at it. hoping that the Metal Seadramon would be damaged. while Vayne went to Crimsons side. "Crimson back to the digivice" and crimson goes back to the digivice

Ty turned to the other tamer. "Good thing your AgumonDs could digivolve into ShineGreymon or we could be toat right now."
"Ty this isn't the place for chit-chat were in the middle of a battle."
"Your right HerculesKabuterimon my bad."

Metalseadramon roared with laughter as she watched the two digimons fall to the ground below. She did not care about the tiny white reptile digimon, it was not worthy of her attention after all. The idiotic rookies fire attacks died out before they could even reach her due to the heavy rain, such young stupidity hardly spoke of any true power or experience. No, it was the wolf she wanted.

He seemed strong, her tamer would be pleased if she could bring such a digimon into the Demon Lords army. The serpent rolled her body, coiling her frame around the libarary, head held high and strong as she stood as a snake prepared to strike. Her red eyes glowed in the darkness like twin rubies in the night.

The walls of the building creaked and shifted under the enormous digimons weight, threatening to collapse below her. Her snout began to glow as energy gathered itself at the tip. "You are mine wolf! River of power!" The cyborg digimons head shot back as she launched a sphere of blue electrical energy at Weregarurumon.

Two girls, both Japanese with black hair and barely above the age of 15, watched from the streets and began to scream when they realized the attacks diameter... They were already as good as dead. As soon as the attack had been fire, the metal clad digimons body was engulfed in a web of electricity, sparks danced along the seadragons frame as she screamed as she tossed about.

Pure agony washed trough her and darkness danced before her eyes.
Smoke began to rise from Metalseadramon flesh, and ironically enough, it was the building she so tightly clung to that saved her life. The library collapsed and brought her out of the attacks range.

She hissed in anger, still twitching as small currents of electricity forced her muscles to contract in painful cramps. With a roar she lifted her head, ignoring her own pain. She had to win! For her tamers sake!
She would not let him down, she would make Andrew proud, no matter how many tamers and digimons she had to beat! The serpent digimon opened her jaws and let loose a harsh torrent of ice and energy towards the digimons near Gallantmon.

The raging womons attack served her purpose perfectly, as the attack was hurtled trough the air the rain around it froze into ice needles that fell to the streets below where innocent bystanders and wounded digimons fled in panic.

the Chilling Blast From The MetalSeadramon was blocked by Dusk but he is slowly being frozen alive. then Vayne said "Dusk, Rune Mode Activate" and his digivice let out a dark aura light and inpowers dusk with the great dark energy which turns him to ShineGreymon RM. A dark flame then forms and melts the ice and counters the breath by making a hot burning flame shield to protect ty, herculese kabuterimon and vayne which is on his shoulders

Gallantmon CM on the other hand flies down with speed and tries to save as many bystanders as possible

Lief, accompanied by the two Angel Digimon, rounded the corner where Scout had disappeared into the night. At that moment Lief knew why his friend had not made it back yet. There, just about three-hundred yards in the distance, loomed a viscous looking creature, it's huge snake-like body covered in metal plating. "What is that thing," As they rushed towards the beast he lifted his Digivice to scan it as Angewoman told here what she knew about it, "That's MetalSeadramon, he's normally a Digimon that spends his time in the water, but don't let that fool you he is still very deadly on land. He has Chrome Digizoid armor which makes him immune to almost all kinds of attacks and those powerful attacks of his make him quite deadly. We need to move fast even with the other Tamers' help he still has Scout trapped!" Lief assessed the situation, Scout seemed to be injured and stood no chance against such a powerful opponent in his present condition, a little Agumon was firing off Pepper Breath attacks trying to protect the big wolf, "That little guy is gonna get himself hurt, we need to get them both out of there, NOW!" As Lief shouted a huge sphere of pure energy was sent flying toward his friend!

The Ball of Electricity was hurtling toward the pair of Digimon, "Well kid I'm not sure we're gonna make it this time, it was good fighting with you. I'm Scout by the way," The Agumon nodded knowing Scout was speaking the truth, "Thanks for saving my life, I'm Rusty. What do you say we go down fighting!" The blue wolf nodded," I'm with you kid... FOX FIRE!!!!" "PEPPER BREATH!!!!" The two attacks combined into one glorious ball of fire as they made contact with the serpents attack and then the ball fizzled out as the powerful attack engulfed the new friends. They both screamed in agony as their data began to break apart. Somewhere behind him Scout could swear he heard the scream of Lief who had at some point arrived on the scene. "Lief... it's OK...everything will be OK...." The wolf's voice faded away as the two Digimon's data was reverted back to a Tama.

"NOOOO!!!!...SCOUT!!!" Lief watched in horror as his first friend in the digital world was broken down back into pieces of data, he said something to Lief, he said it would be ok, but Lief didn't believe him. The world was crashing down around the young Tamer and he was frozen to the spot, unable to move or even give an attack. Tears began to pour from his eyes as the memories of past adventure began to flood his thoughts. Why was this happening, they were going to go home and have a holiday dinner, no one was going to get hurt, it was just gonna be Lief, Scout and the Tamers family. Everyone was spose to be happy, why did someone have to go and ruin all that, why did this have to happen... Lief, now filled with furry from the thought of whoever started this attack snapped out of his paralysis. "Hey you, big snake, you'll pay for what you just did, if you run I'll hunt you down, I'll destroy you and the whole organization who did this!! Justice will be served and I'm your waiter, AHHHH" Lief charged toward the metal clad snake," AHHHHH!!! Michael, Gabriella it's time... DIGIVOLVE!!!!" The Tamers anger and passion triggered his Digivice giving his two remainging companions a huge power boost. "MagnaAngemon Digivolve too... Seraphimon!!" "Angewoman Digivolve too... Ophanimon!!" The Angels' emerged from their Digivolutions immersed in a radiant light. The pair of Great Angels rushed in after their Tamer wanting just as much as he to avenge their friend, "You foul beast taste the wrath of Heaven!!...Seven Heavens" Seraphimon fired off seven powerful beams of light straight at the beast's eyes. Opahnimon followed him in the attack "You will be sentenced to Hell for what you've done!...Shinning Javelin!!!" Lief was still rushing his friends executioner, ready to take him down with his fists only if he had to, all reason had escaped him in this moment. Everything to move in slow motion, he could feel the gravel under his feet at each step, the cold tears that were flying off the side's of his face. The Serpent fired and icy blast at the Tamers who had been attempting to save Scout, Lief knew he must do what ever he could to protect these new friends. Lief watched as Mikey and Gabby's attacks flew over his head straight at the beast's face. As he took the last few steps toward the giant he passes the two Digitamas causing the blood-lust to completely take over, he pulled back his right arm ready to throw the first punch and then launched it, "AAHHHH, take this you Demon!!!!" Lief unloaded blow after blow toward the already blood stained armor of the creature not even feeling the pain that was inflicted on his hands from punching the Chrome Digizoid. "I won't stop until you're gone!!" The Angels witnessing all this did not even recognize the normally calm and level head Tamer who was not in control of his actions. "We must help Lief defeat this monster, I fear if we don't he will never be the same!" "You're right Ophanimon let's get a better angle to attack from!" The pair flew up into the air to join the others already fighting up there.

The massive serpent digimon prepared herself as much as she could. She coiled in on herself, desperately trying to protect her exposed body from the two angels attacks as they lit up the night sky and came towards her like the wrath of heaven itself. She could not move, too weakened by the electric torrent that had wreaked havoc upon her being. The womon showed no fear as she faced death. Debris and metal fell from the tall buildings around the street and needles of ice continued to rain down upon the bystanders who were, luckily, protected by one of the male tamers Gallantmon. The cyborg digimon stared down at the owner of the two angels, her expression was unreadable, but there was something quite like silent admiration in her glowing eyes.
He reminded her of Andrew..
Andrew, I failed you. But I got the wolf... I defeated him for you..

The energy spheres reached her first. Her body armor cracked under the onslaught, her chest plates burst open in a shower of crimson blood. A shrill scream left the serpent open jaws as she voiced her agony, but it was quickly silence as Orphanimons javelin attack pierced her bared throat. For a moment, she appeared frozen in time. She did not move, nor breathe. She merely stared down at the furious boy at her side. His fists continued to fall upon her like the heavy rain which filled her open wounds and washed away the blood. He appeared so very small...

A final dying breath left Metalseadramon body. She fell to the street, lifeless and cold and lay there, a corpse of war, before her body faded away and only a single golden egg was left.

The danger was, however, far from over. The massive attacks and destruction had brought attention to the little group of tamers and Metalseadramons body had barely made it to the ground before the shocked and furious faces of a group of humans appeared from the shaded alleyways. There were three girls and a boy.

Two of the girls were obviously twins, both blond and both clad in the same soaked red designer tops and matching white mini-skirts. The final girl was the exact opposite; her skin was dark as ebony and her hair, which had been braided and decorated with colorful pearls, shone like coal. She wore a hoodie and loose grey army jeans which hung low on her hips. The final member of the group and the only male looked like a stereotype American with his short brown hair and street wear.

It was the dark skinned girl who stepped forward first, brown eyes glittering determinedly. When she spoke it was with a voice weighted by a heavy African accent.
"So you are the trouble makers... Funny, you do not look so hard"
"Tough, Bayamo"
One of the twins piped up
"It´s tough, not hard"
The African tamer rolled her eyes with a sigh before she turned her attention back to the group of boys they had been sent to find
"I am Bayamo, the girls are Aida and Ivy, the boy is Michael"
Said boy lifted a hand and waved sarcastically at the tamers
"And we will end this, NOW!"
A black and blue form appeared above her, chuckling and flapping his tiny wings happily while he soared above the African tamers shoulder.
In his crimson red claws he held two objects, both round, both incredibly familiar to a certain male tamer standing near the crater that had once been the city library...
Scout and Agumons eggs...
The b*****d has stolen Scout and Agumons eggs.

Lief continued to punch even as the great beast fell, defeated by the power of the Great Angels. The Light around Gabriella and Michael began to fade as they reverted back to their previous forms, the attacks they had used to finish off their foe had taken it's toll and they could no longer hold this superior form. Gabby the Angewoman floated down to where her Tamer and friend was still going mad and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, "Lief,...Lief it's over you must calm down. This anger will not bring Scout back to us, Our foe is vanquished, we must now focus on protecting the eggs!" Lief hearing these words fell to his knees, placed his head between his bloody hands and wept for his friend. Angemon joined the pair to try and help comfort Lief, "Gabby is right Lief, we are Digimon we are reborn from our data when we are destroyed, do not morn for our companion he will return to us some day, for now we must find a way to help the rest of these people out of the city." Knowing the beings spoke the truth Lief nodded his rain soaked head and wiped the blood and tears from his face as he slowly got back to his feet. "You're right let's get the eggs and try to figure out a logical plan, Michael could you go grab....wait where did they go?" The eggs that Lief had ran by only moments ago had diapered, but where could they have gone to? Then Lief noticed the group of four Tamers who appeared from the dark alley making their sly remarks. Lief didn't like the looks of them and he could tell Gabby and Mike were not to fond of them either. The group of three girls and a lone guy looked like they were ready to fight in the already ruined street, Lief knew if they brought out anything close to the power of that MetalSeadramon Gabby and Mike did not stand a good chance this time, the last battle had taken too much out of them and they could not Digivolve right away. "Be cautious guys, we have no idea what this quartet is up to. Watch for any sign of an attack." Then the boy lifted his hand and Lief finally noticed the Dimidevimon that was flying around one of the girls, and in his claws he held what Lief was looking for. There they were, two colorful ovals on a dark and dreary backdrop. Angemon also noticing his friends egg spoke first, "Look the Devimon, he has Scout and the other Digimon, we must do something," Lief whispered to his Digimon to where only they could hear him "I know that you are not back to full strength yet but I'm gonna try and talk them into giving it back, go grab the Metal Seadramon egg and follow my lead," Lief turned to the one who appeared to be the leader as Michael picked up the golden egg," Hey you, you might want to give me those eggs back, I'm not sure if you were paying attention but we just dismantled that MetalSeadramon...do you really think your Demidevimon stands a chance? I'll offer you a trade, those two eggs for this one, or we can fight and I'm not sure you'll like the outcome," Lief hoped deep down inside that the Tamers had bought his bluff and wished that the other "good" tamers would come down here and back him up.


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nuGen Staff Lead

22,925 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:34 am

:Chapter 6:
...Network City, A City in Ruin...

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The Metal Seadramon was left as a digi-egg due to the angels wrath. Vayne then saw in the action, WereGarurumon's and Agumons eggs being taken away by a tamers demi-devimon. when the tamer of the digimos saw the other tamers he seems to be trying to negotiate with the dark tamers asking for the eggs to be returned to him. Vayne he ordered Dusk and crimson to fly towards the dark tamers while he is on dusk. "you there. return the eggs or face our wrath" demanded Vayne while pointing at the dark skinned tamer

The gathered group of Dark tamers showed no fear nor regret as they walked out onto the street.
The African tamers send the boys a truly grim smile
"One tiny Metalseadramon. Yes, we watched. It is Andrews I do believe. I care not for him or his digimon"
She huffed as she swung her waist to the side and placed a hand on her hip

"Do what you will with the egg, we care not. But you will surrender, or we will make sure that your beloved digimon will never again see sun of the light" Once again, one of the twins piped in with a muttered `It´s light of the sun` but once again the identical girls were given a cold dismissal. The Demidevimon flapped his wings and tightened his grip on the eggs until it seemed as if the tiniest increase of pressure would crush them
"You try anything funny and I´ll crushed these babies"

as vayne heard the words of the tamer he replied "well you know Digimons arn't allowed to kill tamers but i will kill you if you harm innocent digimon" Dark and Light digisoul charge appears on both his arms looking like killer flames of darkness and light that will obliterate anything.

Lief was a little unsettled by the lack of care these villains had for a companions Digimon, he knew that there was no way the Dimidevimon would even think twice about crushing the eggs. The other Tamers were starting to come back Lief up but to attack would mean the final demise of his best friend. They had to get those eggs back, but how would they do that without losing their friend, he turned back to his friends and the other Tamers who had showed up, "Look they didn't take my offer for the trade, if we attack I'll lose Scout forever, if we don't there is a chance that we can rescue him another time. I'm not asking anyone to surrender I just need to know if anyone has a good plan to get us out of this mess without anyone getting hurt?" Angemon and Gabby both stood there, neither of them really sure what to do or what to say to their friend. After a moment Michael decided to step forward still holding the golden egg, "Lief we are your friends and we will respect whatever decision you make, if we need to run to fight another day then I will gladly go with you." Angewoman nodded in agreement. Lief was touched that his friends trusted him enough to be willing to leave the decision up to him, "Thanks you guys, that means a lot to me, but I don't want to use that option until we discuss other plans, so.." He turned back to the other Tamers hoping that one of them would have an answer.

Vayne wispered to the tamer "i think i got an idea but i don't know if you have enough digi-soul to do it. my plan is for you to digivolve your angemon to magna angemon and create a portal to the demi devimon and grab the eggs away from the digimon. I could distract them first so that they won't see you" Vayne don't know if it fullproof but it is worth a shot for him

The African tamer narrowed her eyes as she saw two of the male tamers whisper secretly to each other.
She did not like that.. at all.
"I have an offer for you, boy!"
The girl pointed towards Lief with one manicured finger. The many bracelets around her wrist rang silently as the tiny silver bells shifted. One of the last remaining streetlights flickered and let out a piercing screech as sparks fell from the head moments before the entire thing fell over.
"You seem strong. Fight for us, with us, when we destroy network city. Try a day in our socks.."
´Shoes´ the twins muttered somewhere behind her
"Shoes then. Be one of us, just this once. We will share with you our beliefs and when this night is over you will be given back your partners unharmed. I swear that on my own partner, the one thing we dark tamers value" The African abandoned her safe position among her friend and wandered across the street, deftly avoiding debris and overturned vehicles in her way. She did not stop until she stood before Lief.
The rain fell down her face. Dripping off her lips and the long black eyelashes shielding her warm brown eyes. She offered him her hand
"Deal, friend? "

Vayne took a few steps back. "You not seriously gonna take the offer are ya??" questioned Vayne to Lief

Ty whispered to Vayne and Lief, "Maybe its not that bad of an idea to have somebody on the inside to find out whats going on."

Vayne whispered Back to Ty "Dude we don't know about that"

"Vanye their pros and cons for both choices, but Lief has to make that decison on his own, but we have to suport the decision he makes." Ty replied to Vanye

Vayne quitely stepped back a few more steps for caution "Your Choice Leif, Or we could go with plan B if you know what I mean"

Lief tried to show no emotion as he pondered the offer of the girl, his initial response in any normal situation would be to refuse the offer and find a better way out of the situation. This however was different, the live of one of his best friends was at stake here, refusing and then walking away was not an option. The other Tamers began whispering back and forth trying to give Lief some good advice. As far as any of them could tell the options came down to join or fight and a fight with these stakes was not in Lief's play book. Lief weighed the options in his head, on the one hand they could fight, hope that the eggs would not be destroyed in the battle and best case scenario they win and walk away with the eggs, but although the outcome is desirable the risk was to high. On the other hand Lief believed in judging a situation only after he has obtained all of the information, at the current moment all he knew is that some Digimon had attacked the city and his friend ended up getting hurt, he knew nothing of this organizations intentions or their motives behind all of this destruction. The best way to learn about an organization is to study it and the best way to study one like this would be to join it, besides she only asked him to join for one night. One night's not too bad, no one is saying he has to stay with the organization, he could go and see what they're all about then leave in the morning with his partner. If nothing else he could use the information he learns with his time spent to dismantle the organization if he dislikes what he sees. That's the plan then, we'll play their little game, try and do as little damage as possible and learn what we can about who we are dealing with, besides if I like what I hear and see this group could be useful to me.

A cold breeze whipped through the air as Lief stretched out his hand, trying make it look like he was not aligning himself with the Tamers who had come to his aid Lief responded without acknowledging either of them, "OK I'll help you with one requirement, I will not injure another human in the process, if a human comes to harm because of something you have had me do then this contract is void and I take those eggs and leave. Do we have a deal?" Lief grabbed the dark tamers hand as he waited for a response, Mike and Gabby both stood by their tamer silently, trusting that whatever plan he had would be the right one.

Bayamos smiled change the instance Liefs hand came in contact with hers. The grim wolfish grin melted into a mere curve of her dark lips and her expression softened. Her eyes shone with some unknown emotion Leif cold not place. "Only if we do not count mere accidents. Debris falls when buildings are knocked up" ´Over. It is knocked OVER´ the twins yelled as the American boy attempted to smother his laughter. The African tamer . Bayamo once again ignored her companions. The girl tightened her fingers around his hand in a soft gesture of appreciation before she let her hand fall and took a step back.

She eyed the other boys and once again there was hellfire burning in her stern brown orbs
"I trust you will stay out of our way, yes? Or will we have to defeat you before we go?"
The womans digivice, strapped to her ankle with a strip of silk, gave off a blue glow in warning.
The twin girls stepped out of the alley along with the American boy. A grey and white striped Koromon appeared from behind the male dark tamers leg and bounced along next to him.
A burst of fire lit up the midnight sky as buildings at the edge of the city exploded in a sphere of ashes and dust. Somewhere in the distance the grieving howl of a lone canine digimon echoed through the empty buildings of the downtown areas. It was soon joined by other until a canopy of sound rang quietly trough the landscape, like the forgotten sounds of war. It was a choir of mourning partners crying out to the skies in loss. The moon, queen of wolfs and dogs in the digital world, remained hidden behind her veil of grey clouds, abandoning her children to their pain. The streets reeked of death, blood and dust. A sharp metallic flavor which seeped across the fallen city just as surely as the rain.

Vayne then points at lief "I guess you made your decision, i won't harm you but i won't say anything to the girl" Dusk then turns to ShineGreymon and Crimson readies in attack position. "I don't know what is the right decision to make for myself now but i know i don't like you girl"

Lief nodded "Agreed people who are injured from getting in the way of falling debris will not count, though this won't prevent me from trying to protect them. No matter what side I'm on I still have to live up to my set of morals, but don't worry as long as I serve on your side I will not stand in the way of your chaos." Lief was a little worried, he had planned on using that as his best escape route if he decided that he no longer wished to be a part of this organization. She was a sly one even if her sayings did not always make sense. Lief turned back to the other boy, "Yes I have made my decision and there is no point in you being here anymore," Lief slowly backed up towards the group of dark tamers, "I suggest you take her advice and stand down, there is no point in having another fight here," Hoping the boy would take this last bit of advice Lief turned away from him and walked toward the twins, both Michael and Gabby de-digivolved again and followed their Tamers footsteps unsure of his decision. The eerie sound of the wolfs' howls still echoing through the air. So much damage had already been done that night, Lief had no real problem helping these people destroy the city, in fact it might be fun to knock down some buildings and he knew it would be stress relieving, but he wept on the inside for all the lives and Digimon that had been lost during these events. He couldn't show these emotion here though, he now was aligned with the very Tamers that caused all of this destruction. "Alright, so what now?" Lief knew better than to ask for his friend back, he figured that before that could happen he would need to earn their trust.

Vayne punches the ground, "Darn you, i guess if we meet again we are enemies till you get your digimon back" Vayne then hops on Crimson and flies away, They decided to go back to the mall and see if they could help anyone

Bayamo nodded in satisfaction as the other tamer left. It was wise of him to leave.
The African tamer turned to Lief, smiling softly as tapped one foot against the side of an overturned car
"Our next destination is the digimon hospital. North of here. We shall find it and destroy it"
The girl turned and began to walk, closely followed by the boy and the twins who crowded around Lief as soon as they were close enough to do so. The beautiful Norwegians smiled up at the taller tamer, grabbing one arm each
"We´ll answer your questions while we walk"
"Are you single?"
"Don't listen to her, she´s joking"
"I am. I do it all the timer"
The two identical girls chuckled softly as they dragged their poor victim with them trough the streets
"But really, what do you want to know?"
"We could begin with the Princess?"
"He´s not interested in her"
"He might be!"
"He wants to know why were attacking the city!"
"Not all at once!"
"Yes he does!"

Lief felt a little claustrophobic from all of the questions and touching, he attempted to listen to it all but it was too much at one time, as they continued to walk Lief tried to put his hands up to quiet the twins" Whoa whoa, hold on... just one at a time please, I swear ya'll are worse then my Digimon when they get excited. For your first question, yes I am single, although I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Let me start off with introducing myself," Lief took a deep breath and checked to see if everyone was paying attention, he couldn't stand chaos it was too hard to keep track of and got in the way of logic, he knew that he would need to keep a level head in case he found himself needing to get rid of this group, "My name is Lief Pyrex and I've been here in the Digital World for about four or five years now traveling with my best friend Scout who your Devimon is now carrying around in that egg up there. These other two Digimon that are with me are named Michael and Gabriella and I met them a few years back, together we have tried to bring peace to the Digital world and restore order. We don't normally lean toward one side or the other, we try our best to do what is best for the world and not just would be the most beneficial to us. I try to be as impartial on such matters as possible which is why I have agreed to help you today, it is not far for me to decide to try and stop you without knowing why you are doing this to the city even if I don't agree with you methods." Lief looked either twin figuring he had bored them with the brief story and decided to change the subject. He looked back at his partners realizing that Gatomon was now in possession of the egg, both of them were giving Lief a look that he knew meant they were confused and angry with his decision. Knowing he had to make this right he turned back toward the direction the group was walking, " So you were saying something about a princess or something, I though I heard you mention that."

Both twins brightened immediately as Lief asked his question
"The Princess is the strongest tamer ever!"
"She´s not the best fighter, but her digimons are amazing, not as cute as mine though"
"When the Dark masters and the Demon Lords were gone, she came in and rebuild their empire"
"She owns the Dark masters! Even Piedmon. That guy is creepy"
"According to the rumous, she found him lock inside a heaven's gate, saved his life.."
"..and made him even stronger than before"
"Her name is Kaya, she´s scottish, but it´s okay"
"She doesn't sound like one, no accent"
"I´ve heard one of her Gatomon´s is Scottish too"
"Theresa right"
"Yes, thats the one!"
"Anyways, Lucemon made her his apprentice"
"She worships that guy"
"Yes, and then the dark empire rose once more"
"There was no real dark organization before she came to the digital world"
"She was the first of the royals"
"That is a group of strong tamers who serve one of the seven demon lords"
"She is just about the only tamer all the virus digimons listen to"
"No one knows why"
"She´s kinda cool"
"A little insane though"
"She´s leading this attack"
"Had to!"
"Because the entire digital world is going to end in.."
The twins chatter was stopped quite suddenly when all the tamers cell phones went off, a male voice washed trough the tiny speakers
The tamer did not halt, nor did they move around in panic, they merely continued walking
"Well, that sucks"
"I know, it totally sucks"
"Oh well, where were we?"
"End of the world?"
"Right! The digital world is going to end soon"
"Big kaboom and all"
"So were saving as many digimons as we can"
"Yup, we tried to get the angels help"
"Several times!"
"But they didn't want to listen to demons and dark tamers"
"They never do"

Alter stood over the city, watching as war raged, people fought, and the viruses lived. It was sickening. How could this have happened? Even some of the Knights showed up. Yet here they were. The skinny lad sighed, his black hair covering part of his face. Not that it would matter for much longer.
He turned to his partner, Dio the GranDracmon. "Dio, get ready."

The next few moments felt like forever to Alter, his mind going over past events, how the Angels raised him, losing Dio, attacking the Demon Lord, and... ugh... kissing their princess. What in Seraphimon's name made him do that. He scowled, that would soon be over with though.

"Destroy them." He concluded, stepping back behind his digimon.

Dio nodded, his lower mouth licking their lips, teeth glinting in the light. "Black Requiem." His mouth blasted open, waves of sound escaping. The screams filled the entire city, for the first few moments the sound only damaged ears. Then a wave of energy blasted out, the sound resonating with the area, the city starting to shake, buildings starting to crumble, digimon losing health. Dio was going to destroy the entire area in a matter of minutes, every last digimon would die.

Alter cracked a small smile, his only regret is that he couldn't hear the screams of pain from the virus digimon.

The answers washed over Lief in a jumbled wave, he tried to make heads or tails of it, they wouldn't let him get a word in "So... um....wait... you mean....ok but....." Then the announcement blasted through the Dark Tamers phones. Lief was shocked as the group ignored the announcement and continued rambling on about why they were doing this. Lief had to put a stop to this senseless babble "Wait isn't that your Leader hes got...shouldn't we go do something about that? I mean what are you gonna do with no leader. And what do you mean the world is going to end and you're "saving" all of the Digimon," Lief did air quotations as he said "saving", he was really confused by these motives. Lief had barely given the group time to answer when a defining sound whipped through the streets. Gabby dropped the egg as she covered her cat ears, "------------------------------" She screamed something but by this point Lief was covering his own ears already losing his ability to hear. The buildings around the group started to crumble as the waves of sound attempted to expand. Patamon landed on Lief's head trying to protect him from falling debris. Lief's world had fallen into chaos.

"Oh my god!"
The twins chorused this but the words remained unheard as their voices were drowned under the horrible sound tearing through their heads like fire. They stood frozen, staring uncertainly at their leader.
The African tamer had long since turned to the others, but unlike them she showed no fear nor pain, her only action was fishing a red and white cell phone out of her pocket and staring at it as it lit up and vibrated in a telltale sign. She held it out for the others to see.
""Out. Sarah Conners. Code: Terpentine"

The twins reacted instantly, as did Michael. The teenagers spun around and let their gazes wander over the nearby alleys and rooftops, searching for something amidst the falling debris and shattering of walls.
Finally, a blue and black body appeared, it ran down the street towards them at a massive speed, closely followed by a graceful blur of yellow and blue fur which swung itself from the lampposts.
The first digimon was the fastest and the Raindramon came to a halt in front of the group, head lowered submissively and shoulders lowered in a clear sign. Michael gave the girls and Lief a brief look, but the rushed gesture from the team leader told him to go. The boy swung his green backpack over his shoulder and approached his partner. He climbed to the digimons back with a practiced ease that spoke of many years experience and took off immediately. The next digimon to arrive was the one who had been making its way towards them by using the lamppost, a female Apemon.

The digimon stood tall and proud in front of them, looking down at Lief with curiosity written all over her pale face and in her dark eyes. The primate digimons attention shifted soon after though, and as the others looked over their shoulder to follow her gaze, they saw the two new arrivals.
Two Gigadramons, one a solid grey and the other a warm brown landed roughly on the ground, tails held high and mechanical arms planted on the ground to hold their weight. The twins took no time to seek permission from their leader, they both delivered a fast kiss to each side on Liefs cheeks and then sprinted towards their partners. They almost fell over when the ground under them began to tremble, but in the end they made it to their digimons and crawled onto the two dragons shoulders. The reptile digimon took flight as soon as the two blond haired girls were ready. They were clearly anxious to leave the city and the destruction behind.

Then.. there was only two tamers left.
The African tamer stood before Lief, eyes burning. She mouthed three words to the boy
"You owe me"
Demidevimon landed in between the two tamers. The digi-eggs were placed carefully on the ground before the little demon took off once more, flapping his little wings as fast as he could.
The girl gave Lief a brief smile, and then- much in the fashion of the twins, she pecked his cheek and allowed herself to be picked up by Apemon and deposited on the massive beasts strong shoulder.
"Take care of yourself kid!"
The words were yelled but no sound could be heard above the constant screaming.
Then she too vanished into the night.

He watched as the other Tamers left the area, he didn't know what that text meant but he knew it wasn't good. Lief was still confused about what was happening, but he knew he had no time to think right now. He reacted to the departure of all the other Tamers, yelling although he could not hear what he was saying, "Micheal, Gabby time to Digivolve!!!" He held out his Digivice as it began to glow, both the Patamon and Gatomon that had stood before him only second before were now an Angemon and an Angewoman. Lief pointed not knowing if he would be understood if he spoke, "Gabby I need you to grab the three eggs and follow Micheal and I, it's time to get out of this city," He pointed to the two eggs and then to the sky. The Angels seemed to understand what he wanted, Angewomon scooped up the Tamas as Micheal wrapped his arms around Lief. The pair took off into the air not sure where they should go. Lief scanned the horizon now that they were safe from the powerful attack. As he looked around he could see tons of other Tamers escaping the same way, the city seemed almost sure of falling now. The Tamer didn't know if he had failed his mission or not, he had no idea which side had been right in this whole thing and which side may not have known they were wrong. Either way he could not let this day go to waste, he must find the reason for it all.

Lief's hearing was beginning to return as they flew above the city, "Let's go see if anyone needs help evacuating the city, fly over there near where the mall was," Lief could not believe all of the destruction that had happened since he walked out of that store this afternoon, all he had wanted to do was finish his shopping and get home to see his family. Lief had been away at College for a few years and during that time was when he had first entered the Digital world. Since then he had only returned to the Human World a very few times, mostly to pick up some things that he needed for survival. He had not however been home to visit his Mom and Step Father since then. Lief felt that ever since his Step Father had moved in all those years ago that his Mother had forgotten about his Real Dad. This of course lead to Lief never really accepting the man as his Father and the resentment between the two had kept Lief away from home as much as possible. This year Lief decided that he would try to be the bigger man and go home and visit, besides it had been a while since he had seen his step-brothers and he was looking forward to the meeting!
"I guess that just wasn't to be this year, oh well," Michael turned to the boy, "What are you talking about?" "Hum oh nothing don't worry about it just scan the area for people," Lief hadn't realized his last comment had been out loud.

The trio landed in the middle of the rubble, hidden from the attack still going on out side by the walls all around them. "Michael do you feel anyone?" The Angel was meditating on Human signatures, this was a trick that Lief had used on multiple occasions to get himself out of a pickle. All of the sudden He stopped and pointed to where the rubble seemed to be pilled higher, "There, I can feel a presence there, a human and a Digimon," Lief hurried over to where he had pointed, he had no idea weather it was a friend or foe or something else all together but he had to do something to help. "Hurry guys come help me get this off of whoever is under here, " Angewoman set the eggs down and both angel hurried to lend a hand. They three of them dug through layers of bricks and steel trying to unearth whoever was trapped down there. They struggled as they had to work as a team to move some of the larger pieces. Finally after about twenty minutes of hard labor the reached something, it was a large, white furry object. "Whoa, what's that, that is not a human!" Lief stood back as they had no way of moving such a thing.

Water began to seep into the area around Vikemon twice as fast. Seconds seemed like hours, and minutes like days for the trapped couple during the time it took their rescue team to dig them out. As the weight on top of Enoch subsided significantly, the large digimon began to breath easily again. Finally, after two eternities had passed, the aquatic monster felt the cool sensation of water hitting him directly, and he new that their saviors had come through for them. Letting out one large grunt of warning, Vikemon used his muscles to pull his massive head out of the ruble.

"I don't understand how digmon enjoys himself in such a damp, dark place all the time. It's absolutely miserable down there. I will definitely need a good long swim in the east Data Ocean where I am free to move freely at all times." Enoch managed to say to his saviors. "Now then, to business. I have two tamers with me right now. The first, is my partner, he is currently safe and warm, close to my heart, and protected by my body. The second is currently standing on my tail, which is also holding, at the moment at least, a small cavern open for him to breathe in, but he probably doesn't have much air left in there as it has been almost an hour and a half that we have been trapped down here." Enoch observed the tamer who had saved him now, taking him in for the first time. He appeared to be a strange young lad, but was not totally unlike Ehud aside from what appeared to be a few years more experience. "My name is Enoch by the way, a pleasure to meet you. I think it in our best interest, to let my best mate out first." Enoch decided as he started to test the weight of the ruble all around himself, and then started to pull Ehud out of the safe zone.

Ehud put all of his electronics away in his pockets, as he prepared himself to be lifted up and put on the ground. He had listened carefully to the whole conversation, and was surprised to learn that Vikemon had managed to save another person's life as they fell. I wonder if that is the murderer. Ehud asked himself as he waited to be moved. It took almost no time at all for the enormous digimon to clasp his fingers around Ehud’s body and to move him to solid ground. The rain was a welcome experience as it soaked his overcoat within moments. "Thank you Enoch." Ehud was sure to say knowing that he would be dead with out the help of his friend. Nodding, Enoch simply went to work trying to get the other tamer to cooperate and get him out of the hole.

Knowing his rescuers would be standing only feet behind him Ehud turned about, ready to meet the brave souls. Initially, Ehud simply focused on the magnificent angel digimon standing on either side of the tamer who organized his rescue. As his eyes became accustomed to the light given off by the holy beings, the man in the middle could finally be seen clearly. Studying the pose and facial feature only momentarily, Ehud’s heart stopped. With out a doubt, his rescuer could be none other than his older half brother, Lief. Thinking quickly, Ehud decided that there was no way that Lief would leave the city until he heard the entire adventure of Ehud and Ben, including the gruesome end. Ehud began to think about the incident, the splattered blood, the evil digimon, the dead brother, but shaking his head, Ehud cleared the emotions and focused on the now. I look different enough, maybe I can lie, just for now so he doesn't question it, Ehud's brain raced a thousand miles a minute as he came up with an elaborate believable lie about an alias named Joe Brown. Thank you so much kind denizen, my name is Ben..." Ehud stopped short. Damn, I can't believe I just made such a rookie mistake, he yelled at himself internally, but knew he had to continue the new lie. "Ben...Pickett that is." why am I so stupid! He thought at himself knowing he was coming off as a retard, but who could blame him. He just re-met his older brother whom he hadn't seen in years, and was about to have to tell him about how their younger brother had... In an attempt to salvage the conversation, and to create a distraction, "you want to help Enoch get that other tamer out?" he asked and started moving back towards Enoch who was wearing a perplexed frown. "What was that about?" the digimon asked the tamer in a hushed tone. "Don’t worry about it, lets get this fool out of the hole before another blast comes. “Ehud replied shortly.

The trio jumped back as the large aquatic mammal emerged from the rubble, " Oh hi there, how's it going, I'm Lief... You've got two Tamers with you, well let's get them out.. it's nice to meet you Enoch but there's no time to waste standing here." When Michael heard there were more Tamers to be rescued he did some quick calculation. "Lief I think we might have a problem, Gabby and I could carry two of you if ya'll were carrying the eggs but with three of you we wont make it off the ground. We need to find the third Tamer another way to evacuate." Lief nodded seeing the dilemma, "Alright I'll see if either of them have Digimon that could help out, let's get them out of that hole. Go give Enoch a hand." Mike helped stabilize the doomed building as Enoch brought the first Tamer out. The boy had a dark tent about him making Lief assume that he was one of the Dark Tamers. His white hair curled in a way that reminded Lief of someone he had not seen in a long time, but he was sure this was not him. As Lief looked at the face of the stranger he noticed a slight scar bairly visible and a look in his eye that Lief was sure looked all too familiar as if Lief had know this man for a long time. But despite all this Lief was sure that he didn't know a man by the name of Ben Pickett so these feelings quickly passed. Lief reached out his hand to greet the Tamer, friend or foe Lief had decided to help, "I'm Lief, it's nice to meet you... ya I'll help get him out, but I need to ask you something..." Lief paused for a moment.

Ehud's heart stopped as the other tamer came to a hault. A question, no there is no way, but he must, he must know me Ehud thought having a heated debate with himself. No, there was no way that he knew. "well there is only one way to find out" the white haired tamer commented to himself under his breath, and looked up at his brother attampting to organize an excuse to get out of the potentially spark inducing moment. Rain hit him at five times the normal speed as nature itself seemed to be rushing by in an attempt to get to the main course. As all situations played out, and failed in his mind, the dark tamer was about to give in, and reveal himself, however an idea struck him like a freight train causing his mind to be rattled in awe at his own genious. Trying to mar his vocal chords, he hastily stated "Can this hurry, if that hole feels with to much water, the poor guy will draown" in a raspy distressed tone hoping that the other man would not see through the disguise of his voice.

Deciding not to discover how much the other knew, Ehud briskly walked through the bone chilling rain to Enoch. "can you feel him down there?" The large digimon replied abruptly, "i feel the weight of him, a few hundred gallons of water, and the rubble all bending my tail!" pain was etched into the monstrous digimon's face, and Ehud knew that this was no ploy. Running to Enochs back, Ehud vaulted over the area between Enochs back and solid ground where a sub-aquatic cave was quickly forming. As Ehud hit the wall of lond white, insulating fur, he grabbed on for dear life, then using the fur as a rope, he slowly made his decent down to the mouth of the cave where he could see the dark shape of another human inside. As Ehud was reaching towards the other person, the tension that had kept the rocks above from falling in gave away covering Ehud from the other tamer and piching Enochs tail. In a roar of pain the large beast let out a blood curdling yell, and, out of pure instinct, flung his tail up, unwrapping it as he did.

Ehud felt a jolt as his body went from zero to sixty like a funny car after the gun sounds. Rubble and water joined the young man in mid air causing a double dose of rain, and raining ruble. In the midst of a flip turn, Ehud saw the other tamer that had been trapped with him under the floors of ruble only feet away, flying through the air. In a burst of adrenaline, Ehud whipped out his digivice, and pressed the button sequence ulocking legion from the technological prison. Thrilled the demon immediately read Ehuds thoughts that informed him of his job. In a shock, the monster obeyed and caught the other tamer, then proceeded to gliding down to eath on his large batlike wings. Ehud looked down and saw a large lump of white that he knew would be his loving partner Enoch. In a complete show of trust, the young tamer closed his eyes, and allowed his momentum to disperse, and let his body go to gravity, which took him down straight into his loving partners arms. "thankyou, Enoch" the words warmly lifted off the tamers lips, and a shade of rosyness returned to his cheeks momentarily as the friends embraced.

Moments later, the marine animal placed Ehud back on the ground "ok, are we all safe?" he asked still breathing hard from the entire endevour.

Lief could tell his question was being dodged so he decided to help the Tamer finish up his task. The two could talk later when they were away from all this madness in the city. "Alright let's get out of here" With that the Tamers and their Digimon flew out of the city to a peaceful clearing along the outskirts. As they flew they took one last look at the destruction and Lief could only wonder what was to come in the future.
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:48 am

:Chapter 7:

"Now WarGreymon, use Nova Blast one more time on that tree on the lake!!" The large orange armored dragon Digimon had been training hard for weeks, ever since he had joined Lief's team. It had been a rocky start on the team when he and Scout had been tamaed by a Metalseadramon while trying to defend Network City. After that Lief brought them all to this lake where they vowed to become stronger so they would never lose a battle again. Since then Rusty had managed to Digivolve to his Mega form of WarGreymon and had really honed his skills as a fighter. Hearing the command from his friend and Tamer Lief has lifted his claws above his head forming a giant ball of fire while roaring out the attack’s name. He had put all his remaining energy into this final attack, refusing to hold anything back for the sake of becoming better, “NOVA BLAAAAST!!!!” The Fire ball was hurled through the air until it collided with its target completely obliterating everything within a thirty yard radius and leaving scorch marks throughout the newly formed crater that was quickly filling up with water from the lake. Lief chuckled as Rusty de-digivolved back to an Agumon, “Ah good I thought we could use a bit of expansion to this side of the lake, it didn’t seem wide enough.” Lief looked around at all the destruction his team had been causing over the last few months, new holes filled the area and there were now stumps where an entire forest stood before. “Man, this place looks like a mess guys, yall’ve really been training hard, but we can’t just leave the area looking like this, it just wouldn’t be right. “ Lief looked toward the other side of the clearing they had made to where the now desolate metropolitan of Network City had once stood as a symbol of freedom and progression. “Especially with what happened to the city, if we destroy and do nothing about it, then we’re no better than the dark Tamers that did that.” Lief was angry at himself for not trying harder to stop the destruction, so angry that in a moment of weakness and fear he had joined forces with the very people he had been trying to stop. He knew that he didn’t personally destroy the city, but as far as he was concerned he let it happen by stepping aside. “We will pay them back for what they’ve done, and for all the lives that were taken during the attack. First though we have to become stronger and I don’t think we will be able to take down that organization by ourselves, I say we travel the world and see if anyone else would like to join our cause.” Lief whistled at his team who hadn’t really been paying attention to a word he was saying to let them know that training was over for the day. “Alright guys, let’s pack it in and head back to camp.” Lief’s four other Mega level Digimon joined Agumon. Michael and Gabby, Scout the Metal Garurumon and Rose, the Rosemon had all, like Rusty, become exponentially stronger during the previous months and the proof shown through in their eyes. All four reverted back to their lower stages so as to not waste anymore energy. “Alright, as I was saying we need to do something to clean this place up, but we can talk about that when we get home. Everybody ready to go?” Lief received five tired nods as he lifted his Digivice toward them. “Digitize!” All five of the Digimon turned into streams of data and were absorbed by the device which Lief strapped into its holster. “All right, let’s go!”

Lief strolled down the shoreline toward a shelter they had built as a base camp for all these months. They hollowed out a cave behind a massive waterfall near the east side of the lake, inside Lief had used any wood leftover from the training to build furniture and other accessories to make the damp cave feel more like a home. It was quiet life despite the Digimon that Lief shared the cave with. He didn’t really mind being on his own like this, it had given him time to think about his time in this world and the events of Network City which had led to his new drive. He also thought sometimes about the two Tamers he had rescued from the rubble and how the one had run off as soon as they got out of the city, he often wondered who he might be or if it was a good idea to let him go off on his own. Now that they had a goal and his Digimon had become stronger Lief felt it was time to make his announcement to everyone. Once inside the camp Lief let Rusty out of the Digivice to start a fire in the pit to provide light and warmth. The others all went out to look for food for the night’s dinner. “So Rusty I think it’s about time that we move on from training, I think I’m gonna tell everyone my plan when they get back.

Over dinner Lief explained his master plan to put together a team to take down the dark Tamers with his Digimon. He told them that the cave would become their base of operations meaning they would have to rebuild it as well as fix the surrounding areas to better hide the base. It was decided that Michael and Scout would accompany Lief on his journey and the other three would stay behind to prepare everything else. Rosemon would work on rebuilding the forest and the other environmental necessities while Gabby and Rusty would work on rebuilding the cave into a fully functional stronghold complete with barracks and training facilities. Lief had decided his first goal would be to search for the boy he had met during the battle of network city who had been the first to respond to the disturbance, surely someone with a will that strong would be a worthy teammate. So after a good night’s sleep Lief and his party packed up their supplies and began their journey toward the Gear Savanna.

Gabby, Rusty and Rose began construction on the new base. Rose with the assistance of many of the local Digimon began to rebuild the forest and parts of the mountains that had taken damage over the months of heavy training. She worked to reconstruct it in a way that made finding the base a difficult task. Hidden to the naked eye only one who knew where it was would be able to find it. Rusty and Gabby began to work on the base it's self starting with digging out the cave to a much larger capacity, from the outside it looked just like a mountain range with a waterfall cascading down from it's top, but inside the entire mountain was hollowed out and reconstructed. Wargreymon enlisted the help of some of the dragon Digimon in the area to help them bring over salvageable scraps of metal to the base from Network city and then used his fire to weld them together to form a steel support system and walls along the outskirts of the cave. The Dragon Digimon agreed to help build the fortress in exchange for protection when needed and access to the base when ever. Soon they had constructed what looked like a small city out of the scraps and had begun to work on the technology that would run the base in Lief's absence. The system main frame was the first thing they put in located under the city and branching out into every room and building, the automated system could run the defenses of the base as well as control anything that happened within its walls. Ophanimon took most of the credit for the systems design and even used her own voice as the systems voice, she had help for a Datamon though who knew a lot about the systems that use to run Network City. He had been searching for tech when the Dragons had come to the city so he asked if he could join them. With the final touches of the hidden doors on either side of the mountain and two escape routes to the middle of the forest completed the city was up and ready for operation.

Gabby, Rose, Rusty, Datamon and the leader of the Dragons met in the war room to discuss preparations for the team that Lief was assembling. It was decided that the Dragons would stay around the base for extra protection and they along with Datamon would run the base when the Tamers were gone. The rest of the decisions would have to wait until Lief returned so they decided to check the base for any needed adjustments and make sure everything was ready to go. The last project they needed to work on was something Lief had personally asked Gabby to take care of, so she got datamon to help her finish it up, "Alright all that's left now is to wait for Lief to come back"

The trio continued on their journey speaking with anyone who may have information on any tamers who may have passed through the area. Everything he heard lead him to believe that heading to Toy and Tama town would be beneficial to him. He also heard rumors of some tamer wandering around and freezing towns across the digital world. That sounded like trouble, although Lief didn't think that it had anything to do with the dark tamers from before. "Alright guys let's go back to Toy and Tama Town" Michael picked up Lief and flew off toward the town.


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nuGen Staff Lead

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:18 pm

Jai and Lucemon safely landed in the town square. Jai was relived to be on his own again, interpendant and free. But also felt lonely.
"Lucemon, what should we do? We abandoned Kazu and now we are stuck here."
"I don't know, I had to get you out of there, it was too dangerous. I'm trying to be your friend, a friend who looks out for you. You have to understand."
Jai muted, he didn't want to reply. He knew he wasn't wanted there, he knew that he would slow people down, and he knew that he was worthless.
"Jai, don't be like this. Perk up, there is no need to act like this."

Jai felt angry. He wanted to scream at Lucemon, and everyone in his pathetic existence. He knew he couldn't, that would make HIM the bad guy. He so wanted to release his anger, being constantly rejected, being weak, all these factors built up over time. A tear ran down Jai's face. He knew he would start to cry, it was inevitable. Jai burst out in tears, the only way to let his stress and anger escape. Lucemon grabbed Jai and hugged him, hoping to comfort the sobbing Tamer.
"Jai, don't worry, I'm always here to hep you."
Jai sniffed, he tried his best to stop crying like a little baby, and sort himself out.
"But, but I can't do anything."
"You don't need to do anything, I'll do it, just leave it to me"

Jai and Lucemon turned around, they saw the entire town was frozen, iced over like a tundra.
"Oh my goodness."
Jai looked at the floor where they were standing, the only place that wasn't remotely iced.
"Lucemon, blaze it with a beam of energy, I'll go look for people!"
"Right on it!"
Jai and Lucemon ran to both ends of the town.

Jai ran over to a stall. No one. He sprinted over to a house. Empty.
"Where the blasted blazes has every bloody person in this town gone?"
He continued to search, and each search was fruitless.
"Hey, I can see Lucemon's already at work."
Jai looked up and saw golden light beam up over the houses.

Lucemon held his palms out and shot a super heated beam of energy at the ice. It melted and then evaporated in an instant.
"Heh, this is a piece of cake."
He melted the ice on praticaly everything in his line of sight. Then he would move to another location, repeating this process.
"This is so easy. i hope Jai has found some people."

After 20 minutes of hard work, the two boys met in the centre of town.
"Find anyone?"
"No. Did you melt it?"
"Yep, only half the town left. Lets get to it!"
The boys ran to the rest of town and continued work.

As Lief arrived on the scene he immediately noticed the town had been completely covered in ice. "What is this? Guys we gotta do something about this." Michael and Scout landed near the outskirts of the town trying to figure out a way to get in, "Nothin, looks like we need to melt our way in. Scout you're up." Scout dedigivolved to Weregarurumon and blasted at the wall of ice with his attack, "Fox Fire!!!" As the blue flames erupted from his mouth the beginnings of a tunnel was formed, "Alright do it again!" The group continued until they had made it all the way through to the city. :alright we did it! Let's go see if we can find any tamers that were trapped inside, head toward town square."

As they approached the middle they hadn't managed to find anyone, "I wonder if everyone's hiding, or maybe there were all wiped out by the attack. Let's just wait here, it's not like we can do much damage to this ice without Rusty here. I wonder if anyone knows where Kazu is" A few Digimon were wandering the streets but most seemed to be trying to stay out of the cold. Lief popped a squat on bench near by and tried to hatch a plan to help the city.

Jai and Lucemon ran back to the centre of town. Their work seemed to be nothing compared to the rest of the ice.
"Damn, I thought we would get it all."
"Yeah, I'm tired."
They boys turned around and saw someone sat on a bench.
"Hey, I see someone!"
Jai spotted the boy on the icy bench and shouted.
"Hey! A person!"

Lief popped hi head up as he saw someone running toward him, he saw the Lucemon behind him and was immediately ready for a fight, "Seraphimon be ready, Lucemon's stronger than he looks, Scout back him up if needed." Lief stood up and pulled his Digivice into the read position, "Who are you? State your purpose here?" Lief waited for a response not wanting to let his guard down, but really wanting to not start a fight here. This could after all be the guy who's been freezing things.

Jai stopped in front of the Tamer.
"Fight? I don't want to fight, all I want to do is thaw this place and find people."
Jai saw that the Tamer was on high alert.
"I'm not looking to trouble. To be honest I was kinda kicked out of a fight for not doing anything."
Jai and Lucemon looked at the Tamers Digimon, a powerful bunch. They could probably take out Jai and Lucemon easily. Jai saw in the ice next to the Tamer that his face was still red from crying. He rubbed his face hoping to dry it off and not look weak.

Lief could see the sincerity in the tamers face. "Alright then, I believe you, it seems our goal is the same. Any ideas on what to do?" Lief stretched out his hand in greeting, "I'm Lief by the way, what's your name?"

Jai took the Tamer's hand and shook it.
"Im Jai, Jai Mazuno."
Lucemon bowed to the other Digimon.
"I'm Lucemon, pleased to meet you all."
"So, Mr. Lief, I think we should go after the guy who is doing this, maybe our Digimon's combined strength could take him down."

Walking into view a little boy with brown hair with a scarf around his neck moved with excitement in his eyes. "Toys!!!" He exclaimed, "There are toys everywhere!!!!" He threw his arms up into the air and ran down the hills of Toy and Tama as he went to go and see all of the various and interesting things around him. Of course, his excitement made him oblivious to those that are around him and he made quite the fuss of what was going on.

Lief finished the hand shake and introduced his Digimon, "Good to meet you two, This Scout and Micheal, my best friends in the entire Digital World." The Weregrurumon and Seraphimon bowed as he said their names. Neither saying a word, still on their guard for any trickery. "So you think we should look for whoever froze this place? Did you see them? I've heard of this happening other places." Lief wondered if finding this guy could help him locate Kazu. "Personally I think we should find a way to thaw out the village, we can't just leave it like this even we're going after the cause, it's part of my vow to protect this world and everyone inside of it." Lief had more serious than normal look about him, the idea of someone doing this to the first city he ever visited and saved really ticked him off. Last time they were here they barely were able to stop an ultimate level Digimon, Now they were much stronger and knew their purpose. "Unfortunately the only attack we have that can melt this place is Scouts Fox Fire attack and it would take ages to do it that way. We need someone with real fire power. Know of anyone around like that?" Lief was kicking himself for leaving Rusty behind, he could have taken out the ice in a matter of minutes but he was hard at work, working on the new base for the group Lief was trying to start. Lief began to wonder if Puppetmon was still around, maybe he would know something. He looked toward the brown haired tamer to see if he had any answers or if e knew anything. A few of the villagers had begun gathering around the two tamers.

The shine of the frozen tama town was magnificent. Each shard of ice had its own special glow, its own special shine that was very captivating to the eye. But at the same time....at this moment Toru lowered his hands to the ground and felt the frozen land...it was as he expected of it. The land was showing a sort of sadness as it seemed trapped by an outside force. Toru clutched his scarf around his neck and berried his face in it. As it was almost sad to be able to feel what the digital space was feeling. It was afterall the pact he made with the wichenly digimon and a burden that he had to carry. Then something broke his emotional spin as he looked up and released the connection he had with the ground. A crowd of people were gathering around in one spot. It seemed almost....well for a lack of a better word weird. So out of his own curiosity he walked his way over to the crowd of people and saw that they were crowding around some people, but he couldnt see who. He jumped up and down to see through the crowd it his efforts were futile. Stamping his foot with frustration he started to walk through the people to get himself to the front. There he saw it. It was two people standing around with a group of digimon. He knew that there were other digimon tamers in the area but he had never known that he would meet one so soon. Toru sat back and watched to see what was going on in the area while at the same time concealing his digivice as he didnt know if they were future friend or foe.

Kiro enter the town and noticed that it was partially melted. "Keh...some fool is trying to save the town....I won't let that happen!" Kiro summon Nico Robin to finish the job. He whistled as he was surprised by Robin's new look. He noticed that their were three tamers at the location. "Keh...their power levels are low...but one of them is slightly higher but still not comparable to me..." With and evil smile on his fave, Kiro snapped his figures giving Robin the command. "Its showtime!!!!"

Robin put out both of her and and a baby blue aura appeared around them. "Ice Make Prison!!!" The Town was now getting another coat of Ice. But now with Robin's new power up, the ice is stronger then before. "Now nothing can melt this ice except Robin or the Flames of Daemon!" Kiro started to laugh as his plan was going so smoothly.

Lief looked at the crowd and noticed a boy push through the crowd to see what was going on, Lief had a strange suspicion that the boy was a tamer too, why else would he be here. The before he could get a response from Jai he heard a loud noise from out side the city, "Scout let's go check it out, Digivolve" A beam of light erupted from the digivice he held up toward his partner, "Weregarurumon digivolve to... Metal Garurumon!!! Let's go Lief!" Lief jumped on the big wolf's back and the pair flew off toward where they had entered the village. When they reached the tunnel they could see what had happened, "I was afraid of that, alright let's try to blast through it like before, use fox fire" Scout dedigivolved and tried the attack, but unlike last time there was no effect, "Damn, it looks like we'll have to try something different. Let's head back to the others." Scout turned back into Metalgrurumon and they flew back to the center of town. Lief hopped off of Scout and approached Jai, "Bad news, looks like there's anew layer of ice around us and this time I scout can't melt it. Looks like we're trapped." Lief looked around at all the Digimon gathered around, most of them weren't higher than rookie level and he could see the fear in their eyes. "We have to come up with some other plan, you boy with the scarf, you're a tamer, no? Can you be of any help?" Lief hoped that someone would have a way out, but he couldn't be sure. Why was this villain freezing places around the digital world, it didn't make sense, all Lief knew is he needed to be stopped before someone got hurt.

Taken back from the rumbling that went on outside of the town, Toru closed his eyes and activated his trace. He could feel it the sadness of the land was growing. It was growing cold and dying. Someone was freezing over the Toy and Tama town. Toru opened his eyes to see one of the tamers before him speaking to him and asking for his help. He was baffled that the man knew that he was a tamer. Bringing his hand up to his scarf he took a step back and took a deep gulp. Slowly he nodded his head and then looked about himself. Finally, he looked up at the tamer asking for his assistance and nodded his head. Then sticking his hands into his scarf he took out his red digivice and took a step forward.

Jai's head began to hurt, too much in such a small space of time.
"Ok, we're not trapped, me and Lucemon can fly out, and it looks like you can too."
Jai turned to the scarfed boy.
"Your a Tamer too, you could probably use a Digimon to fly out or something?"

Lucemon looked around for any clues, any answers to the re-freezing.
"If the person who did this was able to freeze the very centre, then he or she must still be in here."
Jai nodded and turned back to Lief.
"Since we can't melt it using state change, we would have to dissolve it unnaturally. Like acid or something."
Jai felt good to actually give commands, even though they may not be followed.
"So, can anyone use acid? Lucemon can't, and I can't."

Lief grabbed the new boy by the jacket and drug him over to their little meeting shaking his head in response to Jai's question, "Nope none of my guys can do anything like that either, there's got to be another way," Lief thought about it for a moment, they couldn't make their way out with fire and smashing through the ice was no good either, that means the only was out was... Scout spoke up, "Lief, Jai and Lucemon were here inside of the ice when we got here maybe they know another way out, it's pretty obvious we're not gonna be able to do anything against this ice so we are no use to the villagers if we're trapped in here too. Let's get out of here, regroup and come up with a real plan." Lief nodded, he hadn't thought of that, and neither had Jai apparently, maybe there was another way out. "How did you get here Jai? It looked like the city had been frozen for a while when we showed up. Is there some other way?" Lief looked at both of the other Tamers hoping that one of them would have an idea. He knew they would be able to fight this ice if they could get out of here, but right now they minus-well have been dead, that's how useless they were trapped in here.

Toru looked at the ground as it was getting uncomfortable. Everyone was looking at him now since he was spotted with his digivice. Shuffling his feet in the ice until he felt someone grabbing his jacket. Then the pulling followed with him being drug over out of the group of bystanders into the group of only tamers. Putting his hands into the pockets in his jackets he allowed himself to be dragged and in that same position he stayed looking at the group around him. He looked around at the area to see if there was any escape from the frozen tundra that they were in. Feeling helpless he looked up at the male tamer and spoke his first words to them, "I came in from the melted spot over there" He pointed over at a newly frozen area and then looked back at the male. "But the person froze it over again so........" He looked at the ground then looked up again. "I dont know what we could do..." He shrug his shoulders helplessly.

Jai thought back his re entry.
"Well, I was in a giant castle with a Tamer named Kazu, but then things got scary and Lucemon flew me over here, back before this place became a dome."

Lucemon spread out his hands and glanced at his palms.
"Maybe I could make a portal or something, you know, make a tunnel through the digital coding of this place."
"Who ever did this, I'm going to kick their teeth in."
"Well, before we get to that, we still have to thaw this place out for certain."

Jai looked at the boy Lief dragged over.
"Whats your name? I'm Jai."
"And I'm Lucemon."

Toru looked around at the group and then noticed that he was being stared at. Seeing that he was being spoken too he gave them his full attention. What they were asking for was his name. His name. This was the first time he was asked for his name from any one. A long lost smile crept onto Toru's face as he realized that he had not properly introduced himself to everyone. Taking his hand and putting behind his head, Tour let out a nervous apologetic laughter. "Sorry Sorry..." Taking his hand down he grabbed his scarf again and looked over to the side. "My name is Toru....Toru Arashi" Then he let out a sudden bow to the person named Jai. Then he heard the name Lucemon. He shoot up from his respectful bow and turned to the digimon named Lucemon. Seeing this amazing digimon that was quite the rarity. So he was curious. Raising his arm he revealed an intricate bracelet that showed markings of a lost language. Pressing on certain spots in the language he took off the bracelet. In doing so, the bracelet turned into a book. Opening that book he turned to a section which revealed a picture of Lucemon. "Lucemon......This ultimate Demon Lord type Digimon is one of the 'Seven Great Demon Lords', and is one of the strongest of them." He then looked up at the Lucemon "Amazing!!!!" His eyes shown with admiration. "A demon Lord really!? I have never seen one up close before I....." Before he could finish his sentence his Digivice began to glow and a red magician looking digimon came forth.

Coming from the depths of his digivice, FlaWizardmon came out with his arms crossed and his head shaking. "Geez....Toru we told you to be calm near some of these digimon....." Looking up Flawizardmon gave the tamers and followed digimon a nod.

Looking over at his digimon that forcibly showed himself in the group, Toru did not look so amused. Slamming his book shut he returned it to its bracelet like state. Crossing his arms, and tapping his foot was his response. Throwing his arm in the direction of FlaWizardmon in an introductory way Toru exclaimed. "Sorry about that this.....is Flare, he is a FlaWizardmon."

Flare raised his arms and spoke with his cool and raspy voice, "Yo"

Lief listened to both boy's stories, when Kazu's name came up Lief almost jumped, but was it the same Kazu? It had to be how many Kazu's can there be in the Digital world. Lost in his thoughts he almost didn't notice that the new boy was introducing himself or the fact that he pulled some strange looking device off of his arm. "Oh sorry where are my manner, I'm Lief and these two are my partners, Scout and Michael." Lief went back to thinking and realized Jai had said something about the Underworld, just the thought gave Lief the shivers, but if it was a way out they had to try. "Wait so you said you came here through the underworld? Is there a way in somewhere around here? I've heard the entrance is somewhere near the File Mountains, so if we can get in then we can use that to get out. It's not my first choice, I don't think they would take friendly to me, but if it'll get us out then I'm game. Besides you said you met Kazu there? I'm looking for someone named Kazu, I wonder if it's the same guy." Lief began to get excited, not only may they have a way out, but completing his goal of finding Kazu was great news. Then they could head to the base and see how it's coming.

Rei saw the Ice surrounding the town.
"He's here? of all places! Damn, that dude drew the line with the other kids but now this is just to far."
"Calm down Rei. Please!"
"Sorry Gigimon, let's go see if there is a way in.

Rei ran up to the ice and peered through. He could see three people two of which he didn't recognise.
"Is that Jai? Is he woking with that guy from the beach? Come on Gigimon we have to find a way through this ice.
"We could go Gallantmon and try and break a small gap which we can fit through."
"Good idea!"
The blue aura surrounded Rei and he fused with Gigimon and formed Gallantmon.
"Aiegis shield, Royal Saber!"
Gallantmon lunged forward shield fired a huge a laser blast while is lance grew hot, trying to smash the ice."

"Well, the Kazu I know has a giant hole in his shirt and has a strong english accent."
Jai heard a noise, he looked up at the ice wall and saw a Gallantmon.
"Jeez, my moment to shine and Rei turns up."
Lucemon took his attention to the Galantmon on the wall and shouted.
"You'll never get through Rei, it's too strong."
Jai decided to leave Rei to his pointless digging.
"Anyway, Lief, if Lucemon can open a portal to the underworld, what are you planning to do?"
Jai remembered to his brief moment in the underworld. Cold, dark, gothic and creepy.

Kiro turned ad saw the same noob from the ocean. "The ******** is with this guy? He seems to be stalking me and trying to act like a hero or something!" Kiro took out his Duel Rapiers and charged at the Gallatamon. "Die you freak! Rule Break!!!' Kiro attacked the Gallatamon with thirteen blade strikes. He then put away his blades and summoned the Demon Lord, Deamon. "OH WRATH OF SATAN!!! GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!" Kiro said as his anger grew.

Daemon appeared as well as a giant black cloud in the sky. "You need help master?" Sogeking bowed to Kiro. Kiro then cracked his knuckles and smiled. "Kill that son of a b***h Gallatamon over there!!!" Kiro pointed to the kid who tried to get in his way before. Sogeking took out his long, giant hand and picked up the wannabe hero and threw him at the ice prison.

Robin then used her Ice Make magic to attack the Gallatamon. "ICE MAKE ARROWS!!!!" Thousands of arrows made of strong ice attacked the Gallatamon piercing through his shield and armor. Kiro crossed his hands and laughed evilly. "Ahahaha! Your pure weak sause!!!"

Lief looked to where the new boy was trying to work his way in, "Hey that's not gonna work, we've already tried it. " He saw the incoming attacks aimed right at the boy from the guy who froze the city. "Hey look out, Meet us at File Mountain if you can." Lief hoped the guy would be ok, whoever the guy was freezing the city didn't want anyone messing with it. Lief turned back to the group, "Anyways, I think our best course of action would be to go through the underworld, find Kazu if possible and exit through the other side. Once we get there ya'll can all come with me, I have somewhere that we can hatch a plan, hopefully your friend there can make it too. Sound good?" Lief hoped the plan would work, he wasn't sure how Lucemon was gonna make a portal but if he could then their troubles could really begin. A trip through the Underworld, what was he thinking, Lief had only ever heard stories of the place and the very thought scared him, but he tried to stay strong in these kind of situations. It seemed to be the only way that they could do anything about this guy freezing things.

Kiro turned his head to the Ice Prision and heard someone talk about the Demon Lord Lucemon FM. "Ehh? You think that is the real Lucemon? Pathetic! I'll show you the real one!" Kiro then rose his Digivice to the sky. "I SUMMON THE DEMON LORD OF PRIDE!!! OH LUCIFER! SHOW ME YOUR POWER!!!"

Suddenly Lucemon FM appeared from the Dark Cloud. "Ahh my Lord How shall I serve you today?" Sephiroth said as he bowed to Kiro. Kiro cracked his knuckles and smirked. "Destroy that ICE PRISON!!!!" Kiro pointed to the ICE MAKE PRISON that Robin made. Sephrioth bowed and charged up his attack. He then made his right and turn into a figure gun. "EAT THIS!!! GRRRRAND CROSSSS!!!"
A Dark Energy Ball went inside the Prison and stayed still. Sephiroth bowed and then disappeared. Kiro laughed hysterically. "Muahaha! Run if you can!!! That attack will detinate in about thirty minutes! And when it does. Well this town will be off of Digi-Google Earth!!!" Kiro crossed his hands waiting for a response from the tamers inside.

Gallantmon flew up out the way of the hand and raised his shield and blocked the arrows. He heard Jai and the other Tamer shouting at him.
He then saw the Lucemon smash the barrier, he then saw the dark energy ball appear.
"Damn, yeah damn, come on we gotta help them, right. Lightning joust, Aiegis shield."
The lightning shot at Robin and the laser shot at Daemon.

Jai ignored Rei's petty battle outside the barrier.
"Ok, Lucemon, do your thing."
"Right on it!"
Lucemon flapped his half angelic, half demon wings, and flicked his hair. He knelt on the floor and spread his hands. The small lightning mark on his face glowed with raw energy. A small crack opened up in the floor and Lucemon put his hands in it and ripped it open.
"That should do it, strait to the underworld."
"Awesome, lets go. Lief, are you with us?"

Robin used her Ice Make Magic to create a reflector shield. "Ice Make... Barrier!" A massive Ice shield formed around Nico Robin. The attack bounced off the Barrier and aimed right back at the Gallatamon. SogeKing laughed at the weak attacked he put his arm out and took the hit dead on in his hand. He felt no pain for his power was at a higher level. When the attack was done, he then bowed to Kiro and left in the Dark Cloud.

Kiro crossed his hands and looked at the Gallatamon and knows that he his trying to be a hero.

Gallantmon saw his attack coming back.
(Hmmm, that barrier can't hold forever, yeah so we... Keep attacking!)
Gallantmon raised his shield and absorbed the attack.
"Rarrr, aiegis shield!"
The power of the old attack combined with new one to make it double strength.
"Take this!"
The energy blast shot at Robin

Lief's mouth dropped as the portal opened before his eyes, he wasn't sure how it was possible, but he was ready to go. Lief turned to both of his Digimon, "We're sure about this right guys?" They both nodded as Michael spoke, "We're with you Lief, through thick or thin." Lief grinned, "Right, Ok Jai, we're with you," Lief turned Toru, "You coming too kid? It's now or never, if you stay we'll come back for you as soon as possible but I can't guarantee when that'll be. So..." Lief pulled out his digivice and dedigivolved Scout and Seraphimon back to their rookie forms and started walking toward the entrance. "Everyone else should get inside, I've got a bad feeling about the guy freezing things." Lief took a deep breath before walking into the new portal.

Taken back from the rumbling that went on outside of the town, Toru looked around wildly there were so many things going on at once. There were people trying to break in and others tying to break out. Fighting everywhere! Now there is a portal before him to the Underworld. SO many things going on that it made his head spin. Toru raised his hands to his head and scratched it weighing all the possibilities that be-felled before him. Either he could see how this battle would ensue or he could go with the really strong looking tamers. It was a hard choice, but for some reason there was a sense of adventure if he were to go with the other tamers. SO with a quick and thorough nod Toru turned to his digimon. "Lets go Flare" Turning back he walked through to the underworld.

Jai made sure that everyone had gone through the portal. he looked in, even thought the portal itself was just swirls of 1s and 0s it looked very deep. Jai couldn't help to feel sick as he jumped in. Lucemon jumped in after the group. He grabbed the edges of the portal and ripped them shut. He let go of the tiny gap that was left and dropped.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:27 pm

The group was falling through an inter dimensional area that looked like something out of the Matrix. 1's and 0's were swirling all around in a vortex of data. Lief was talking louder than normal due to adrenaline of falling like this, "Whoaaaa, This is crazy guys, I've never done anything like this before, Are you sure this is the right way?" Lief wondered if they had done the right thing by leaving the village but right now he was a little more worried about who or what they would run into in the underworld. In the real world the underworld usually involved evil spirits and demons that were willing to do anything to accomplish their goals. It seemed a little funny though, the more Lief had heard stories about the human underworld the more and more he saw the similarities between these stories and Human beings. People, like the demons, seemed to be willing to do whatever they needed to to accomplish their goal with little regard for rules or guidelines. Fame, fortune, glory, they were all obtained by helping yourself. Lief had begun to wonder who was really the true evil, demon or mankind. Lief realized his mind had become side tracked when he could see a light coming from the direction they were falling. It must be the Underworld, he better be focused, "Alright guys, this is it, be ready for anything and stick together!! Ready?" They were engulfed by the light.

A rip opened in the fabric of Underworld as Lief and Gabumon fell into a pile on the ground. Scout immediately hopped up to try and help his tamer, "Lief, Lief I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to land on you, are you ok? Lief answer me, come on let's get you to your feet." Lief was a little dazed by the landing and a little sore from where Scout hand landed, Michael had started flying once they made it through the portal, avoiding the hard landing. Lief slowly tried to push up off the ground, "It's ok Scout, I'm fine, how's everyone else doing?" Lief was now standing, he immediately noticed something felt off. Although nothing felt out of the ordinary Lief just knew in his gut something was a little of about this place. Then it hit him, Everything was upside down, he was standing on the ceiling of the underworld, he had just that the straps of his overalls where up near his shoulders and his goggles were trying to fall off his head. It was weird all the objects around him seemed to be effected by normal gravity, while he and the others seemed to have no problem staying on the ceiling, it was the strangest sensation he had ever witnessed. Lief turned around to face a massive city off in the distance, the whole thing was also upside down jutting out of the ceiling and there standing in the middle of it all was a wicked looking castle. "I guess this is it, it looks twisted, I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I'm a little scared right now. But that's good right, fear's what keeps you alive, it's what keeps you from making stupid mistakes. We'll I guess we better head through there and try to figure out where the entrance to this place is located. Everyone be careful, conserve your energy and only fight as a last resort, we don't need to stir up any trouble." Michael came and landed on Lief's head, "Right you are Lief, I'll stick with you, just let me know when you need me. This is a scary place for a holy Digimon." Scout put on a brave face, "Don't worry Lief, you can count on me, I'll watch you back and we'll make it out of here no problem." Lief smiled, it was good to have friends in place like this, finding a bit of courage he turned to the other two tamers, "Alright guys, you ready to go? Let's do this!" Lief turned and started walking toward the nearest building in the city, ready for what ever may come his way.

Jai and Lucemon fell through the portal, Jai had closed his eyes while falling. He opened up his eyes and saw Lief walk off. It took a minute or so to oreintate himself. He looked at his shoes, the laces were pointing up, and his scarf floated above his head. He turned and face Lief and ran after him, still confused about being on the ceiling, it wasn't like this the last time he was here.
"Hey Lief wait up! We have to get out of here fast!"
"Why so hurried?"
"It's dark. I don't like the dark."
"Well, don't worry, I'm here, and Lief is over there."
Jai nodded and continued catching up to Lief.
I wonder if that boy is ok.

The swirls of the colors were magnificent. Nothing more beautiful than transporting through a teleport. But that was all just fun and games as the exit was approaching. Finally it opened and Toru and Flare fell through the opening. Normally a person would fall through on their face since You never know which way you were going to fall, but Toru has had a knack for teleportation. Since he did live with a bunch of wizard-typed digimon for most of his time here on the digital world. So unlike the others he and Flare fell gracefully on their feet and did cause much of a commotion. This gave him enough time to see his surrounding and take in the area. It was just like it looked it was dark damp and backwards. Literally backwards. They were on the ceiling of the underworld. Normally he would take a second to ponder the fact that the gravity was backwards but he didnt see the point as the ground was starting to fall out of view. Making sure he didnt lose them out of his sight he chased after them and joined in making sure he was close to Lief.

Lief turned his head quickly as he continued to walk toward his goal to see both tamers fallowing close behind. As they reached the edge of the twisted looking town lief began to speak with Jai in a hushed voice. "So you've been here before right? Do you remember your way through this place? Can you get us back to where you last saw Kazu? I think that might be a good place to start looking for him." Lief peered in a few of the dark windows as they passed by, checking to see if anyone might be watching. Realizing that this part of the city almost seemed abandoned he continued onward. "If we can find him then we can get out of here. But if we don't find him it's not like I'll stay here very long, I feel like someone's watching us form the shadows." Lief shivered a little as they continued on and rubbed his shoulders with his hands to warm them up. It was strange that somewhere that was called the underworld could make you feel cold.

Jai followed close behing Lief.
"Oh, sorry, yes, when I was here me and Kazu kinda split up, and we both met up near a giant castle. But this place wasn't upside down when I was here, so I don't know excatly were to go."
Jai looked around, examining the surrounding area, looking for any noticeable features. The ripped cloth! Jai looked at a throw on some of the gothic era furnature. There was a huge tear down the bottom, that was were Lucemon ripped it in order to make Jai's scarf.
"We must be close, this is were Lucemon made my scarf."
Jai walked infront of Lief and walked onwards.
"I think it was this way."

Lief nodded at the response and fell in line behind Jai, "Sounds good, lead on then, we'll just go where ever you think sounds good."

Jai saw Lief neatly follow him. Jai shouted out to the young tamer at the back.
"Hey, why don't you and Flawizard come walk along side us lot?"

Now they were going off to some odd place that he has never seen before. Well in all reality he has never been in the underworld. It was quite the spectacle. He found himself staring off into space when he heard himself being addressed. Looking in the direction of the one that is named Jai. Toru gave him a blank expression. He had no clue that he wanted to talk to him ever before now. Interested in what might come up in conversation, Toru advance quickly letting his arms flap behind him so he could go around Lief and get to Jai. By the time he was next to Jai, he gave him an odd look then gave him a smile. "Okay...." Toru decided looking around now to fill in the silence.

Jai saw the young boy run at him with slight grace. He turned and met eye to eye with the small boy known as Toru.
"So Toru, what adventures have you been on recently? I've been off with my old school friend, and an awesome, fellow british kid."
Jai was entrigued by stories, hopefully geting some out of a little kid would lighten his mood. Lucemon joined in with the current, one way conversation. Instead of talking to Toru and Jai, he stepped back and looked at Flare. Digimon didn't really have much to talk about, so he stepped back up to Jai, hoping Flare wouldn't notice the akward moment.

Toru listen intently to the question that Jai has produced. Looking up into the (well i dont know if you would call it a sky since they are upside down) ground he thought about the question. "Well...." Toru crossed his arms and then looked very complex. He never really had to think about this since he never really went anywhere in the digiworld before. He looked back at Jai and smiled. "you see I never really went on an adventure before." He looked back at Flare and smiled. Seeing that Lucemon tried to make conversation with Flare was something that normally would not be a good idea. Flare was not a social digimon. Looking back at Jai he continued his conversation. "I spent most of my time with the other Witchenly digimon. I was training with Flare for the most part trying to understand the vast knowledge of the Demon Man digimon." He then looked into the ground and then looked back up trying to find the words that he only thought about in his head. "I then had to go out after my training to look for Flare's siblings as i was supposed to bring them all together." Smiling he put his hands behind his back and stretched. "When you guys saw me it was actually the first time I had left. This...." He thought for a second. "Is my first adventure."

Jai thought about the answer. He was almost speechless, not out of amazement, but the fact that there was nothing else to say. He nodded at Toru and continued pace. The Underworld was a very confusing place, so Jai didn't know were to go, but just continued walking. He stopped, and fell to his knees, blinded by an imaginable light.
"Jai, what's wrong?"
"Lucemon, I can't see!"
"What do you mean?"
"All I can see is blue!"
Lucemon helped Jai to his feet, ripped off a shred of material off of Jai's scarf, and tied it around Jai's eyes. He steadily walked, swaying as Lucemon held his shoulders. They came to a corner, a 'T' shape.
"Jai, left or right?"
"Just choose one."
"Umm... Right?"
Lucemon waved for the rest of the group to follow and went to the right. The floor became more twisted, and the gravity seemed to be going in all directions. Jai's vision cleared slightly, like he was nearing something. A small blue shape shifted behind something. Lucemon looked back at Lief and Toru, seeing how close they were to him. Jai's eyes returned to it's normal state of vision. The first thing Jai saw was a golden 'V' on the chest of a small blue humanoid thing.
"Ahh, a young Veemon."
"Veemon? Is it hostile?"
"Shouldn't be. Hey there."
Lucemon put his hand down to the Veemon, which sat there in amazement.
"Hello. I'm, um, Veemon."
Jai sat down next to Veemon and looked to see the reactions of the group, he looked back at the Veemon.
"Hello Veemon, are you the thing that made me see blue?"
"Yes. I heard people. I tried to get you over here. I am very lonely."
"You must be, with the messed up floor and all."
Jai's Digivice flashed, and Veemon was engulfed in light, It didn't Digivolve, but all its scratches on its body dissapeared.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, do you want to come with us?"
"Yes please."
Jai walked over to Lief and Toru.
"Alright, shall we move on? I miss good sunlight."

Lief listen to the boys as they talked about their time in the digital world and was surprised to here that Toru had only been there a short time. He hadn't event know that there was a place like where Toru and Flarewizardmon had come from. "Hum, well I guess you learn something new every day." As they changed directions Lief thought it was strange that they would run into a random Veemon down here. It didn't really seem like their natural habitat but either way they had a new team mate and Lief never though that was a bad idea. As they continued to walk they began to get closer to the large castle near the center of town. Lief had a strange feeling about that place, like some great evil might live there, he planned to avoid it if at all possible. "Well guys I have no idea where we're going and it feels like we've been wandering forever. Let's stop in somewhere and see if we can get some directions." Lief looked around to see if he could find somewhere that looked safe. Over towards the end of the block they were on was a something that looked similar to a coffee shop, "Hey let's try over there, Maybe they can help us out." Lief moved toward it hoping the others would follow him.

Jai nodded in responce to Lief.
"A good cup of coffee, sound good. Lets go."
Jai, Lucemon and Veemon followed Lief.
"Umm, Jai, who are these people?"
"Well, the one infront is called Lief, he's very kind, and the boy at the back is called Toru, I'm still not sure about him."
Veemon looked down and walked beside Jai.

Toru looked around in bewilderment as he saw that there was a coffee shop in the underworld. He never knew something like this would exist but hey this was all an adventure to him. Something new something exciting is going to happen to him eventually. In doing so he walked with the group cautiously.

Kazu kept his head down as he made his way through the town. Even before he saw them, Digimon were staring at him with malicious grins on their faces. Terriermon gripped to Kazu's head.
"Couldn't we just fly outta here on MetalGarurumon? Heck even Imperialdramon in Dragon Mode?"
Kazu sighed, he loved riding on the back of his Digimon, feeling the wind through his hair, watching the landscape breeze past beneath him.
"We can't Terriermon... Veemon is too exhausted from Network City to Digivolve that high and Metalgarurumon lent me too much of his power during our fight in Vaccine Sentinal Tower, so he's out as well."
He rubbed his head, he was still walking through the town in rags, covered in blood. His ears fet cold without his headphones and his face felt funny without his glasses. He skirted around a rather large group of Ogremon, all of them giving him a funny look.
"But what if they jump us? I mean you look like such an easy target what with all those rips, tears and blood. Anyone looking for easy prey would think they hit the jackpot, plus you reek of Lucemon's castle. Knowing you've come from there would be enought to let anyone down here know that you've been through one hell of an ordeal already."
Kazu nodded, what Terriermon said was true, though there wasn't much he could do at this point. Just as he came up the street he felt a hand on his shoulder.
It was one of the Ogremon holding him. The rest of the gang of 5 was behind him.
"You two look tasty, beaten about a bit are we? I love meat that's been tenderised..."
Kazu stared into the creep's snarling mouth. Something flickered about him and Terriermon.
"Now be a good little boy and---"
He was cut short as Kazu's fist slammed into his stomach, a bright blue aura around his fist, the aura condenced for a second before it erupted as a pulse, shooting the Ogremon backwards into his gang of cronies. Kazu panted, sweat dripping from his brow, he shouldn't have used his Digi-Soul this early, especially shouldn't have manifested it as a weapon, after the incident at Lucemon's castle any use of Digi-Soul was exhausting for Kazu. He dropped to one knee and took long haggard breaths.
"Right... Won't be doing that for a while..."
The Ogremon were returning to their feet.
"Terriermon, can you sort them?"
Terriermon flipped off Kazu's head and landed perfectly, in part thanks to his ears acting like parachutes. Terriermon eyed up the 5 Ogremon and grinned, each drew a club out and snarled.
"No problemo. You saw what Chibomon could do as Magnamon in the Vaccine Sentinal Tower. Now I'll show you what I can do as Terriermon!"
Kazu nodded and smiled at Terriermon.
"Do it buddy!"

((Music Please!))

The little rabbit took of at speed, leaping into the air he opened his mouth with and fired a rapid succession of 5 super-heated orbs of air at the Ogremon, he nailed the leader between the eyes and hit two others in the chest, the two Ogremon at the back of the pack had more time to react swinging their clubs and dispersing the air, Terriermon landed on one of the outstretched clubs and dove forwards headbutting one of the rear Ogremon in the face. It roared in pain and staggered backwards into the wall at the side of the street, the leader sun around, ignoring Kazu and going for his assaulter he swung the club high and brought it down towards Terriermon. The rabbit heard the swooshing of the club and backflipped into the air, the club brushed along his back tickling him as he made it out the way, the leader's club smashed his lacky slintering the club and knocking out the gang member. As Terriermon finished his jump's arc he had a perfect shot lined up, he inhaled deeply and fired another two shots of super-heated air at the leader, knocking him onto his face. The bunny landed and stuck his tounge out at the leader. In his confidence he seemed to have forgotten something, the three other gang-members. The had surrounded Terriermon and were swinging down, too late for the rabbit to react. Kazu grunted lurched forwards, he tripped and went sprawling, a deck of cards falling out of his pocket. Looking up he saw a card before him. "Aegis" it read and had a sheild picture on it. Kazu grabbed it then looked at his Digi-Vice. A groove running down the right-hand side, one Kazu had long overlooked suddenly made a lot of sense. He grabbed the card and Digi-vice looked at Terriermon and gritted his teeth.
"Digi-Modify! Aegis Activate!"
The card and Digi-Vice glowed, 1's and 0's began swirling around Terriermon. The clubs were close now, ready to pummel the poor guy. The numbers suddenly solidified around Terriermon's arm. A silver sheild with gold trim and runes all over centered with the Digital Hazard symbol. The rabbit stared at it for the briefest of seconds before a giant grin spread across his face and he lifted it above his head. An almighty clang rang through the streets, anyone not already watching were now intently poking heads out windows and pausing on their daily strolls. A coffee house at the top of the street had most of it's inhabitants flood out to see what was going on.

"What's going on?"
"Dunno. A fight I hope"
"Outta the way fatty!"
"Careful or you'll start a bloody fight!"
"Oi who is it? D'we know 'em?"
"It's that Ogremon and his goons!"
The crowd of Virus Digimon would swarm out of the building, past a group of three Tamers and their Digimon in an attempt to get a better view of the fight.

Terriermon smashed the sheild down on the penultimate Ogremon's head. The goblin-esque Digimon crumpled to the floor. Only the leader was left. He growled at the small rabbit, who was huffing and panting at the effort of fighting 5 champions began to take it's toll. The leader roared and jumped at Terriermon, he had picked up two of the clubs his lacky's were using and was now aiming a two-pronged jump attack at the small rabbit. Terriermon gave a cocky grin and dove at him, lifiting the sheild up infront of him, so far it had proved to be nigh on inpregnable. As the clubs approached something went wrong. The sheild evaporated. It broke down into 1's and 0's and faded leaving the Digimon totally exposed. The leading Ogremon roared in triumph as he smashed the little rabbit with both his clubs. Terriermon was sent flying. Kazu leapt from the floor and caught him before he could crash into the floor. He was propelled back to the edge of the gathered crowd. Terriermon grunted and got back to his feet. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and red scratches adjorned his body. He shook his head.
"I... I got this..."
Kazu nodded. He'd found another card to help his friend.
"We'll finish this with one more blow ok? Just trust me and jump him again."
Terriermon nodded and sprinted at Ogremon, ears billowing out behind him. Ogremon cackled manically,
"Stupid b*stard! I'll kill you both for this!"
He ran at Terriermon and the two fighter jumped at each other at the same time. Kazu readied the card. He waited until there was no turning back for either party. Now!
"Digi-Modify! Twin Lance Activate!"
He swiped the card and watched as 1's and 0's swirled around both Terriermon's hands. A burst of light and two lances appeared in the bunny's hands. A moment of puzzlement was replaced with joy as Terriermon realised what he was to do.
He burst into a spinning mass of cream and green. He extended the lances essentially becoming a vicious spinning top. Ogremon's face contorted in anger and fear as the buzz-saw like attack made quick work of his two clubs, reducing them to toothpicks in a split second. He tried to defend with his arms but Terriermon pushed on, blitzing into him and pushing him back through the air and into a wall, cracking it then pushing harder against it. The Ogremon roared in pain as the wall cracked more and more.
A final push from Terriermon caused the wall to explode. Dust filled the street for a few seconds. Emerging from the rubble was Terriermon, one lance slung over his shoulder, the other dragging non-chalantly from his side. The lances broke down into 1's and 0's as Terriermon approached his Tamer, leaping into his arms.
"I'd like to see Chibomon do that!"
Kazu chuckled. All the Ogremon gang were strewn across the floor unconsious. The Leader had a bright red patch acros his chest, a nice scar into his coding.
"Serves him right for picking on people."
Kazu turned around and was surprised to see a crowd of Virus types staring at him. Suddenly one of them clapped and the whole crowd began aplauding him, cries of congratulations were thrown about. A LadyDevimon approached and smiled warmly to Kazu and the nuzzling Terriermon.
"Congratulations, those 5 were causing us no end of problems. It's about time someone put them in their place. Come into my coffee house I'll get your friend patched up and you can both have a free pass to the coffee shack on the house."
Kazu blushed and thanked the Digimon, following her into the coffee shop. He was seated at the bar and one of the Myotismon running the coffee machines fetched two cups of piping hot coffee, both with milk and two sugars, while LadyDevimon bandaged Terriermon's head, torso and right arm.
"There you go hunnies. Enjoy your stay, and here take this. Plus I'd reccomend that you get some new clothes".
She returned to serving the buzzing customers with a wink and handed Kazu a card reading:
"Devil's Nest Coffee Shop: Life Pass"
Kazu grinned and sipped his coffee, Terriermon did likewise. Both sighed with delight.
"We'll finish this and head out yeah?"
Terriermon nodded. Kazu looked around, something caught his eye, he thought he saw a group of Tamers, two of them looking very familiar, but they were obstructed by a group of Digimon wanting to question Kazu on the fight. He laughed and engaged them in conversation. He thought back to the cards, he liked what they did, definatly something to consider in future. The cards seemed to adapt to the Digimon they were used on aswell, matching the size that was best for usage. Kazu grinned as the grou left him alone. He sifted through the deck and grinned.
"Just another new weapon we can use against Marcus..."

Toru walked forward ahead of the group and looked at the sign of the Coffee shop. It was a peculiar one but none of the less it was different. Looking back at the group that had fallen behind Toru looked into the window of the shop to see inside. It seemed quite the same as any other coffee shop that he remembers from the real world. Taking a look back he smiled but then he saw a swarm of digimon running off into the direction of some other digimon making a ruckus. In the corner there were a group of digimon surrounding someone. Curiosity took over him as Toru closed his eyes and spoke, "Trace on" Toru isolated the digital codes between place and person. Once he established that he recognized something. The digimon all had the same codes but the person they were surrounding were different. It was the code of a human. Turning around Toru called out to the group. "Hey Lief I found a human up ahead it seems he is a tamer." Looking back at the crowd and glancing at the situation he turned back. "It seems like he is in trouble...." Toru would normally try to help out in the best of his abilities, but he had a feeling like he should leave the person alone. In doing so he just sat back and watched.

Jai noticed that Toru had raced ahead. He also noticed that he called for Lief, not mentioning him. Jai's face turned into a frown. Veemon looked up at Jai with a confused expression.
"He does that a lot."
"Maybe I can help."
Veemon leaped onto Jai's back and began tickling him. After a lot of creasing and laughter, he met up with Toru.
"What the? There's a fight in there!"
Veemon heard the initial word: Fight. He hopped off Jai's back and held his fists up.
"I'm ready, bring them on!"
"Wait, Toru won't do anything, maybe we should wait."
Veemon lowered his fists and then sighed. Lucemon walked over to Veemon and placed a hand on his tiny shoulder.
"Fighting is not always the best way through something. Patience is key to a real battle."
"Quit being philosophical Lucemon, that's my job."
A keen smile crept along Jai's face, as if he where to start laughing. He turned to Veemon and patted him on the head, and then held his hand up to Lucemon. A loud slap of a high five slivered through Jai's head.
"Hey Lief, get up here with all haste, as speed is knowledge."
"What are you on about Jai? Seriously, you make no sense. "
The group began to laugh.

As the approached a crowd had formed around someone or something. Lief watched as the other boys ran over to the crowd and began to call his name, they wanted him to see this so he decided it would be a good idea to head over there. As Scout, Michael and Lief approached the crowd they could hear Toru calling his name over the the noise. Lief pushed his way through the crowd of digimon trying to get to his friends. "What did you say?" Lief wasn't sure if had heard correctly but he had thought he had said something about a Tamer, "A Tamer?... In there? Alright I'll see what I can do, but I don't think he's in any danger, these digimon seem friendly." Lief passed by the two boys and continued to push to the center." Ya'll stay here I'll be right back...excuse me...excuse me." As he was working his way through he heard talk of 'the Ogermon have been defeated' and 'the boy had saved the day'. Lief had to wonder who this person was, it seemed that he must be on the side of good, but then what was he doing running around in the underworld, even if he was saving digimon down here it was a strange place to be. Scout had stayed back with the other two boys because he was too small to force his way through the crowd, but Michael had taken to flying over their heads to get out in front, he called back to Lief after a breath of surprise, "Lief hurry, I found him... come quick" Lief yelled back a quick ok as he worked harder to force his way through, found him, that could only mean one thing, there was only one person they were really looking for, one person who they had set out to find, it was him. Lief gave a last push as he made it to the front and fell out of the crowd onto the ground with Patamon landing next to him, "Are you ok Lief?.. Look!"

Lief slowly gazed up from the ground to see a figure in front of him that looked bruised, battered and bleeding. He didn't recognize him at first as he rose to his feet, the beating he had taken since they last met had taken its toll, not to mention when they had met the first time it had only been for a short while and he had never really gotten a good look at the boy. As he looked again he could see the glint in the boy's eyes that he had seen that day, it was a drive unlike anything Lief had ever seen. "It is you isn't it... Kazu right?" Lief was so excited he could have hugged the boy, but decided that might have been too weird for someone who may not even remember him, it had been a few months and Lief was sure he looked a bit different by this time too. He figured it would be a good idea to introduce himself. "It's me... Lief...remember in Network City?" Lief hoped that the boy that he had been searching for all this time would remember him. Lief had admired his fighting spirit and how he had immediately responded to the attack in Network City almost without thinking, Lief knew he would be a strong friend if he could convince him to come back with him.

Kazu turned when he heard his name being called.
"Who the..."
He spotted Lief. Kazu's heart skipped a beat, he'd fought alongside this guy during the incident at Network City. Kazu was thrilled to see that he had survived the assault by the viruses. It had been a dark day in many Tamer's eyes, not least his own.
"Yeah, Lief right?"
A huge grin spread across Kazu's face, he threw his hand forward to shake, if Lief took the shake Kazu would pull the guy in for a hug.
"Jeeze man I thought you were dead! I know we only met for a few minutes but I was so worried you'd copped it. Good to know you're a tough cookie."
Kazu released Lief and gave a laugh. Terriermon leaped onto Kazu's head and eyed the new arrival.
"Hey... Whose this guy Kazu..."
Kazu rubbed his friend's head, careful to mind the bandages.
"This is Lief. We met during the battle at Network City. He proved to be one hell of a fighter, we worked together before peeling off."
Terriermon nodded, satisfied with the answer. Kazu was still grinning, he was glad to see another Tamer he'd fought alongside, suddenly someone caught his eye.
"Jai... Jai! You're ok!"
Kazu ran to the kid and swept him into a big bar hug.
"Blimey I thought you were dead too! Thank God you wern't foolish enough to come in after me!"
He dropped the boy and ruffled his hair, noticing Toru. He jerked his arm and gave him a thumbs up.
"Cor Blimey Lief, you've certianly got quite the motley crew huh? Glad to see your all looking well... Can't say the same for me I'm afraid."
He smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. In comparison to the Tamrs around him, his clothes were in rags, covered in blood and with a huge hole torn through the middle of his shirt and leather jacket.
"Come into the coffee shop, I'll get you all a drink and you can catch me up with what you've been up to!"
He nodded enthusiastically almost knocking Terriermon off before gesturing to the Coffee house and sitting down at a large table.

Lief was relieved to see Kazu remembered him and took the outstretched hand as the Kazu pulled him in for a hug. "It's good to see you too buddy, I figured someone as strong as you had survived, but we all had our doubts that day. It was a relief when I heard from Jai that you were still around." As they released Lief watched a Terriermon land on Kazu's head and inquire about him, Patamon followed suit and landed on Lief's head. Once Kazu introduced Lief he gave a cheery smile, "Hi it's nice to meet you, you must be one of Kazu's friends, this is Michael, he's one of the first Digimon I met when I got here and we've been having crazy adventures together ever since." Patamon chuckled and gave a little flap of his wings in greeting. Kazu ran past Lief and went to talk to Jai, it was good to see that Kazu seemed so happy to see all of them too. "I'm glad we found him Mike, I think he's been through quite the ordeal and could really use some friends right now." Patamon nodded as they watched Kazu make the rounds. When Kazu addressed him again Lief placed his hand behind his head, "Ya these guys tried to help me save Toy and Tama Town...unfortunately... ah I don't want to talk about that right now, this is a happy time... it's no time to bring down the mood."

Lief decided it would be great to take Kazu's invitation, "Ya I think we have a lot to catch up on and coffee sounds great. Let's go!" As Scout and Lief took a seat at the large table Lief tried to decide when he should bring up his new plan. He decided it would be better to catch up on what's happened first and then move forward. "So Kazu, what's been up, I mean how did you escape Network City, that place is totaled! I barely made it out and once I did everyone I left with bailed." Lief knew he had to try and avoid the fact that he had agreed to help the dark tamers, he didn't think Kazu was ready to understand yet, it was something that could wait till later. Besides it's not like he was actually trying to help them, he was really trying to save the humans but his methods might have been a little off. Either way there were other things to talk about, mainly where everyone had been and of course the plans for the future.

Jai smiled after Kazu ruffled up his messy hair, he was glad that Kazu was ok with him fleeing from the castle grounds. He watched as Lief and Kazu walked into the coffee shop. He ran after Kazu and Lief and slid onto the seat next to Kazu. Lucemon perched on a window ledge silently and Veemon joined him. Jai listened in on the conversation, like he was a good part of it. He didn't say anything, yet listened as he stared into the lugubrious sky. As he patiently awaited Toru to come and join them, he daydreamed, he picked at his hands, and listened in to Lief and Kazu's conversation. Without a word he pulled out his Digivice and stared into its gleaming green screen, just watching binary code scroll over, and complicated number sequences fill his head. He leaned over his shoulder and saw Lucemon and Veemon chatting away out of Jai's earshot. So much was happening, all Jai's life he awaited something spectcular, something supernatural, and here it is, but a lot more deadly. Jai pondered the many possibilities of what power Kazu and Lief possess, yet all he could do is strive to be stronger, await his share in the strength, and hope that one day, he will be as strong as them.

Terriermon nodded to Micheal and smiled.
"Pleased to meet 'cha!"
Kazuwatched as the crew sat down, and ordered everyone a drink. At Lief's question his smile faultered a little.
"After I split from you I went to the Plaza... From there, well things went from bad to worse. Imperialdramon detonated the whole place, blew a hole in it so big I bet even Yggdrasil can see it..."
Kazu flashed-back to the incident, watching the concrete evaporating along with the Phelesemon screaming as their code was annihalated.
"After that Imperialdramon was out for the count so BanchoLeomon took over and fought a Deamon. That took another bad turn and Piedmon had to finish the job."
Kazu clenched a fist.
"BanchoLeomon took one hell of a beating. He's still recovering, even now. After that fight my Digivice was stolen and Imperialdramon blew the Megidramon who ate it up from the inside out with Piedmon's help. From there only me and AncientMermaimon were left, we saved as many as we could then she kept us safe as the Mall collapsed ontop of us by super-freezing her Malestrum attack."
Kazu sighed, the memories were painful, but it was good to talk about them, to finally let it off his chest. A Devimon walked over with everyone's drinks and passed them out. Kazu nodded a thanks and took a long sip.
"From there I headed to the Gear Savannah, there I met some new friends and we hit the Jungle. I watched a fight between some newbie Tamers and then an old friend from the War of Memories turned up to help them. That's when..."
Kazu trailed off for a second that was when he had felt NEO's presence once again.
"I felt something from the Vaccine Sentinal Tower... I went to investigate and... Well lets just say that all hell broke loose. I dove into a battle I was not prepared for, my friends were hurt and I paid the Ultimate Price... Death..."
Kazu took a deep breath, memories of his meeting with Yggdrasil blitzing his mind, his fists clenched even tighter and began to shake.
"That's why I look like this, dressed in rags and my rags covered in my own blood...Marcus... I was given a second chance, and I took it, heading to Toy and Tama, where I met Jai."
He gave a grave look to the young Tamer before continuing.
"I needed to come here, to the Underworld. Think of it like a test. To see what drove people to become Dark Tamers, to discover what it is that people seek. I travelled with Jai to the Spiral Tower when we last parted. That's when I entered, into the lair of the Demon Lords. Masters of Darkness in the Digital World. That was when I felt it..."
Kazu lifted a shaky fist to his heart.
"The deepest. Darkest. Most vile temptation in this world. I experienced the utter fury that drove countless Tamers to join the side of evil. To commit atrocities and to not give a damn about it!"
Kazu voice progressivly rose as he spoke, almost reaching a shout, a few heads turned but no-one acted. Kazu's voice dropped again. And he gave a small, depressing laugh.
"But not me. I didn't succumb to Him. I fought back and proved that there is a purpose for me in this world. Proved that me and my friends have a place here. That the ideals that I fight for. Are worth it after all."
Kazu's shaking had died down. He took another drag at his coffee and closed his eyes. He looked so calm now. After having talked about the horrific events he had been exposed to he felt lighter, like he'd shed weight. He let out a satisfied sigh and opened his eyes, placing both elbows on the table and looking dead into Lief's eyes.
"Now what about you Lief? What have you been up to? Have you found dreams? Ideals? Things you will fight to the death to protect? What about you Jai? Toru too? And what brings your little crew to the Underworld?"
Kazu seemed more serious, much more so then what he was usually like. Terriermon seemed to understand this and his ears drooped. Kazu gave a cheeky smirk.
"Well? I've shared my stories. What about you?"

From where he stood Toru saw the fight. It was bloody, but looked like the Tamer took over and defeated them. Lief who saw the whole thing go down began to look excited as he ran over and greeted the new tamer. From the look of it it seems like everyone were already friends. Toru didnt seem so sure about the whole thing but everyone one was walking off and going to the coffee shop that he had last inspected. The new tamer, Kazu, seemed nice for at least being covered in blood and hurt. At least, he got a thumbs up which made a small smile streak across his face. Toru looked at the ground and noticed that he could do something helpful to the new comer, a way of saying hello. Looking up and seeing that everyone was walking away Toru nodded over to his digimon, Flare, who nodded back in return and they both ran over to the group. Toru ran by the newly spaced out Jai and patted him on the back, "Lets go Jai....you are going to be left behind" Looking back over at the group of Kazu and Lief he sped up and ran over to Kazu now walking aside him.

Looking at the ground and touching the tips of his fingers again Toru became a little shy. But he forced out the words. "Ummm....K...Kazu was it?" He stammered but tried his best to form the sentence. "Im Toru and that is my partner Flare, he is a Flawizardmon" Toru pointed back at flare who followed behind watching Toru intently. Flare lazily let up a hand to wave. "Ummmm" He began to look at the ground and then back at Kazu. "You seem a little hurt....." Taken a look at Kazu's and his digimon's wounds were not at all serious, Toru went into his scarf he produced his digivice and holding it a bit to his chest he let it in front of him. Closing his eyes he looked serious towards Kazu and his digimon. By the time he got the courage they were sitting at the table and Toru was about eye level with the sitting down Kazu and him standing. He spoke briefly but almost mystically as he called on something deep within his digivice. "Giga Heal....if you would please" He spoke sincere to what resided in the digivice. From that a warming light produced from the digivice and covered Kazu and his digimon. Soon the light flickered out from the digivice and seeing that the command did its job Toru put the digivice away. Going over to an empty seat at the table Toru sat down pulling up a chair for his digimon to sit in his lazy mood which was accepted. Toru looked across the table over at Kazu and smiled. "Sorry I couldnt fix your clothes...it was the least I could do..." He let out a smile and then feel back into the silence.

Looking at the table, Toru heard that he was asked about his ideals, his dreams. Ideals? He never really thought of that. It was all about him; he never really thought about himself often. He was here in this coffee shop to help Flare. Then a thought came into his mind. It was the same thing that he has been feeling for a while. Toru blankly as he thought back and then snapped into reality to answer Kazu. "Well...you see I am here on a mission given to me by the Witchely Digimon. With the help of Flare, I am supposed to go out and look for the other wizarding digimon and try to get them to go back home." He looked back at Flare who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "They ran off trying to find out what made this digital world in pain." Then he clenched his seat. "You guys dont see it like I do but I know you can see the effects. This world...This world is crying out it is in pain. There is something out there that is trying to cause it harm and I am trying to help fix that." He was being blunt but that was all he could say. That was all that he really knew. He was once told by a wisemon that destiny would find him. Seeing this group right in front of him felt like that destiny becoming reality. Toru smiled and laid back into his seat.

After Jai listened to Toru's response to Kazu, he decided it was his turn to speak.
"All I can say is, I don't really know, I don't really know much about the Digital world, I have never met an organization of Digimon, and I have never been in a blown up city."
Jai sipped his coffee which he forgot to say thank you for. He sank in his seat and layed his head on the table as Veemon jumped off the window ledge and tugged at Jai's scarf.
"Can I have some Cof-eee?"
"Sure, but don't drink too much."
Jai lowered the black mug down to Veemon, who gulped a mouthful and gave it back.
"Thank you."
Veemon trotted off back near Lucemon, who was very quiet. Jai placed the half empty mug on the table and rested his chin on the table. He thought back to his mis-adventures with Rei and that bully, Sho. He was glad Sho was gone, yet felt guilty as leaving Rei behind. Jai sighed and looked at Lucemon, who seemed to be dozing off.
"Hey guys, now that Kazu's here, why don't we go and take down the guy who, you know, froze Toy and Tama? We could all take him."
Jai picked up his Digivice and put it back in his jacket pocket. He spun around to Kazu, and grinned.
"Kazu? Why would people want to destroy the Digital realm? Some guy froze a whole place, and that big battle that kinda killed you. Why would they do that?"


nuGen Staff Lead

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nuGen Staff Lead

22,925 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:30 pm

Lief watched as Toru tried to heal Kazu's wounds and listen closely to the tale of Kazu's Journey, it sounded like he had been through a lot in the past few months. He thanked the Devimon as he was handed his steaming coffee. Lief was confused and baffled by some of the parts of the story, like his escape from the city and what he was doing in the castle located not to far away from where the boys sat now. At one point he couldn't help himself as he exclaimed, "Wait...you died!?!? How can that be possible?...I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad to see you doing ok now, but..." Lief decided that story could wait for a while, he listen to the other two boys stories who hadn't really told Kazu anything they hadn't told Lief earlier. Jai was all the sudden ready to go and fight the ice guy, but Lief grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back down in his seat, "Sit down man, we don't want to make a scene and believe me if we try to go fight that guy now we will lose, Kazu's in bad shape and I don't have all my Digimon with me, not to mention that guy was way strong and I felt a strange presence from him when he appeared. We'll lose if we go now, So just sit there and I'll tell my story." Lief took a sip of his coffee and took a deep breath before he started in on the events of the last few months. "Well I guess it's my turn, I guess I'll start from the split as well. As you know we were defending the innocent humans and Digimon in the area when we decided that we needed to go find Scout, here, and see if he needed our help. I know the pain you felt in that battle Kazu and the emotions that over came us all, I watched as Scout was turned into data by a vicious Metal Seadramon, I couldn't reach him in time and was unable to help him fight back. That was a dark moment for me as I was over taken by rage. Seraphimon and Ophanimon by my order use the full extent of their power to exact revenge on the fiend. In the end he fell by our hand. That wasn't the worst part of it though," Lief stopped for a second to clear his throat and take a sip of his drink.

Lief continued in a dark hushed voice as he was not sure if speaking of the dark tamers was a good idea in a place like this, "The ones responsible for slaughtering Scout and the one he was trying to protect took advantage of my state of mind to take his tama. They used it and the egg of one of now good friends Rusty as leverage to make me help them with their plan. I didn't know what to do, So I joined them hoping that being on the inside could get me close enough to take down their leader. Then once I had gained their trust... the true attack began. As I'm sure you remember the mass chaos caused by some kind of powerful sound wave. The tamers released the eggs back to me and with Micheal and Gabby's help I began to flee the city, helping anyone I could out of the city on the way. We met two tamers that I think were working for the dark tamers, but had been trapped in the attack. I was amazed that the dark tamers didn't even seem to care for their own, So I helped these two out. One of them seemed familiar to me, but I'm not sure how. He fled when I tried to bring it up." Lief stopped again to catch his breath, he had thought a lot about these events since then, but it was the first time he had told anyone what had happened to him. The next part of the story want really as exciting but he decided to tell it anyways.

Lief relaxed a bit as he got to the next part, it wasn't nearly as taxing on him and he had really enjoyed his last few months here. "Anyways once we got out of the city and the other two tamers left I decided to go up to Dragon Eye Lake for some hardcore training. It bothered me that we hadn't been strong enough to stop the attack so we trained for months, working endlessly ever day to become stronger. We befriend some of the Digimon in the area and they helped to keep us hidden from any danger in the area." Lief was getting ready to wrap up the story, he felt he had been dragging on too long, someone had to be getting bored. " Anyways from there I came up with a plan that we can talk about in a bit, and since then we've been working on finishing it. To tell you the truth Kazu the only thing at this point that should be left to do is for us to find you. So we set out to look for you in the digital world when we caught wind of Tamers in Toy and Tama Town. We rushed over there to find it was covered in ice by some terrible villain. We managed to get inside but were trapped in the frozen dome. That's where we met Jai and Toru, and Jai mention that he was traveling with someone named Kazu. We couldn't believe that we may actually have found you in that short of amount of time, but here you are." Lief let out a deep breath before going back to his drink. "Anyways, sorry for the long story." Lief let his back rest against the wooden back of the chair as he settled in for the rest of the conversation. Patamon landed in his lap and closed his eyes, Lief whispered to Micheal, "We've been through a lot haven't we buddy, I bet you're tired, Go ahead and take a nap I think we all could use a break"

Kazu laughed at Jai's enthusiasm and listened intently to the other's. At Liefs outburst when h said he'd died Kazu had to stifle an outright barking of laughter.
"I'll explain it to you some other time. Like you said I'm in pretty bad shape. I swear I haven't slept in weeks."
As if to emphisise the point Kazu stretched and yawned, the coffee was still to kick in. Listening to all the stories made Kazu smile.
"So, two fresh faces to the Digital World, and Lief... You've been searching for me? I gotta say I'm pretty honoured, but what was that about Toy and Tama freezing over? That's a sacred place dude, like no-one should ever fight there... If someone is messing with that place then we should do something. I can still stand so I can still fight."
As if to prove it Kazu got to his feet and winked at the group. Sitting back down he leaned on one arm.
"I have to agree with Jai, if Toy and Tama is in trouble we should jump in. I don't mean to just brush your plan aside but you can tell me about it on the way there."
Terriermon jumped onto the table.
"I'm with Kazu! We can't just sit around if trouble is brewing!"
Kazu ruffled the bunny's head. He knew that he was tired. That much was way to obvious, but they couldn't expect to mention something like that and him to not do anything could they?
"I can get us there in a flash. The four of us could fit on Imperi---"
Kazu's words faded as he remembered. Almost all his friends were out for the count after Vaccine Sentinal Tower. BanchoLeomon was still almost Comatose after Deamon's attacks...
"Crap... Well I still have this."
Kazu clicked a button on his DigiVice, a small beam of light floated forth, from within the light was a Hexagon Shape with what looked like a Lion's head and the letters NSp Etched into it.
"This is the Digi-Memory for the Nature Spirits, I can hitch a lift off of the Guardian with space for one passenger. If you guys have your own method's of flight we could be there in a few hours..."
Kazu looked around the group and decided.
"If you're not planning on coming it's fine by me, I'll go myself."
He smiled to try and reduce the impact of his serious tone. He got to his feet,
"I can see you all have strong dreams. Don't let anything cause you to faulter."

Toru didnt flinch when Kazu stood up to tell his battle cry. But in return he made his face cold as stone. Looking at Kazu then at the group. "Kazu a battle has no meaning when you rush in head on with no plan it is almost like your saying you want to die again." He turned his head and looked at the group in turn as well as crossed his arms. "It is better to gain in forces and attack when it is at the right time. As of right now where you are...." He took in account his small feeble attempt to stand. "You are not ready to fight. Your digimon is exausted. We need a plan before rushing into action." Normally Toru is the quite and reserved one but he does not need to see someone so kind die in battle. Shrugging his shoulders he then added a well thought out point. "Plus we barely know who are enemy is besides if we fight the same person who froze over the land we dont stand a chance." He was serious not knowing where one will go in battle is digging a grave so deep that anyone who steps foot into it will not be able to climb out. Toru's mind traced through the different and metaphorical sayings the ancient wisemon say for any mans a fool. Finally a saying he had once heard (This actually came from Julius Caesar but I changed it around and fixed it) he spoke it quickly and softly to himself. "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come" While he spoke to himself he thought who was the coward and who was the valiant. Kazu had only died once so he fits perfectly but he speaks for battle. At times of war even the most sacred of places will become battle fields. Toru does not know what to consider himself as if he were a Coward he could die many times over but he was not. He crossed his arms and the serious face became that of confusion and deep thought as he contemplated what he had just said.

Flare looked at the look and thought about everything that Toru had said. He even let out a cackle as he continued in his stream of thought. "War does not bind the man it binds the soul" He smiled and then look at Kazu. This would be the first time he would speak in the group. "You may go to battle if you chose, but it is better to wait another day when you are stronger just remember that." He brings his hand over and patted Toru on the head. "He is just a young wise man speaking out in riddles when he is afraid for his new friends. I am a Demon Man who likes to call to battle, but in all we both hurt to see someone go to war." He tipped his hat to Kazu "I wish you luck in your fight and we will follow if that is the groups decision while we will help the best that we can."

As Flare finished no one noticed as a tear fell from Toru's face.

The offer of another adventure sparked Jai's interest.
"Lucemon can carry me and fly."
Jai's head turned to Veemon.
"But we wouldn't be able to carry Veemon too."
Lucemon heard his name and stood strait.
"What? Flying? I could do that."
Veemon outstretched his arms and made a grabbing movement with his hands. Jai nodded and Veemon hopped on his back. He noticed Veemon wasn't very heavy.
"On second thoughts."
"I could carry Veemon too."
Jai responded to Kazu's earlier statement 'in a few hours'. Lucemon could never manage that. But, they had that.
"Wait a second. Lucemon can make portals through the fabric of the Digital world. Wouldn't that be easier?"
Jai examined Lucemon, he was tired and rather gloomy.
"Hey Lucemon, do portals still work?"
"Should do, if not then we will have to fly."
Jai put Veemon down for a second and took a few steps towards Kazu and Lief.
"All in favor of a trippy, disorientating and confusing portal, or a boring hour long flight?"

Kazu watched Toru defiantly object to his notion of fighting. There was something about the boy that Kazu liked, an innocent fire that burned brightly.
"Want to die again? No chance buddy. I know what that feels like and believe me I won't let that happen anytime soon!"
A knowing smile spread across his face.
"And who the hell says we don't stand a chance? It was the three of you last time, but now there's me aswell. Four heads are better than three."
Terriermon jumped onto Kazu's head defiantly.
"And who says I'm exhausted, you should learn to not jusdge a book by it's cover buddy!"
The bunny stuck his tounge out at Toru. Kazu mimicked his Digimon playfully and turned to Flare.
"Hmph, you say wait until a day when I'm stronger?"
Kazu slammed a fist into his opposing palm.
"Don't be silly. I'm of the opinion that every day provides us with new strength. Besides, don't you think we should be helping the poor defenseless Digi-Tamas? What about the children who live there? Are you saying we abandon them and let whatever arse is doing this get away with it? Hell no! We fight for Justice and that's why I suggest we get our arses in gear right now!"
Kazu grinned at Toru, he liked having this kid around, he seemed sensible. Something Kazu wasn't widley known for being. At hearing Jai's words of Portals Kazu became even more excited, the effect could b seen on Terriermon aswell, the rabbit practically jumping up and down in anticipation.


"Justice huh?"
The caped figure sat at the back of the Coffee House, watching the table intently. He'd been following the boy known as Lief for many days without being detected. The caped figure had heard of Lief's lan to find this Kazu boy and had followed suit. Now that he could see the Tamer for his own eyes, and after having witnessed the potential he held in combat, the caped figure knew he had found the right child. Hailing from Network City, he had been one of the members fighting back against the Dark Tamers, he had witnessed Lief fight that day, Kazu too. But he had also heard tales of the Kazu boy, of his involvement in the War of Memories, and then after the travesty of Network City, the events of Vaccine Sentinal Tower. The caped figure smiled. It was certianly the right time. With him riled up like this how could he refuse? He got up and walked over...


As Kazu was about to leap out the door, a figure approached. He wore a silver helmet and had a billowing red cape that concealed his right arm. He approached Kazu and spoke;
"Your name. It is Kazu Matsumoto correct."
Terriermon growled at the newcomer, he laughed.
"Fret not young one, I mean you no harm, nor the rest of your group."
He turned and gave a curtious bow to those gathered around the coffee table. As he did so, the Humaniod Digimon's cape slipped, rvealing his right arm... An arm that was totally robotic.
"Woah! Awesome!"
Kazu stared at the arm which was quickly swept out of sight under the cape again. The figure coughed to regain Kazu's attention and continued.
"I'm glad you like it. Not many people can apreciate it. However, I have come to inquire about your current plans. I hear you wish to protect Toy and Tama?"
Kazu nodded, the new figure was intruiging him more by the second.
"Allow for me to introduce myself. I am Justimon. I was Leader of the Network City defence Corps. I would be honoured to join you and your friends on this mission. If you'll have me?"
Kazu couldn't contain himself any longer. His smile was huge, he looked at the others.
"Check it out. Leader of the Network City Defense Corps is gonna help us out! Now you can't say no!"
He shook Justimon's other hand;
"Pleased to meet you Justimon, welcome to the team!"
Terriermon jumped from Kazu's head to the newcomer's and peeked over the helmet.
"You can see through this?"
Justimon laughed heartily.
"Of course. So what do you say. Saving the town sound good to you?"
Justimon grinned, he was glad he had made it into the group, the sence of Justice he could feel from everyone here was overwhelming, how could he have not acted. Kazu turned to Lief.
"Ok so that's me and Jai in favour of going now, plus Justimon makes three. Toru thinks we should hang up for a bit. What about you buddy?"
PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:32 pm

Kazu Matsumoto

Chaos Darkwing 559


Thank you for this guys, it was awesome and I've never had seen such a great dedication. Glad to let you all know I'm back though (Not Lief, he's dead) and I look forward to rping again!

Lief and Death

The air in the cafe grew cold. As if some evil presence had entered. Among the bustle of the shop A cloaked figure apeared. It stood in the doorway. Motionless. Casting an eye around the room he finally found what he was looking for...

As Kazu waited for Lief's reply something caused him to freeze. A feeling of cold ran through his body. He paused mid-sentence and his head snapped towards the door. He could only make out the sillouette of the cloaked figure but as he watched a pair of deep black wings flexed themselves out. It raised a hand.
"Light Tamers... Begone so the Dark Tamers may rule!"
Kazu's pupils shrank to dots, he slammed both hands down on the table and burst into his Burning Blue Digi-Soul Aura. He threw his hand out towards Toru and Jai, a pulse of energy shooting out. It would connect with their chests and knock them into the far wall along with their Digimon. The blast would numb their muscles totally, making them unable to move, only watch the unfolding madness.
Justimon's look of confusion faded after a split second as he saw the figure at the door. He leaped into the air as it shot a blast deeper then the night sky towards Kazu and Lief's Table. Kazu leapt out of the way to th right as Justimon arced above the blast, but Lief had not reacted fast enough, he jumped to his feet and turned around, the blast impacting him directly, sweeping him off his feet and throwing him into the wall. He was pinned there alongside Micheal for a few seconds and the burning black energy encompassed his entire body. Kazu looked up from the floor and swore quite heavily.
Kazu's aura had died down after blasting the young Tamers out of the way, Justimon nodded and spun in the air,
"Justice Kick!"
His leg extended and he dropped towards the cloaked figure like a meteor. The figure looked up and let out a cackle, ending it's blast.
He became insubstantial, Justimon passing right through him and smashing into th street outside. The cloaked figure laughed and turned to face Kazu,
"The Dark Tamers will win this war. I give you my leave, good luck surviving your friend over there."
"Voltage Blade!"
The figure vanished in a puff of smoke, Justimon busting from the purple cloud confused and with an electrical sword pertruding from his cybernetic arm. Kazu gritted his teeth and spun on his heel. Civillians had scattered and barely anyone was left in the cafe. He ran to the burn in the wall where Lief had collapsed. Kazu dropped onto one knee and grabbed Lief's shoulder.
"Wake up buddy. You ok?"
Black flames were burning on various points on his body. Kazu went to bat them out but his hand passed right through them, he gritted his teeth and shook Lief again.
"Lief... Lief wake u---"
Kazu gagged as Lief's arm shot up and clamped around his throat. A wicked smile crept across his face as Lief got to his feet, Kazu still locked in his grip.
"I'm fine Kazu... How about you?"
The sarcastic question filled the air, Lief's voice was different. It had a new weight to it that scared Kazu. The silver haired boy lifted his arm, and subsequently Kazu, into the air and looked into his eyes.
"Do you have any idea how long I've looked for you? he terrors that I saw in Network City after you ran off? Playing the hero as ever!"
Kazu's vision was fading. Micheal, Lief's Patamon, shook his head and began to glow. He erupted in light as he skiped straight from rookie to mega. Seraphimon stood beside Lief and laughed. His head spun to look at Justimon, in a flash he had teleported infront of the Justice Digimon and had lifted him into the air by his neck aswell. A bright light shone from Lief's side as his Digivice activated. A MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon appeared for a second before they merged and formed Omnimon. Another flash revealed an Ophanimon and finally an almighty light revealed an Alphamon.
"Well now Kazu. There is nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. I shall kill you. Properly. Where Marcus failed I shall succeed. Then..."
Lief shot a vicious look at the two young Tamers and their Digimon.
"...I shall kill those two. I cannot allow you to form this team of good hearted souls."
Kazu's head span, what was he talking about?
"Lief... Snap outta it. Call back your Digimon. We can... Talk."
Lief's grip tightned.
"Lief isn't here anymore!"
Kazu lashed out. He planted his foot in the center of Lief's chest causing him to loose his grip and drop Kazu. Micheal looked behind him to see what happened, Justimon took the oppertunity to use the same manuvere to escape. Kazu jumped backwards to the door of the Cafe. He didn't understand why Lief was doing this... Then it hit him. The dark blast from th cloaked figure. It had done something terrible to Lief, seemingly having robbed him of his identity and leaving only this twisted, evil person in his wake.
"Dammit. Guys!"
Kazu's green D-Arc glowed and three lights burst forth. Veemon, BanchoLeomon and AncientMermaimon.
"Feeling ok? Good to see you can stand."
BanchoLeomon cracked a knuckle and grinned.
"BanchoLeomon has not fought in a long time! This should be most fun!"
AncientMermaimon twirled her trident.
"I've been on healing duties since Network City. I'm ready to roll!"
Veemon rolled his arm and grinned.
"You think that scuffle at Vaccine Sentinal Tower was enough to throw me off? Hah!"
Justimon nodded.
"Come everyone, we must rescue Lief!"
There was a tense moment of silence as both Tamers stared each other down.
In an instant Veemon Digivolved to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, destroying the roof of the Cafe. Justimon tackled Micheal th Seriphimon through the wall and into the alleyways. Lancelot the Alphamon leaped into the air and away closely followed by BanchoLeomon. Imperialdramaon FM took off and was chased by Gawain the Omnimon.
Kazu flicked out a card from his pocket and swied it.
"Digi-Modify! Fly Away Activate!"
A pair of wings made of light burst from AncientMermaimon's back allowing her to fly into the street and dodge Gabriella the Ophanimon's attack. As Kazu put the card away a fist burst into his face, knocking him off his feet and into a table. He regained his sense of location and rolled off the table in time to avoid Lief's crushing blow. His elbow had blown the table clear in half.

Kazu had a good view of his friend now. The Lief he knew was barely recognisable. A black Digi-Soul aura surrounded him, two pairs of black feathery wings had torn through his shirt and were quivering on his back. His fingers had elongated and looked horribly sharp and twisted. His eyes had turned the deepest black, punctuated by yellow pupils that seemed to glow. Whoever the cloaked figure was, he had totally warped Kazu's friend.
"You turned this down Kazu... Do you see the power darkness can grant?"
A smile revealed a set of razor sharp teeth. An explosion rocked the building as BanchoLeomon was thrown through the building and out the other side, followed by Lancelot who was relentlessly assaulting him. Lief turned his head slightly to take a look, that's when Kazu acted. He spun his legs so they were underneath him and kicked off, one fist drawn backwards as he aimed a punch for Lief's gut. A flapping of wings and Lief had moved, he had launched into the air and landed behind Kazu. Spinning on his hind leg, Lief round-house kicked Kazu in his ribs. A nasty cracking sound could be heard as Kazu was lifted off his feet and thrown into the bar. As he collided, Kazu reached over his head and grabbed the railing. Lief dove forwards with his claws, looking to pierce straight through Kazu's chest. As the claws approached Kazu lifted himself up and into the air, using the railing as a pivot. Lief's clawed hand punched a hole straight through the bar as Kazu entered a hand-stand above him. He bent his arms then pushed off, launching himself into the air.
"Kazu use this!"
AncientMermaimon flew through the hole in the roof and swung her trident at her Tamer, Kazu bent his legs and planted his feet along th shaft of the weapon. As AncientMermaimon swung Kazu jumped, being shot at Lief at a great speed. Just as he left the Trident Justimon was blasted into AncientMermaimon by Micheal as Gabriella returned to the fight to blow Kazu's Digimon back outside with her lance. Kazu fliped in the air and came down hard on Lief's back, smashing the demonic man into the floor, cracking the floorboards and sending splinters everywhere. His ankle twisted causing him to yelp in pain as he fell off Lief's back and rolled across the floor. Gripping his ankle he looked at Lief. He was motionless for a few seconds, then the black wings twitched and he set alight with the firey black aura. He ripped his had out of the bar and stood up, his back cracking back into place as he did so. A trickle of blood ran down his chin. Wiping it away with his tounge Lief looked to Kazu.
"You think you can beat me? If that's the best you have then the Dark Tamers needn't have worried about... GRAAAAAH!!!"
Lief grabbed his head, screaming. Kazu was taken aback and got back to his feet, wincing as he stood on his twisted ankle. The demonic form of Lief looked at Kazu. But, something was different. One of the eyes had returned to normal and tears were streaming down one half of it's face.
"K-Kazu!? Quick! I-I can't hold him for long... Quickly! You've got... Got to... Kill this body!"
Kazu stared at the twin natured demon before him.
"Lief... I... You can't ask me to do that. I can't kill you! We'll find a way to ---"
Kazu stopped talking immediatly. The left side of Lief's face was normal and looked seriously into Kazu's eyes.
"I don't know... I don't know exactly what he's done to me... But I can't feel my body anymore..."
Tears rolled from the one normal eye.
"That thing. In the cloak... He's in my head. And he's winning. My body is under his control, he's distorted it. Warped it. I can no longer control any of it..."
He let out a sob, then regained his composure.
"I'm dead Kazu. The only reason my mind is still here is because that thing needs to occupy this space. GRAAAH!!"
The body gripped it's head again as it writhed in pain. Kazu's mind was blurred. What the hell could he do!?
"For God's Sake Kazu! I'm fading! If you don't kill me he'll have total control!"
As those words left his lips the one normal eye Lief had snapped back into the black and yellow.
"Persistent Brat..."
Without warning the demon body launched at Kazu, spiked fingers outstretched and ready to claw out his throat. Thinking fast Kazu rolled onto his back and watched Lief's hand fly above him, he bent back his good leg and booted Lief in the stomach. An audiable whooshing noise escaped his lips as all the air was blown out of him. He was flung over the top of Kazu and landed in a heap among a pile of chairs.
"Positron Laser!"
Two sources of immense light collided as Imperialdramon FM fought against Gawain the Omnimon. It filled the room with an eerie orange glow. Both combatant looked to the sky to see what it was. Kazu took action first, leaping forwards and aiming a kick with his good leg, Lief growled and burst into the dark aura again, this time he pointed straight at Kazu's chest and loosed a blast of dark energy. It slammed into Kazu's torso and sent him reeling. Collapsing to the floor Kazu coughed. He pushed himself into a crouching position and looked out of one of the broken walls. Smoke was rising all across The Underworld as his and Lief's Digimon waged savage battle against one another. He clenched a fist.
Kazu exploded into his Digi-Soul Aura. The piercing blue a very sharp contrast to the pitch black of Lief's.
"I'll save you!"
Lief's body screeched at Kazu in responce and the pair flew at each other fists raised. Both launched a furious flurry of combo's and blocks, their arms blurring as their Digi-Soul enhanced fight got progressively faster. The ground began to shake as the battles outside began to upscale aswell, a stray blast from Lancelot disintergrated the wall behind Kazu while one of Justimon's attacks blew out the entire front of the cafe. The entire district was falling apart, civillians fled and buildings fell as the two warriors clashed. Each blow was potentially fatal. Each block was lifesaving. Kazu roared and lept backwards, the claws of Lief's body raked three lines across his chest and sent a small spurt of blood arcing through the air. Kazu winced in pain then dropped to all fours and spun his legs around, sweeping Lief off his feet. Kazu then jumped into the air and griped Lief's shirt. Holding tight to it he crouched on his falling body and kicked off, propelling him into the ground with much force. As Kazu's jump reached it's peak a clawed hand lashed out and grabbed Kazu's leg. The claws dug through his jeans like butter and bloodied his already bad leg. Lief wrenched Kazu's leg spinning the boy above his head by his extremity and then releasing him, hurling him behind the bar, shattering dozens of bottles and covering Kazu in broken glass and unknown liquids.
"You... Are a persistent brat..."
Lief's body dragged itself off the ground and staggered over to the bar. He dug in his claws and wrenched the entire construct out of the ground and hurled it out into the street with an almighty crash. He looked down upon Kazu, who was slumped over, blood running down his forehead as the contents of the bottles he'd smashd poured onto him.
"Now this ends. Lief is ---"
Kazu erupted. His blue aura shattered every other bottle that hadn't broken and a second green aura encompassed both the first one and Kazu himself as the Nature Spirit Digi-Memory activated. Kazu lifted his head and looked dead into Lief's eyes.
"Let go... Of my friend!"
Kazu's eyes had changed. While they were usually blue, they both now looked like they were on fire, his right eye burning blue and the other burning green. He swept his feet around and used them to propell him to his feet, aiming a punch for Lief's chest as he did so.
Lief froze. Both eyes returned to normal, his guard lowered, tears welled up. Kazu's burning eyes widened in shock.
But it was too late.
Kazu's fist slammed into Lief's chest. Burning clean through the shirt and sizzling as it hit his chest. Kazu's fist was engulfed in a blue-green light, he looked into Lief's eyes. A tear rolled down the silver haired man's cheek.
"Thank you..."
Kazu's fist erupted in a glorious blue-green blast. An enormous column of energy tore through the cafe and out into the street, carving a groov into the ground and blowing holes in the walls of buildings that hadn't fallen yet. Each of Kazu's Digimon looked at the light thn back at their opponents. Each of Lief's Digimon looked shocked. As if they had awoken from a trance.
"Lief... He's gone."
"Then... So are we."
"Thank you."
"Kazu did what our master wished for."
Gabrielle, Lancelot, Gawain and Micheal smiled tearfully at AncientMermaimon, BanchoLeomon, Imperialdramon and Justimon as they began to break down into data. Kazu's Digimon looked on, tears freely flowing down their cheeks. First Lancelot faded, then Gabrielle, Gawain was third. When only Micheal's had was left, he looked to Kazu's partners.
"He will suffer over this. Hate himself for it. Do not let this sway Kazu. He must be... A guiding light of the Digital World..."
With that the final 1's and 0's of Micheal's code blew into the wind. Imperialdramon reverted to Veemon and AncientMermaimon back to Mermaimon. They stood still together.
"Lets go..."

Kazu howled in utter despair. Lief's body limp in his arms.
"Why!? Why did you take control then!? You knew! You knew that the dark b*****d could have blocked it! So why!"
Tears flooded Kazu's vision as he stared upon Lief's still form. He slammed a fist into the ground, not caring that he'd punched a shard of glass. He pulled Lief in closer, gripping him tightly.
"This isn't what I wanted! You were supposed to be saved! To live! You can't die..."
A sudden ray of hope filled Kazu's mind. He fumbled with his Digivice and hammered the keys.
"Buraimon! Buraimon! You need to turn into Chronomon! Save him! Please!"
Tear drops pattered onto the screen, Buraimon's face appeared, he looked full of sorrow.
"Master... I can't. Even if I could Digivolve into Chronomon. I can only revive the dead who recieve Yggdrasil's blessing. And if he dies without meeting Yggdrasil... I'm sorry."
Kazu's hand shook in fear and fury. He shouted and threw his Digivice against the wall. He looked at Lief and began sobbing again. After a few minutes he felt something touch his face.
"Kazu... Thank you..."
Lief's eyes were open, barely, his voice was raspy and yet he still had a smile uon his face.
"I don't want to... Be remembered like this. As a monster..."
Kazu's eyes lit up, Lief was still alive!
"It's ok, no one will have to rememeber you if you're alive! Come on, let's get you fixed up..."
Lief grabbed Kazu's tattered shirt and pulled him close.
"Kazu... I can't... I won't make it... Please... Don't blame yourself... This was my choice... And mine alone... I'm so glad I found you."
Tears were rolling down both men's faces as Lief uttered his final words.
"But Lief."
A finger shushed Kazu as it rested on his lips.
"You're strong Kazu. Do not let this hold you back... Keep moving forward. Believe in yourself and if not that, then believe in me who believes in you. Because no matter what happens... I want you to go on. To keep following the dreams you spoke of. Become... A saviour to the Digital World. And don't let me be remembered... Like this."
Kazu's sobs, were racking his body as Lief spoke. He rubbed his eyes and steeled himself,
"Of course not! You'll go down in history as a hero!"
Lief smiled...
"Lief Pyrex... The Hero... Has a nice... Ring to it..."
The most innocent smile dawned on Lief's face as he shut his eyes. Shut out the world. Shut out the light. Shut out the Dark. They would never open in this world again. His body began to degrade, 1's and 0's floated off of his corpse in a melencholic manner. Kazu watched them rise into the sky and fade, his tears soaking his clothes. A hand rested on his shoulder. Veemon and the others had returned. Kazu wached as Lief's peaceful face broke down and vanished. There was nothing left. He was gone. Dead.
Kazu flung himself into Veemon, wailing in emotional agony. Veemon gripped him tight. Mermaimon, BanchoLeomon and Justimon gathered around and joined the hug.
"He's dead Veemon... Gone and never coming back..."
Kazu's first partner and closest friend simply nodded and hugged him tighter...

After about 20 minutes Kazu was sitting at one of the few remaining tables. Only Veemon was still active, the others had returned to the Digivice to break the bad news and rest after the battle that had torn The Underworld asunder. Kazu's eyes were red where the tears had dried. He sat with his head in his hands. Veemon looked over to Toru and Jai, who were still paralysed on the floor.
"That blast should be wearing off soon... Try flexing your muscles... If either of you have any ideas about what to do, I think now would be the time to say something..."
He pulled u some chairs to the ruined table and sat back next to Kazu.
"I'll do it..."
Veemon offered a quizzical look to his Tamer.
"Do what Kazu?"
Kazu leaned back in his chair and beckoned the other two over.
"To do what Lief was aiming for. To put together a team, a guild of sorts. Where do-gooders like us can work togther to stop the madness of the darkness. The Dark Tamers. Anything that could threaten to overthrow light."
He gave a bloodshot look to Toru and Jai. Blood was dripping from his chest, leg, head and he was cradling his right arm. It was horribly burned from the amount of power he had channelled through it. He could barely move it.
"Congratulations. You two will be the first I make the offer to. Lief has a base built at Dragon Eye Lake. If you know anyone else who can join let me know now. We'll pick them up and go to Dragon Eye."
Kazu's resolve was hard as Diamond. He would carry out Lief's final will and testament. This Guild of Light. And he would ensure that the Dark Tamers would pay for what they did today. Nobody would ever hurt Kazu’s friends and get away with it ever again…

Jai wretched in pain as he stood up, a shadow cast over his eyes, doubt filled his mind.
"What happened?"
Jai looked up at the destroyed Kazu, and the dead Lief.
"Kazu! Your hurt!"
Jai ran over to Kazu, yet stopped dead in his tracks. His head jerked to the side, and shot a hollow stare at Lief's body.
"He's... Dead..."
Jai filled with tears, his soul ripped to shreds at the sight of a corpse, a corpse of someone who helped him. He broke out in a sob, and slowly stood up. he grasped Kazu's arm, and squeezed tightly. Jai had never been this sad, so filled with anger. He squeezed harder that any other person would wet themselves in pain, but Kazu was tough. He let out a wolf like growl and then banged his foot against the floor. He squeezed, his sub-consious was telling him to stop, that he would actually hurt Kazu even more, but he wouldn't listen.

His arm shone, a vein of white light streamed up it. Jai looked at his limb, and shouted in shock. He couldn't let go of Kazu, and the light got brighter. His left arm was now consumed by a white and yellow gauntlet, not made from metal, but pure innocent light. The light leaped onto Kazu, and filled in the wounds. as the light consumed a part of Kazu, it healed, then moved on. A faint circle shone above Jai's head, a halo of pure soul, which spun like a rotor blade on an aircraft. Soon Kazu was consumed in light, that soon died out, to reveal clean flesh.
"I, I healed you. How? How is that possible?"

Jai hopped back from Kazu in surprise of his power. The gauntlet vanished, followed by the halo. Jai's head spun, and finally recalled the situation, specifically what Kazu said about Dragon eye lake.
"Do-gooders? A team of the true and just?"
Jai sniffed, and a tear ran down his face. His head shot up and his heart was filled with motivation.
"I will join!"
Lucemon awoke, it was his turn to speak. Lucemon had become quiet recently, so it was a relif to hear his soft voice.
"I agree with Jai's choice, and i am sure Veemon does too. I am sorry that Lief died here, we should, no, we have to make a grave for him."
Lucemon sighed and turned to a wall.
"Ok, lets go pick up Rei, as Lief had promised back in Toy and Tama town."
Lucemon sunk his fingers into a wall and ripped it open, revealing a magnifisent swirl of code.
"Ok then..."
Lucemon's hands pressed against the portal, as if it was solid. He then spun around as to guard the portal.
"Toru, you ready?"

Everything was going perfectly everyone was getting along. They were all becoming friends. Toru let out a small smile as he saw the group forming and bonding. This round table showed a group of friends that will never be broken. But that all changed. The air around Toru changed. Something dark something evil was among them. Toru turned to late. A dark tamer was standing tall and encased in his darkness. He was screaming out words that were comprehensible at first but then disappeared. Toru turned and saw an arc of blue light coming forth and hitting square in the chest. It hurt but not for long as the world around him began to swirl into darkness. Toru passed out.

He awoke to cries and screams. Something that was never a good sign. He awoke to a final goodbye. Toru got up from the start and began to feel the motions coming back into him. Slowly he used his knees as support and he swayed on his way up. Toru looked around. Flare disappeared but he felt close. He must have retreated to the digivice when Toru was knocked out. Toru looked up and saw flashes. One moment it was Lief on the floor. Another was his digimon disappearing to data. The final was Lief dying. This concept of death was new and fresh. Toru walked forward stumbling on the debris. When he reached the body of Lief he could already feel him leaving.

Something felt wet on Toru's cheek. Bringing his hand up he felt a tear fall from his face. He was actually crying. He rubbed his eyes but they could not just stop. He heard Kazu talking about forming a team a Light Guild of sorts. Toru wanted to answer, but his body did the talking. His legs turned and ran out of the coffee shop. Tears flooding from his face. Toru did not run far off from the shop but was still in visible sights. He ran to the wall and began to breath hard. He put his hand on the wall for support as he began to hyperventilate. The tears still poured. "Why?" This reoccurring question formed in his head. "Why....we were getting along so well why? Why did he have to die?" The tears of sorrow changed into tears of rage. A whole was created in his chest that would take forever to fill. He clenched his fist and punched the wall. He lost control.

Soon his hands began to glow. As circles of inscribed magic began to flow out and take form. This circle inscribed the data of fire magic. As Toru screamed and thrust his hands out and released the magic. Flames leaped and danced over the area and surrounded his body in a tornado. He soon went out of control.

Kazu gasped as Jai gripped his arm. He didn't fight it, he deserved it. He'd killed Lief. Murder. He had blood on his hands. Suddenly the pain peaked and then vanished. A pure white light emitted from Jai's hands and a halo appeared ever so briefly as Kazu was flooded with light. All his injuries healing.
"It's gotta be... Digi-Soul. Congrats Jai."
Kazusaid no more on the matter, leaving the issue unfinished. He saw Toru awaken and scream, sprinting outside and becoming engulfed in flames. Kazu bowed his head. These two Tamers were much to young to have experienced something like this.
"Veemon. Look after Jai. We'll head to the File Mountains after we re-group."
He walked out of the coffee shop and towards Toru. As the flames swept across the young boy Kazu pulled back a fist. He plunged a hand quickly into the flames, spinning Toru to face him, the then threw his other hand forward belting the boy in the face.
"Toru! Snap out of it!"
Kazu pulled his arm back, Toru's flames had wamed up his arms but h'd been quick enough to avoid a burn. He took a few steps back towards the ruined cafe. Locals were begining to return to thee battle-torn area, and some were looking for someone to blame. Kazu turned his head to Toru.
"We need to get going. I'll pick up Jai's friend and then head to Dragon Eye lake. We'll make a proper memorial once we arrive there. Come on."
Kazu walked back over to Jai and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"This lets us out on File Mountains right?"
He turned to face the two young Tamers.
"Please... You really think about whether you want to join with me or not."
Veemon smiled to the Tamers.
"Make your last minute preperations and then follow us through."
Kazu held out his hand and took Veemon's before diving head-first into the swirling mass of code.

The world seemed to spin causing him to be plunged deeper and deepr into the darkness of his psyche. He didnt like the loss of a friend. It seemed like he would live in the world of darkness forever. Forever until he heard a voice calling him back. Toru looked up in the darkness and saw the voice it was Kazu. Moving forward he came out of the psyche and back to the real world. He came just in time to feel a fist across the face. The blow was strong enough for him to be knocked back and to dispel the magic he had produced. Toru sat there while Kazu spoke to him sobbing still but not as much. He didnt listen to much of what Kazu had to say but he slowly stood and swayed to the sides as he walked with Kazu back to the shop. He was quiet and did not know how to respond. But a thought came into his head. A memory flashed in his head. It was the dark tamer that took the life of Lief. It was all of the Dark Tamers fault they were to blame. Toru clenched his fists and then came out of his sullen mood. He looked at the group with eyes of fire and determination. Determination to end all of the Dark Tamers that stood in his path. He spoke stone cold as his eye brow closed in and gave an angry look. "Dont worry Kazu....Jai" He looked to the group "I will not back down from this fight." He looked down at his newly clenched fists. "I dont want to see more people suffer" He looked up at the group. "It is time to end this war. We need a crew and I am willing to help you in your quest Kazu." He gave a nod to Kazu and then to Jai. He looked at the mass of swirling code in front of him and leaped forward. He finally found a place to belong. It was time for it to stay that way and he doesnt want it to change.

Lucemon watched as everyone passed through the portal, and him, Veemon and Jai followed. Lucmeon clenched his hands against the sides, ever so tightly while being sucked deeper into the portal. At last he slammed the portal shut and fell through.


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